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That may be true mathematically, but there are no guarantees that a small provider won't end up having only a single /64, which would likely be the default unit of range-based blocking. Yes, it "shouldn't" happen.

You cannot reasonably build an ISP network with single /64. RIPE assigns /32s to LIRs and LIRs are supposed to assign /48s downstream (which is somewhat wasteful for most of kinds of mass-market customers, so you get things like /56s and /60s).

As I said, "should". In some places there will be enough people in the chain that won't be bothered to go to the LIR directly. Think small rural ISPs in small countries.

What if it uses NAT v6 :D

i cannot tell if facetious or business genius.

Well seriously, I remember AT&T cellular giving me an ipv6 behind a cgnat (and also an ipv4). Don't quote me on that though.

That’s what Azure does. They also only allow a maximum of 16(!) IPv6 addresses per Host because of that.

Right. It's analogous to how blocking an ipv4 is unfair to smaller providers using cgnat. But if someone wants to connect to your server, you might want them to have skin in the game.

The provider doesn't care, the owner of the server who needs to log in from their home internet at 2AM in an emergency cares. Bad actors have access to botnets, the server admin doesn't.

Unfortunately the only answer is "pay to play." If you're a server admin needing emergency access, you or your employer should pay for an ISP that isn't using cgnat (and has reliable connectivity). Same as how you probably have a real phone sim instead of a cheap voip number that's banned in tons of places.

Or better yet, a corp VPN with good security practices so you don't need this fail2ban-type setup. It's also weird to connect from home using password-based SSH in the first place.

> you or your employer should pay for an ISP that isn't using cgna

That may not be an option at all, especially with working from home or while traveling.

For example at my home all ISPs i have available use cgnat.

> That may not be an option at all, especially with working from home or while traveling.

Your work doesn't provide a VPN?

> For example at my home all ISPs i have available use cgnat.

Doubtful - you probably just need to pay for a business line. Somtimes you can also just ask nicely for a non-NATed IP but I imagine this will get rarer as IP prices increase.

The better answer is to just ignore dull password guessing attempts which will never get in because you're using strong passwords or public key authentication (right?).

Sometimes it's not a matter of price. If you're traveling your only option for a network connection could be whatever dreck the hotel deigns to provide.

Even with strong passwords, maybe you don't want someone attempting to authenticate so quickly. Could be DoS or trying to exploit sshd. If you're traveling, cellular and VPN are both options. VPN could have a similar auth dilemma, but there's defense in depth.

Also it's unlikely that your hotel's IP address is spamming the particular SSH server you need to connect to.

> Even with strong passwords, maybe you don't want someone attempting to authenticate so quickly. Could be DoS or trying to exploit sshd.

DoS in this context is generally pretty boring. Your CPU would end up at 100% and the service would be slower to respond but still would. Also, responding to a DoS attempt by blocking access is a DoS vector for anyone who can share or spoof your IP address, so that seems like a bad idea.

If someone is trying to exploit sshd, they'll typically do it on the first attempt and this does nothing.

> Also it's unlikely that your hotel's IP address is spamming the particular SSH server you need to connect to.

It is when the hotel is using the cheapest available ISP with CGNAT.

Good point on the DoS. Exploit on first attempt, maybe, I wouldn't count on that. Can't say how likely a timing exploit is.

If the hotel is using such a dirty shared IP that it's also being used to spam random SSH servers, that connection is probably impractical for several other reasons, e.g. flagged on Cloudflare. At that point I'd go straight to a VPN or hotspot.

Novel timing attacks like that are pretty unlikely, basically someone with a 0-day, because otherwise they quickly get patched. If the adversary is someone with access to 0-day vulnerabilities, you're pretty screwed in general and it isn't worth a lot of inconvenience to try to prevent something inevitable.

And there is no guarantee you can use another network connection. Hotspots only work if there's coverage.

Plus, "just use a hotspot or a VPN" assumes you were expecting the problem. This change is going to catch a lot of people out because the first time they realize it exists is during the emergency when they try to remote in.

I already expect unreliable internet, especially while traveling. I'm not going to have to explain why I missed a page while oncall.

Well, allocating anything smaller than a /64 to a customer breaks SLAAC, so even a really small provider wouldn't do that as it would completely bork their customers' networks. Yes, DHCPv6 technically exists as an alternative to SLAAC, but some operating systems (most notably Android) don't support it it all.

There are plenty of ISPs that assign /64s and even smaller subnet to their customers. There are even ISPs that assign a single /128, IPv4 style.

We should not bend over backwards for people not following the standard.

Build tools that follow the standard/best practices by default, maybe build in an exception list/mechanism.

IPv6 space is plentiful and easy to obtain, people who are allocating it incorrectly should feel the pain of that decision.

I can't imagine why any ISP would do such absurd things when in my experience you're given sufficient resources on your first allocation. My small ISP received a /36 of IPv6 space, I couldn't imagine giving less than a /64 to a customer.

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