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To me that voice never sounded like her. Even when I try to listen as if it is really her talking. The voice in the movie 'Her' was very distinct. Not this one though.

What about the voice of actress who actually did lend her voice for Sky? Can she claim that this is her voice?

>OpenAI said. “To protect their privacy, we cannot share the names of our voice talents.”

Not sure the angle there though? If I was the voice actor I'd love for them to share my name, maybe lead to other gigs.

The angle of why they would want to protect the voice actor's privacy? My guess is that their fear is people becoming attached to the voice in a sort of parasocial relationship, then seeking out the original voice actor to try and turn that parasocial relationship into something more.

Excellent point, I had not thought of that.

Don't tell Nina Rolle...

If I were a voice actor, I wouldn't risk sharing my name because 95% of VAs and creators in general would hate me. It's like declaring "I'm using AI to enhance my art" on Twitter, but worse.

Yes ut would be the first time I’d see an actor refusing to be credited for their work.

No way, you can easily get the internet outrage machine pointed at you in this situation.

Did you read the part where they approached her to "license" the voice up until days before release? Plausible deniability would be a lot more believable if that wouldn't have been the case.

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