I would want an equivalent of cublas optimized for my specific GPU model and implementing the same API.
AFAIK cublas and other first-party libraries are hand-optimized by nVidia for different generations of their hardware, with dynamic dispatch in runtime for optimal performance. Pretty sure none of these versions would run optimally on AMD GPUs because ideally AMD GPUs run 64 threads / wavefront, nVidia GPUs run 32 threads / wavefront.
> The object code of a program may be copyrighted as expression, 17 U.S.C. § 102(a), but it also contains ideas and performs functions that are not entitled to copyright protection. See 17 U.S.C. § 102(b).
> Object code cannot, however, be read by humans.
> The unprotected ideas and functions of the code therefore are frequently undiscoverable in the absence of investigation and translation that may require copying the copyrighted material.
> We conclude that, under the facts of this case and our precedent, Connectix's intermediate copying and use of Sony's copyrighted BIOS was a fair use for the purpose of gaining access to the unprotected elements of Sony's software.
If it is totally fine in the EU, why not just host it there? Spain (or whoever) could start up a cottage industry of ignore-local-ip-law-as-a-service. The Uber of IP law.
The US uses trade agreements to enforce the rule in the EU. Spain used to be quite lenient with copyright, but the US threatened to block all sales to Spain of movies and music. Then a minister basically implemented new restrictions a week before their term was up.
It makes sense in that context.