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Remote exploit found in all WooThemes (gist.github.com)
92 points by jasongill on April 29, 2012 | hide | past | favorite | 53 comments

Now of course it was improper to reveal this before informing WooThemes, so they can patch it and inform their users before this hole gets exploited on a massive scale.

But just look at the code itself. Does this look like the authors even give a crap about security? Or half decent code in general? Those 3 lines of code alone make me cry, and it pretty much screams "potential security issue".

This kind of crap is endemic in the WordPress ecosystem, and virtually every theme and plugin is a security hole waiting to be exploited.

Now if you're sharing your code freely that's one thing, but these guys run a business and are asking money for this. One of their selling points, the first on their homepage: "Solid Code Framework". Seriously.

And one of the authors commented the issue was patched... apparently discretely without notifying any user that they're at risk.

All the glory of closed source development back in action!

Apparently it wasn't fixed (or at least the fix hasn't been released to customers yet): https://gist.github.com/2523147#gistcomment-288527

(Gist author posts a longer explanation, and mentions this as part of his message.)

It appears that they wrote a fix but then (the next day, I believe) had their server troubles. During that mix-up, the file which alerts the theme that there is an update was broken, so their patch basically hasn't "been released" to their existing customers yet.

"WordPress installations with unsecured shortcodes (such as [php] which allows raw PHP code to be run) are vulnerable to serious attacks if WooThemes are installed..." (emphasis mine)

Wow, I had no idea that was even possible, but on the surface it seems incredibly stupid to allow an editor to add server-side code to content in a CMS.

Welcome to WordPress!

+ Marvel at the efficiency where anonymous subscribers are stored in the same database table as all-powerful system admins, which makes it much easier to upgrade anonymous Internet commenters to admins using local privilege escalation.

+ Enjoy at least five different ways to execute arbitrary code against the server from the admin console. For added fun, they're secured independently from each other!

+ Stop wasting time with fine-grained permissions models: all plugins/themes get unrestricted read/write access to the database and arbitrary code execution by default.

+ Experiencing a shortage of qualified engineers? No problem! We've lowered barriers to contribution so much that a significant portion of the community output has been made by people who know just enough PHP to eval($_GET["something"]). You'll find them in our semi-curated plugin/themes lists, sorted by star rating, with easy one-click access for admins to install on your server.

(I actually like Wordpress, but certainly not for its security record.)

Wordpress requires a single database user that has CRUD access to the entire thing, so I'm not sure how you could benefit by separating admins and commenters. Could you give an example?

I agree with your comment, though. Wordpress has poor coding practices built into the core (arguably like the language it's written in).

Happy to elaborate.

Here's the way NOT to do it: Bingo Card Creator has a single users table with a role attribute. Setting role to "admin" makes your account into me. This is dangerous because it increases the damage someone can do with other attacks -- if, for example, I was bitten by the (common to Rails applications) vulnerability of letting users' profile pages reassign roles on update due to a mass assignment vulnerability, that would cough up everything my web app can do. WordPress has the same pattern, which means any of the (historically quite common) ways to convince WP that the logged in user is_admin() mean you can go to town on the software. This is made more problematic because, as noted, WordPress gives admins arbitrary code execution.

There are smarter ways to do this for y'alls own software, by the way. Probably the gold standard is:

+ keep the admin functionality in an entirely separate application at admin.example.com rather than example.com/admin/

+ enforce a strict access policy to the admin application at the network level. Probably the most straightforward is firewalling the admin app from the outside world -- the only way to get to it would be e.g. VPNing into the local network.

That would probably not be a viable option for WordPress, but you're free to not have the security of your businesses informed by WordPress' hard requirement that anybody be able to install the software within 5 minutes and have it work magically.

Thanks for your response. The Rails example was on the tip of my tongue as I hit "reply", but I couldn't remember it.

because to exploit it your injection only needs to alter one part of the statement, as opposed to altering one part of the statement plus the table being altered on.

SQL injection or other auth type vulnerabilities that allow you to alter field values are a lot more common than those that allow you to run a general statement to alter another table

PHP is an abbreviation for Pretty Horrible Everything.

You've made a bad situation worse by not revealing this first to the WooThemes developers.

Potentially relevant: it seems like the WooThemes site was compromised recently.


