Location: Orem, Utah
Remote: Yes
Willing to relocate: No
Technologies: Technical Writing, Information Development, User Experience/User Interface (UX/UI), Electronics Engineering, Computer Engineering
Résumé/CV: https://www.dropbox.com/scl/fi/f2pyhgz8dk02nvyue7nkh/Steve_Fassmann-Technical_Writer.pdf?rlkey=xaf8vas2r2a3qgvyrccq142gp&dl=0
Email: stephan /dot/ fassmann /at/ gmail /dot/ com
I create documentation that allows customers to be successful using our product. I reduced support calls by 60%.
I reduced support call duration by 40% by expanding the knowledge base with 200+ articles.
I save you from unforced error because I found that customers were not getting the license keys they paid for because the Licensing could not generate the keys, and the database team misplaced many customers in a migration, saving $50 million in customer accounts.