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Remember all those Apple and Amazon employees who signed a letter that they're not going back to the office? Last I heard Apple was at 100% compliance

Make no mistake, if Microsoft is matching $10M PPU's with $10M Microsoft RSUs vesting over 4 years, every single employee will join. But I kind of doubt that this is their plan

> Last I heard Apple was at 100% compliance

That doesn't tell you whether it was the numerator or the denominator that changed.

It's at least the denominator and likely both. I personally know a non-zero number of people formerly there who found a different job or retired when Apple insisted on everyone returning to the office.

> Last I heard Apple was at 100% compliance

Do you have a source for this? At other tech companies I'm aware of, the numbers are still much lower than 100%, even after threats of performance impact.

There was no significant uptake on any letter at Apple.

One reason is that retaliation is very possible. The opacity of the executive team was not a feature of Steve Jobs’s Apple, but the Time Cook-era opaqueness combines poorly withthe silo’d, top down nature of Apple’s management which _was_ inherited from Steve Jobs.

The opaqueness, I think, is a result of Tim Cook integrating the retail and corporate sides of the company; retail salespeople are treated better, but software engineers are treated a little more like retail salespeople.

Since the pandemic, Apple execs have seemed to be isolated in a bubble and are not listening to the rank and file anymore. The people they do listen to seem to be out of touch.

That kind of compensation skew will case ripples in the company. It's possible that OpenAI is worth it, but it is a big gamble by Microsoft.

I think that is approximately L70 comp.

Oh yes, it's going to create waves. People who've had compensation stagnation at Microsoft, reduced bonuses, "belt tightening" now see that "well, we're willing to throw stupid amounts of money at those people over there, just not you".

That's capitalism WAI.

People in stagnant careers signal to their employers that they don't need to do anything at all to retain them.

People at a hot startup have all the options in the world.

Compensation isn't about what's fair at all. It's supply and demand.

You want to make more money? Make yourself in shorter supply and generate more demand for your service.

Isn't it like that at any company?

Yeah but in these kinds of big companies there are supposedly compensation "bands" by technical level. When salaries within each band are very different, it can be an impediment to talent mobility within the company.

> Last I heard Apple was at 100% compliance

Bit of a flaw in your logic there ;-)

The CTO of Microsoft tweeted this morning that they would hire any OpenAI employees who wanted to join MS with commensurate pay. For whatever that’s worth.

Do you have a link ;-)

Déjà vu


Are those PPUs really worth anything?

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