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The flow of talent from Argentina to other countries has happened many times before in difficult circumstances.

While it is true that the difficulties increase creative endeavours, it is also true that Argentina has a tradition of creative endeavours in the region that are not connected to the harsh situation but older traditions and inmigrations.

To give outsiders a quick look: Argentina has advanced nuclear capabilities comparing to other countries in Latam.

Yes, that’s right. However, Argentina has been continuously getting worst since I was born. There is a common phrase there used to describe this, “today you are better than tomorrow”, most people default to that line of thinking.

If you ask, most probably, older people than you they will give the same answer although there are specific time periods that are remembered positively by a big amount of people. Besides if they trascended historically.

The idea of old times were better is a global classic. Specifically to Argentina there are other classic sayings like:

- "In Argentina, everything can change in a day, but nothing changes in a decade"

- "There are four kinds of countries: developed countries, undeveloped countries, Japan, and Argentina." [1]

[1] https://www.economist.com/finance-and-economics/2019/03/28/h... (https://archive.is/Ayiuu)

> In Argentina, everything can change in a day, but nothing changes in a decade

Right now, if you pick news from the late 80s and now, it might be hard to differentiate them except for the names.

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