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You cannot reasonably build an ISP network with single /64. RIPE assigns /32s to LIRs and LIRs are supposed to assign /48s downstream (which is somewhat wasteful for most of kinds of mass-market customers, so you get things like /56s and /60s).

As I said, "should". In some places there will be enough people in the chain that won't be bothered to go to the LIR directly. Think small rural ISPs in small countries.

What if it uses NAT v6 :D

i cannot tell if facetious or business genius.

Well seriously, I remember AT&T cellular giving me an ipv6 behind a cgnat (and also an ipv4). Don't quote me on that though.

That’s what Azure does. They also only allow a maximum of 16(!) IPv6 addresses per Host because of that.

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