I think you've mixed your Bytes and bits here. Not sure where the power and area numbers come from but I'd expect NVLink to be worse on both counts for similar bandwidths since they shipped much, much earlier.
PCIe 7.0 is 512GB/s and not 512Gbps. 512GB/s is the full-duplex bandwidth. It sits between NVLink2 and NVLink3.
Checked your numbers in another thread - excellent breakdown. Thanks for the clarification.
I did not read the original anandtech post so I did not realize the 512GBps already refers to the full-duplex bandwidth. You are right that PCIe 7.0 x16 sits between V100 and A100 NVLink.
PCIe 7.0 is 512GB/s and not 512Gbps. 512GB/s is the full-duplex bandwidth. It sits between NVLink2 and NVLink3.
I gave a fuller breakdown in a sibling thread.