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The default Ubuntu Gnome based desktop offends me. It's like the designers thought MacOS was far too confusing and customizable, so they didn't expose more options than would confuse a toddler. This wouldn't bother me if their design choices hadn't been so hostile.

It's little things. The thing that bothers me every day is the 1px window borders which I fight to be able to grab with my high dpi laser mouse on a perfect tracking surface. 1px borders also means when I place windows side by side I can't help but grab the wrong window when adjusting them, so I have to deliberately leave a little gap between them, and the gap width is never perfectly consistent.

Yeah it's linux, so I could load up any number of alternate desktop environments or tiling WMs, but I'd much rather mess around with my code than sink time into customizing my GUI. I'm also hesitant to go nuts customizing my work linux box as there's value in having a similar setup to others you're working with.

The resize area is much larger than the visible border for me. Maybe it’s an Ubuntu change.

> The thing that bothers me every day is the 1px window borders which I fight to be able to grab with my high dpi laser mouse

Oh know exactly what you mean. For me that’s proof enough the people who built it aren’t eating their own dog food.


This is how to resize windows, this should be non tile window manager 101.

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