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> Four decades of the internet (accelerated by COVID) has given us trillions of tokens’ worth of training data.

Yeah four decades of stolen intellectual property posted by people on the internet in good will for the world to see, only to have it stolen and monetised by these folks. Wondering, once the good content dies out how will you “train” your “ai”?

OpenAI did the grand heist that no one else dared to do. It doesn’t look like they will get punished for it either. I am to this day baffled how they got away with it and are now practically shielded from any kind of repercussions.

Things have changed so much already and I am not seeing any kind of real regulation being put in place that will at least rein in this stupid idea that AGI is around the corner. It’s not.

It’s another 20 billion dollars waiting to be scooped up and there’s nothing you can do about it.

They are hoping to get away with it because they gaslit senile politicians and scared the masses with the “dangers” of ai - in fact the only dangers are these people stealing data. It will be fun once they run out of content because quite a few folks are unwilling to share only so it can be stolen and monetised by those who then threaten to take their jobs.

Modern models are increasingly trained on synthetic data.

How was the synthetic data generator trained?

Are we not allowed to learn from other's work?

Learn yes, if its legally shared. Copy and earn from it without acknowledging original author and sharing earnings, in most cases, definitely not. As we know, things that often move so fast have law catching up easily after a decade if not more (I am still waiting for a proper slap to FB), and entrepreneurs are well aware of that.

But that's not how it works at all? If I watch 100s of artists cell shade something and build a normal piece of software that mimics the results I owe them absolutely nothing. I've not seen an explanation as to why this is different.

People are fine with AI learning stuff from others. People are not fine with AI trained on everyone's recorded work and then replacing everyone to make massive profits for just that company.

Private owned GAI is a dystopia, shared GAI is utopia like star trek. The difference might seem tiny today, but people really don't want to go down the dystopia route.

You can learn all you want, but ai is a software, not a “we”.

AI is a software tool used by a user. Is a (human) user not allowed to learn all they want by using whatever helper tools they want?

Is using uTorrent also qualify ? Come on, I'm downloading only for educational purposes.

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