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Where did you find this? Is it part of the API response?

Would be fun to use this for some digital decor at home.

Next bank holiday is Christmas so I've got some time to build something!

EDIT: Just found it in the JSON; shame, was hoping it would contain bunting patterns/colours.


If you go off this issue it looks like they use tinsel at Christmas, although I'm not sure where that logic is.


I'd be interested in taking a look to see if they use different bunting styles for different occasions, my thought process was that I could create some form of digital-bunting in my home to indicate various occasions.

As a(n) (English) Brit, I believe this could be quite an excellent indicator of whether I should be drinking Guiness, Tea, Whisky, Pimms, Champagne or Mulled Wine at any given time of the year. I suppose it should live in the Kitchen, near the kettle, or the wine cooler.

It looks like that's only false for Good Friday, which I suppose makes sense that as a Christian you don't "celebrate" the execution of Jesus.

Indeed, there are others such as the queen's funeral. Bunting is reserved for celebrations.

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