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Most people overestimate what they can achieve in a year and underestimate what they can achieve in ten years. Bill Gates

If you decide to learn the lyre today, a year hence you’ll still be a beginner. But by the time you’re forty you will be good at it, modulo quitting because the lyre is not for you. But even if you quit tomorrow but took it back up at forty, you could be pretty good by the time you’re sixty.

Which suggests that your interests will change over time as you learn more about the world and more importantly more about yourself.

One thing worth learning is that not only can you no longer keep up, but that the periods where you felt you were keeping up were an hallucination. There’s simply too much and humans are too little…

…the feeling of keeping up is the result of keeping out at worst and ordinary ignorance at best.

So just learn what you learn and enjoy the time you get to do it.

Good luck.

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