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> Edit: for the record, this is about a Kia Ceed SW, but it's not that important because I'm sure 90% of all 2023 cars run on the CAN bus equivalent of a 10.000 line, 100 cell Jupyter Notebook that was last restarted in the fall of 2018.

For what it's worth, my fairly recently new car (bought new two years ago) has none of these problems. Not that it's perfect, but all these user hostile features might be more of a Kia issue than a new car issue.

My kia ceed has most of the described features, they work fine 97 percent of the time. Those 3 percent can be a bit annoying but it is not so bad as described and you get used to it quickly. You quickly learn the first step is to close doors and fasten seatbelt to avoid some blings. The steering aid is subtle enough that you can easily turn against it and is very easy to turn on and off using a physical button on... the steering wheel. It also has a very good rear camera and NO distance beeps, just the way I like it.

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