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If you ask, most probably, older people than you they will give the same answer although there are specific time periods that are remembered positively by a big amount of people. Besides if they trascended historically.

The idea of old times were better is a global classic. Specifically to Argentina there are other classic sayings like:

- "In Argentina, everything can change in a day, but nothing changes in a decade"

- "There are four kinds of countries: developed countries, undeveloped countries, Japan, and Argentina." [1]

[1] https://www.economist.com/finance-and-economics/2019/03/28/h... (https://archive.is/Ayiuu)

> In Argentina, everything can change in a day, but nothing changes in a decade

Right now, if you pick news from the late 80s and now, it might be hard to differentiate them except for the names.

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