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Typical Sequoia "think piece" meant to bring in tier-2 and tier-3 VCs onto the AI hype train, further bolstering their own position. I don't even think Sequoia believes in AI per se, they're just chasing the next shiny ball. It's genius if you really think about it.

A year ago, they were gushing over SBF. There's no due diligence here, there's no product market fit. It's a legal pump and dump. Much like crypto, there will be bag-holders, but it won't be Sequoia or a16z, they're far too smart for that.

If they get lucky and hit a home run, they were the visionaries all along. Their hubris is frankly quite admirable. The world goes 'round, and the rich get richer.

And if it all goes sideways, quietly take down the puff piece bollocks and continue to curate your garden of unremitting genius. Here's to the bag holders. These pieces are such cringe to read it hurts.

Exactly right.

They do seem to be getting high on their own supply.

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