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> But it kind of looks like they released it knowing they couldn't defend it in court which must seem pretty bonkers to investors.

That actually seems like there may be a few people involved and one of them is a cowboy PM who said fuck it, ship it to make the demo. And then damage control came in later. Possibly the PM didn't even know about the asks for permission?

The whole company behaves like rogue cowboys.

If a PM there didn’t say “fuck it ship it even without her permission” they’d probably be replaced with someone who would.

I expect the cost of any potential legal action/settlement was happily accepted in order to put on an impressive announcement.

> a cowboy PM who said fuck it, ship it to make the demo.

Given the timeline it sounds like the PM was told "just go ahead with it, I'll get the permission".

Ken Segall has a similar Steve Jobs story, he emails Jobs that the Apple legal team have just thrown a spanner in the works days before Ken's agency is set to launch Apple's big ad campaign and what should he do?

Jobs responds minutes later... "Fuck the lawyers."

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