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Quantum Soccer (2009) (gregegan.net)
72 points by nsilvestri 3 months ago | hide | past | favorite | 4 comments

For years I had the idea of making a quantum version of the breakout game. In conception quite similar to this, but in detail I pictured modelling it as a photon in an infinite square well. Start with it very localized as a wave packet. Let the bricks be observations: continually they either exclude the photon-ball or observe it to have location within the brick boundaries (and then very uncertain velocity subsequently by Heisenberg uncertainty). A brick would be removed when that occurs. I never got around to coding though...

Neat this also shows up in Rainbow's End by Vernor Vinge which seems to pull a lot of themes from the short story this is used in.


greg egan is a f'in G. what a boss.

Greg Egan of course.

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