Nothing. GP is making an assumption that all people need the same kind of hardware for the same kind of work as they do. None of my work touches on ML or heavy data processing (in the numeric sense), so hardware like that is useless to me and my coworkers. A beefier workstation is still useful (more cores, more RAM), but recent-ish laptops (post 2020 definitely, tail-end of the 2010s is still fine) provide more than enough horsepower.
Perhaps many people building code do not need multiple 16x PCI-Express cards in their day to day workflow, but like being able to move around with their laptop?
For lots of workloads it is basically true, though. Not something exclusive to Apple laptops of course, others have also been capable programming workhorses for quite some years. It's just weird to say that no compiling should be done on a laptop - that might've been true 10 years ago.