Not related at all and the WooFramework has been updated days before all this: http://cl.ly/3S2o1z380L3i1D44443A

For the people not yet on the latest WooFramework version: You can download the latest version of WooFramework here: http://cl.ly/2a3j1m351C3u2i0t122j (it is 5.3.10)

Do you know how to manually update the framework? This zip file unzips to a "framework" folder, you need to replace to contents of the "functions" folder of your theme. Obviously make a backup of everything before you start.

This exploit is fixed in the latest two stable builds and should have been reported to us (WooThemes team) in the first place. Wonder if this guy has ever heard of the concept of responsible disclosure...

Both links are shortened and resolve to a generic api.cld.me domain. You'd expect a fix to be hosted on the woothemes controlled domain, not a largely anonymous domain name. You'd also expect that there'd be at least a homepage mention on woothemes.com to this same URL.

Seriously, if you are a representative of woothemes.com, this approach is a major fail. you have a known website, that's where your authority and trust resides. Use it.

This just looks like someone attempting to get people to add a new backdoor to their existing wootheme powered site.

No, the update pops up within your WordPress admin panel in case you are using one of our themes. Secondary download - with the link I provided - is available because our site was hacked last week: http://www.woothemes.com/2012/04/were-alive-and-kicking/ We only use that download link temporarily to be able to provide the update to our users.

The secondary download link smells fishy. Don't do this. Host the file on a domain that clearly belongs to and is fully managed by only WooThemes.

You can download the latest version of WooFramework here: http://cl.ly/2a3j1m351C3u2i0t122j (it is 5.3.10)

Are you seriously suggesting downloading the fix for vulnerability from some random website?

No, the update pops up within your WordPress admin panel in case you are using one of the WooThemes themes. That download is behind a login, this zip is publicly available for all people that didn't believe it was already fixed.

I use a Woo theme and was hacked last week, even though my host told me it was he timthumb vulnerability.

I never receive notice to upgrade the theme in the dashboard (and the option is activated).

what do i do now ?

What version number is listed as the current version when you click "Update Framework" in your theme? Most likely you're being impacted by the same issue that I've posted about.

thanks for your reply. that's what it says: Typebased 2.3.1 Framework 2.7.22

Yikes, that is really out of date - the latest framework is 5.3.12. However it's not available right now because their site is down - once it comes back up, be sure to use "update framework" button in WP admin area!

When did you plan on responsibly disclosing the vulnerability to your customers?

Just replied to your comment on GitHub. I appreciated the official response.

Like I mentioned on GitHub, your updater is broken, so your customers aren't getting this update even if you guys did release it. See my comment for details, but it appears that the file which triggers the Update Framework feature to work has been rolled back to an old version.

Regarding your comment on 'responsible disclosure', where did you responsibly disclose this exploit to your customers and notify them that a critical update was needed to prevent, in your words "a way to cripple many (many, many, many) websites."?

I want to hear the "Injustice – WooThemes Comeback" song. Ch'yeah.

Did you attempt to responsibly disclose this to the WooThemes organization before posting it publicly?

WooThemes has just quietly bumped the version number and fixed their updater bug so this is now fixed:

2012.04.29 - version 5.3.11 - critical * - SECURITY UPDATE - Shortcode preview feature removed in previous version due to potential exploit. * admin-functions.php - Make sure PressTrends banner displays only for PressTrends-enabled themes.

I hope that in the future WooThemes (and the WordPress community as a whole) takes security more seriously and notifies their customers more rapidly about these sorts of problems.

Thanks to everyone who commented!

Reposting my GitHub comment:

Thanks all for your comments. Regarding responsible disclosure, I'm aware of the concept. I did Google around and looked on the WooThemes site for a security notice address or similar and didn't find one. Even as a paying subscription customer, which I have happily been for the past year, the only way to get support is via their public forum.

That being said, this is only "half" of the equation. I have already seen numerous hosting accounts compromised via a more malicious form of this attack which I have not published. In fact, finding a number of sites running WooThemes all compromised in the past 4 days via the contents of shortcode-generator/ lead me to take a quick look through the code to try to find the attack vector and I found this.

Note that what I found isn't even really an exploit in its current form - just a bug which combined with a lot more work could be used to potentially cause harm. However, since I'm already seeing WooThemes-powered sites that have been compromised via the contents of shortcode-generator/, there is already a more serious problem in the wild. I would hope that WooThemes is aware of that - but again, they don't appear to have any security contact address, or any other transparency about the security of their products to be able to find out.

