A standard CS program will cover statistics (incl. calculus-based stats e.g. MLEs), and graphics is a very common and popular elective (e.g. covering OpenGL). I learned all of this stuff (sans shaders) in undergrad, and I went to a shitty state college. So from my perspective an entry level programmer should at least have a passing familiarity with these topics.
Does your experience truly say that the average SWE is so ignorant? If so, why do you think that is?
I find these statements to be extremely doubtful. Why would a CS program cover statistics? Wouldn't that be the math department? If there any required courses, it's most likely Calc 1/2, Linear Algebra, and Discrete Math.
Also, out of the hundreds of programmers I've met, I don't know any that has done graphics programming. I consider that super niche.
Thankfully all programmers have a CS degree, as there are absolutely no career paths into the industry that could possibly bypass a four year degree. What a relief, imagine the horror of working with plebians that never took a course on statistics!
Does your experience truly say that the average SWE is so ignorant? If so, why do you think that is?