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yes, Meg Whitman

Exactly, the takeaway here is that Meg Whitman had no business running HP. That said I admit I am biased against her because of the really really ill informed way she decided important technical issues.

Just in case people don't know how stupid Meg is, she (1) acquired Skype; (2) did not acquire Skype's p2p tech; (3) fucked the Skype founders on an earn out; (4) was apparently shocked when said founders declined to renew the licensing deal for the p2p tech.

What business ebay, an auctions company, had owning Skype was never explained.

Discussion has mostly disappeared from the internet, but you can still find traces eg https://techcrunch.com/2009/07/31/ebay-in-litigation-with-sk...

Did Meg Whitman make that purchase, or was it the CEO at the time, Léo Apotheker?

Apotheker had already agreed the deal.

It was her Bay of Pigs. Literally

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