With regards to security at WooThemes, I won't comment on their attack this week because clearly they are trying to recover from it. However, as one commenter in HackerNews posted, "Does this look like the authors even give a crap about security?" and with that I would tend to agree. For example, a few days prior to their site going down, WooThemes alerted their customers to update their themes for a security vulnerability... via a 5am tweet: https://twitter.com/#!/woothemes/status/192545687051829248 "We found a minor vulnerability in the WooFramework, which we've just fixed. Please update to the latest version ASAP!" Not an email alert, not a blog post with details, just a tweet.

Regarding the person who commented that this issue was already patched; that is incorrect. This has been tested against vanilla WooThemes running the latest version, which (according to the theme's built in updater) is 5.3.7. The WooThemes website only lists a changelog up to version 5.3.1, released almost 2 months ago: http://www.woothemes.com/updates/functions-changelog.txt

Additionally, even if the issue is patched, my link above still works - which means that the patch clearly isn't working or hasn't been applied to WooThemes own servers.

The moral of this story is: WooThemes is a great company and makes a great product, but they have grown to the point where security needs to be a real concern. A proper channel to alert them of these issues, along with prompt and honest email notifications of updates to their customers (free and paid), and a publicly-accessible security/updates site (a la RedHat's RHSA system) are all long overdue. This isn't just a jab at WooThemes either - a review of almost any paid or free theme will surely come up with many issues like this.

Perhaps the best solution is for WordPress to add a built in update notifier that can alert site admins when updates are available, but at this point anything would be helpful.

Thanks again for the comments and thanks to those who posted simple patches to correct this small issue until an official update is released.

Regarding the changelog specifically, I found this to be quite weird:


(The changelog that's posted live ends at 3/06/2012. The one in Google's cache lists changes up to 4/23, including the fix for this bug).

Hanlon's razor and all, but its odd.

WooThemes' web site has been down in the past few days due to malicious hacks, maybe related to this bug?


Not related at all. See my reply here: http://news.ycombinator.com/item?id=3905337

Hi all, This issue has been resolved in the latest version of the WooFramework. We've bumped it up to V5.3.11 and marked the update as "critical" for all WooFramework users.

Please see our official blog post here, where we detail the issue and the solution we've implemented: http://www.woothemes.com/2012/04/framework-shortcode-exploit...

You guys should take this much more seriously. This blog post has a tone of "much ado about nothing".

This is a very serious exploit. Combined w vulnerabilities in other unsecure but popular plugins[1], this exploit is as damaging as one can possibly be. I have a feeling I'll be cleaning up after this one for a long time (we're still having to clean up hacked sites from timthumb).

Look, mistakes get made. But you need to own up to it, and be honest about the size of the problem. In particular, I find these passages disingenuous:

"Rest assured there is no link and the exploit was actually fixed a few days before our website was hacked." (in bold)

Given that the exploit was live, on your server, this is misleading at best. Yes, you had found the bug and committed it on 4/23. But obviously it hadn't made its way to active WooThemes installations, including your own. In your repo != fixed.

"The potential exploit is such that the shortcode preview allowed users to generate shortcodes using the preview window’s file, without authenticating the user."

More accurate would be: "the exploit allows anyone off the street to run any shortcode from any plugin you have installed. Vulnerabilities that were limited to logged in users before are now available to bots."

The OP should have been more responsible in his disclosure. But so should have WooThemes. Nothing in your public communications reflects the seriousness of this exploit.

For what its worth, you just lost (at least) one customer.

[1] http://secunia.com/advisories/46227/


We can assure you that we are aware of the nature of this possible exploit. Security is of paramount importance to us.

The wording on our blog post is such to make known the severity of the possible exploit, while also being sure to ensure our customers that the possible exploit has been patched successfully.

To ensure that we communicate as effectively as possible to as many audiences as possible in possible future exploits, we've setup a new development-specific channel on Twitter and will be making other avenues of communication open to ensure that we inform our customers of security updates as quickly as possible.

Is this a result of someone analyzing the 'hacked' files?? Either way, it's like kicking 'em while they're down!

Doesn't seem that way, it's a pretty simple exploit. Anyway, the source code for the themes WooThemes sell is obviously available to all their customers.

Sure hope they were notified before it was released.

Do you really think sharing this info on HN will do much good? Seems like it is just a "injection attack me" sign for a bunch of Wordpress sites.

