I'd be interested in taking a look to see if they use different bunting styles for different occasions, my thought process was that I could create some form of digital-bunting in my home to indicate various occasions.
As a(n) (English) Brit, I believe this could be quite an excellent indicator of whether I should be drinking Guiness, Tea, Whisky, Pimms, Champagne or Mulled Wine at any given time of the year. I suppose it should live in the Kitchen, near the kettle, or the wine cooler.
I love that the bank holiday one tells you whether or not bunting is appropriate on that day. It looks like the ones for which it isn't are ones commemorating death, like the state funeral of Elizabeth II and Good Friday (Crucifixion of Jesus).
I wonder how the backend works... Is it a microservice which queries over a globally distributed 'bank holidays' database, which has a frontend for some admin to add/remove bank holidays, and perhaps a custom approval workflow to approve/deny bank holidays, and maybe a system to make new bank holidays 'go live' on a certain date/time?
Or is it just a static file someone wrote in vim and checked into git which got hosted as a static asset?
Two of my favourites:
Holiday API I plug into every ecommerce site I work on:
Domain Email Security checker:
Please share any other favourites!