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Whe I was in high school I had plenty of dull classes to sit through. I’m old enough that there were no phones and laptops to keep entertained.

My parents had a laser printer for their business. I realized that it had a very high DPI and also very little ink bleed. I started printing whole books I downloaded at the smallest font size that I could managed to still read, just a few point. I removed line breaks and printed out whole books on a page or two. I found it incredible how much tiny text I could fit on a page.

In class I would read with a little half folded sheet of paper hidden in a notebook. Sci-fi, Russian lit, biographies, classics. I was never caught, but it’s bizarre to think back that I was reading Crime and Punishment while the rest of the class was learning fake American history propaganda.

> Sci-fi, Russian lit, biographies, classics. I was never caught, but it’s bizarre to think back that I was reading Crime and Punishment while the rest of the class was learning fake American history propaganda.

Sounds possible your teachers figured as much and let it slide.

I did eventually show a teacher and they were shocked. Their older eyes had no way of focusing on the text and they could barely tell it was anything but a sheet with grey lines.

I was reading Crime and Punishment while the rest of the class was learning fake American history propaganda.

You were simply unaware of the classmates who were secretly mastering the tiny 3d printed blade.

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