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Seems like now is a very good time to spread the word about Ubuntu and Mint,!

As long as we don't make the entire world hate FOSS by convincing und users to try Manjaro or something, this might be Linux's time to shine

The year of the linux desktop is near, it's next year! Again!

Eh. It's happening already but won't be a single year. It will be a slow stream of people to either Linux or MacOS. Feature-wise the year of the Linux desktop happened last year, maybe the year before.

Normal people can't even deal with windows when it breaks - I just picked a gaming laptop up for $1000 off list because it "wouldn't boot" but just needed a reimage.

I really want to love Linux but man it's endlessly frustrating to have any guide be out of date or wrong since it's for another distro or just not have a GUI for doing things that are generally everyday. it's getting better but still way over a lot of users heads.

Maybe in the form of a chrome book Linux could shine for an average joe. We are already dealing with people who don't understand files or the desktop metaphor since they are only used to phones or tablets.

Ubuntu is already the Chromebook Linux that mostly work like a tablet (With just enough desktop metaphor to avoid being a gesture and shortcut based Apple clone).

A lot of those confusing guides don't exist for Ubuntu. They're either stuff you don't need, or stuff that you probably don't want if you're the type who likes Ubuntu.

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