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Yehonathan Sharvit wrote a post describing the difference between Data-Oriented Programming, Data-Oriented Design, and Data-Driven Design here. it's a 2 minute read or 15 second skim, very brief.


it includes a nice summary of all of the above which may help when reading the OP.

This clarification (just definitions) is quite helpful, because probably many readers (myself included) would have assumed that Data Oriented Design would be closely related to Data Oriented Programming (the latter effectively being about the design of software systems).

"Data-oriented programming" is a made-up thing by a few B- tier thought leaders. Biggest scam since "hexagonal architecture".

Data-oriented programming is a paradigm that treats data of the system as a first-class citizen. Data is represented by generic immutable data structures (like maps and vectors) that are manipulated by general purpose functions (like map, filter, select, group, sort …).

CompSci 101, how to represent information as data. Like every industry, lots of bullshitiers.

Instead of addressing the major performance gaps of functional programming, they instead just adopted “data oriented programming” in order to intentionally confuse people and try to drown out the clear and obvious performance pitfalls with data oriented programming.

What's the issue with hexagonal architecture?

There's no there there. Maybe even less than DOP.

That doesn't explain anything to be honest; what is "there"? why is there no "there" there? Can you explain it like I'm 5?

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