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Agreed. Sample: https://raw.githubusercontent.com/Michaelangel007/nanofont3x...

It's difficult to read even when you know it's the Declaration of Independence.

That's not quite the fault of the font. It's the fault of the author who decided to use very small pixels. The sample images are unreadable as presented, but they're a lot more readable magnified 300%. You have to achieve a certain size before it's possible to see anything, but you don't need much detail.

However, given that the size is required anyway, there's no downside to using more detail. This font could be useful for a display with enormous pixels, but it's useless otherwise.

No I couldn't make it out even scaled up. I'd see a square, or three dots, and even relying upon context of other nearby letters I could reasonably well recognize there's no way to see if that's an [a, e, s, o, n, m] or what.

At this pixel scale I say just blat brail onto the screen and give people one more reason to learn that already well established and unambiguous writing system.

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