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I make pickles like these, but I've never seen them that old. Generally we make them and eat them within several months, then make more. Mango pickle is my favorite as it has just the right spiciness, while lemon pickles are often too sour for my taste. If you want to try them, they are usually at your local Indian grocery store.

These pickles are mainly eaten with rice or dishes like dosas and idlis, often when you have nothing else at home to eat, as it provides a quick and cheap meal, combining carbs with some flavor as to not make them bland. They are also quite good in yogurt rice to provide some spice.

For anyone else looking to try Indian/Pakistani pickles. They are made of various fruits and veggies. Mango is the most popular one in Pakistan. Others include carrot, lemon, green pepper, onion and some other ones.

Pickle is dipped and preserved in oil. My family has made mango pickle at home many time over the years. Like GP it is eaten in span of months. It can be very sour. Here in UK, we have found Ahmad Foods pickles to be the best choice so far.

I have seen on TV that one of the favourite Indian meals is Paratha and Pickle. Is it a common meal?

Or seafood, in some (coastal) parts of the country[1].

I’ve had shrimp pickle from Andhra Pradesh, it’s delicious but doesn’t seem to be as well known.

[1] https://www.vahrehvah.com/shrimp-prawn-pickle

Shrimp and chicken pickle too! They don’t keep as long, sadly

My grandmother use to tell about beef pickle but didn't make it when I req. It was a difficult one. Would love to try meat pickle someday.

I've had chicken and mutton pickles, you can get them at certain Indian restaurants and stores, often in the refrigerator section.

You can usually cook them yourself too see for example Shan masala “Achar Gosht”, or for another culture’s take Polish zupa ogórkowa with chicken.

I’ve had pickled pork from Goa before.

> I have seen on TV that one of the favourite Indian meals is Paratha and Pickle. Is it a common meal?

It's certainly not uncommon, though I think it's often paired (for good reason) with yoghurt. It's more of a breakfast/snack meal than a full lunch meal though, however parathas & pickles can be components of a full meal too.

Yogurt goes with stuffed parathas.

Achaar goes with both plain paratha as well as stuffed parathas.

Garlic pickle is also amazing!

To add: if you are buying them from a store, you will need to try multiple brands before you find the one that’s right for you. Unlike western-style pickles, the taste can vary very wildly across brands.

Oh yes.

My personal go-tos are Shan and Deep (I really like the Shan garlic pickle and the Deep lemon and lime pickles; they both make competent mixed achar). If I can’t find either of those, I will settle for Patak's over other brands I have not tried (there are some I have tried and Do Not Like).

Pataks aubergine pickle is great though. One of the simplest ways I like it is spread on wholemeal toast, and topped with hummus. Bringing India and the middle east together on some bread. Their green chili pickle is decent too.

Edit: I'd actually take those two Pataks versions over the Shan equivalent.

Patak’s will do in a pinch if there’s nothing else but I don’t like the smaller size of their jars and the lack of variety. I agree the Shan versions of those you cite are not particularly distinguished. They offer some unusual ones like lasora but for things like amla which are usually not pickled in Muslim community you are better off with another brand.

Sri Sri Tattva Mango pickles are quite good : https://www.srisritattva.com/products/shop-mango-pickle-300g

Would you mind sharing a recipe? I'd love to learn how to make them.

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