I just patched my wootheme'd wordpress sites to address the issue until an official fix is out, so at least one person got positive value from this post.

That said, I really wish the original public report had been a private report.

I just commented it out myself but validating $shortcode might be a better solution.

[update] that wouldn't work either. it would still allow people to insert random shortcodes with whatever params they like. i'm not sure what the point of this function is, I don't think it should allow shortcodes to be passed in at all via _REQUEST

The php code would be inside a shortcode that looked like [php][/php], so no, that wouldn't protect you.

The smart fix is to check for user permissions and nonce before rendering the shortcode preview, which I hope is what the Woo patch does.

cool thanks, yea i just looked at do_shortcode again. this woothemes function seems like a bad design.

Authentication would plug it from random attackers at least. But it seems to me it would still be ripe for a CSRF attack..? That might seem unlikely but I can imagine the attacker could post a comment with a link on the victims blog who had been identified as having a wootheme installed. If the victim clicked the link (likely while authenticated) the attacker's php code would execute.

Nonces, used properly, should be fairly decent protection against the kind of CSRF attack you're describing. They're not bulletproof, but, someone who knows enough about the internals of your site to generate a valid nonce probably has several other possible attack vectors...

I haven't looked at the actual theme in question, but I can imagine that a lot of Woo clientele want to be able to preview their posts with all the shortcodes intact, which is what this function does, and why it has to receive shortcode data through request parameter.

I haven't seen their patch yet. I'd be surprised to see a nonce, my guess is they just call the standard Wordpress function to require auth.

There's surely a better way to do it without accepting code via the query string. Keep the code on the server and have that function only refer to an index or something perhaps?

Would there be much harm in posting the fix for others? If not, could you?

Sorry, I didn't think to post it because it's not a generally useful patch. It eliminates rather than fixes the functionality.

Here's to hoping Woothemes gets this sorted out. As it stands, automatic updating to 5.3.11 is still broken, and instead of stating this directly, it claims that your currently installed (out of date) version is current.

That's a cute side effect of woo_get_fw_version returning the currently installed version # instead of throwing an error if http://www.woothemes.com/updates/functions-changelog.txt isn't available for download (which it isn't, at the moment.)

    --- ./wp-content/themes/inspire/functions/js/shortcode-generator/preview-shortcode-external.php.orig
    +++ ./wp-content/themes/inspire/functions/js/shortcode-generator/preview-shortcode-external.php	
    @@ -58,6 +58,7 @@
    $shortcode = isset($_REQUEST['shortcode']) ? $_REQUEST['shortcode'] : '';
    +$shortcode = '';
    // WordPress automatically adds slashes to quotes
    // http://stackoverflow.com/questions/3812128/although-magic-quotes-are-turned-off-still-escaped-strings

I wrote a simple Nagios check that can be used to watch for WooFramework updates, and published it here:


At this point in time it returns 'UNKNOWN' because the WooThemes changelog file isn't fetchable, but it should return CRIT/WARN/OK once they have their shop back in order.

Sharing it here in case it might help somebody notice critical fixes more expediently in the future.

+1, could you post your patch? My budding startup idea's blog is powered by a WooTheme, and I have a conference this week, so I'd rather deal with this sooner than later.

I'm not sure how WooThemes uses this file, but you can require a user to be logged in to access it fairly easily. This might break some part of WooTheme's functionality.

Edit `your-theme/functions/js/shortcode-generator/preview-shortcode-external.php`

Somewhere below the `require_once( $url . '/wp-load.php' );` line:

       wp_die(__('Nope'), __('Nope'), array('response' => 403));
If you happened to move your wp-content directory[1] this exploit is not going to work on you. The `require_once` statement above relies on wp-content existing so it can find `wp-load.php`

1. http://codex.wordpress.org/Editing_wp-config.php#Moving_wp-c...

The code could, at the very least, be using $_POST. Yes, that wouldn't stop it, but it would make it harder to execute via naked URLs (assuming that's the exploit going around, which I think it is).

This is precisely why I do not like $_REQUEST, and counsel against it in presentations/classes I do on PHP. This is clearly written to be something which modifies state - GET values should be ignored in this situations. And yes, again, it's not perfect - someone could craft malicious POST requests - I know - but that requires an extra level of effort not currently needed, and it's an extra level of effort some people won't bother with.

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