Share your information if you are looking for work. Please use this format:
Willing to relocate:
Please only post if you are personally looking for work. Agencies, recruiters, job boards,
and so on, are off topic here.
Readers: please only email these addresses to discuss work opportunities.
Remote: strongly prefer in person or hybrid
Willing to relocate: I'm very happy in the Boston area, so only under extraordinary circumstances
Technologies: data science, machine learning, technical communication, simulation, optimization, physically motivated models, heuristics; Julia, Python (Django, numpy, scipy, sklearn, cupy, pandas), AWS, Postgres/Postgis, Snowflake, Gurobi, NLopt, etc.
Email: in the resume
Blurb: PhD in operations research -> startup employee #2 -> scale startup, gradually moving from data science IC to VP of data science + software engineering -> now looking for mission-meaningful hands-on technical work. I'm particularly good at technical communication as well as translating from the physical world (science/business) to math models. Open to companies of any size, especially motivated by the biosecurity, biotech, robotics, and clean energy sectors.
Something cool I built that's not work related: in the spirit of Outer Wilds