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No. This just says some engineers can (like some MBAs). There is no intrinsic link between being an engineer and being a great CEO. Most engineers are not executives.

This argument relies on false equivalence and isn’t even rational.

Except top executives are engineering degree holders. They are, and that’s a fact. The majority of top performing companies are headed by engineering degree holding CEOs.

But you keep making the same wrong points and trying to play devils advocate on positions that you don’t back up.

You are wrong. A plurality is, but not majority (https://hbr.org/2018/11/the-best-performing-ceos-in-the-worl...).

If you want to claim an intrinsic link between being an engineer and being a top performing CEO, you need to show something different anyway. For example, that the proportion of engineers that are great CEOs is higher than the proportion of MBAs or lawyers or chemist or ... that are great CEOs. Maybe that is true, but I haven't seen it. Edit: we could also look at a narrower problem, for example: is the performance of engineer CEOs in "engineering companies" better on average than that of non-engineer CEOs in that sector?

I am not saying engineers cannot be good CEOs, just that the link between being an engineer and a good CEO is (probably) not intrinsic.

I never claimed an intrinsic link.

I’ve already established higher performance in the many replies I have given to your many comments.

Have a great day!

You earlier claimed there is an intrinsic link:

"If you have a great executive ticking all the boxes - splendid. But there is no intrinsic link between being an engineer and being a good CEO (same holds for other disciplines, btw.). You could have engineers that qualify, lawyers, MBAs, mathematicians, physicists, ...


happytiger 2 hours ago | root | parent | next [–]

There is. You’re flat out incorrect."

You never established higher performance.

Have a great day

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