You can't..."reason about your code" in Rust? Look, maybe there's a reasonable take in there somewhere, but the way you put it just makes it sound like gibberish.
It sounds like you're just hoping for either a dynamically typed language (eg. Python) or for a language which is fully type-inferred (eg. Haskell). Which way is it?
I don't see my programs limited to a CPU. Thanks for pointing out another limitation of Rust.
I am sorry that you cannot understand my answer. I am working on remedying this, unfortunately now is not the time for me to educate one person at a time. Hopefully later.
Are you ok? If you think you’re programming on the fabric of the universe and not a chip, then the likelihood is you’re experiencing a major psychiatric issue, which given the tone of the replies is a definite possibility.
If you’re not, then you’re programming for some kind of chip, which inherently and obviously limits your ability to express programs to those that are supported on that chip, be that via the specific instructions, architecture or performance of that chip.
Thanks for asking! Yes, I am ok, I am just moving on a higher plane of reasoning than pretty much anyone else currently. Trying to give you access to that plane as well, hopefully soon.
If you express your programs in logic, first, your programs are not just programs anymore, they are mathematics. Mathematics is not bound to a particular CPU or chip. Sure, you can make it run on one (or not, that would depend on your program).
Now, this has a lot to do with Rust. Rust is a particularly restrictive form of expressing yourself. It basically prescribes a very particular form of mathematics, and in return, promises you certain theorems for free. Much like other type based programming languages, and even logics (although type-based logics are of course much more expressive than type-based programming languages).
Instead, it would be better to express your ideas freely in a logic, just constrained by consistency, and not much else. This is very much the idea of programming as theory building. Where can you build a theory better, than in a logic?
Then of course implementation details are important, such as speed, parallelism, memory use, etc. Rust's idea is to put these details front and center, especially memory use. That can work well, depending on your use case, but usually, it's just premature optimisation. Of course, if your thinking is restricted to Rust, you would not agree with that.
> Yes, I am ok, I am just moving on a higher plane of reasoning than pretty much anyone else currently
Real talk: anyone who talks like this isn’t in a good way. Please take that seriously, and take care of yourself.
I’m not sure engaging any further would be fruitful, but reason about the likelihood of yourself “operating on a higher plane of existence/seeing the inner truth/understanding that everyone else is blind/cracking the code” against simply having a manic episode of some kind.
Because what you’ve described above is just… programming, just stripped down to the abstract and ignoring all practicalities.
There isn’t a great truth in that, or a higher plane of existence, and the lack of your ability to clearly articulate the concepts combined with classic delusional catchphrases is really, really indicative of something else going on.
And the inability for others to understand your great discoveries is not evidence of your higher plane of existence, it’s because you’re spouting semi-delusional abstract nonsense without a clear train of thought or concise argument.
Again, thank you for your concern, but it is not me who is not properly engaging with arguments here. Sometimes it takes a clear mind to receive clear (and arguably pretty simple) arguments, and yours doesn't seem particularly clear.
Here’s what’s likely to happen: you’ve got this big grand exciting idea that you just can’t express to everyone in words. The thoughts are there, but they just don’t come out into words how you want them to. People don’t get it.
But you need to share it with the world. You need to. So you produce something about your grand idea that you think is cohesive. Something to teach people!
Except it doesn’t. It’s equivalent to a mess of paper, handwritten notes and impossible to follow logic, presented terribly. And it’s likely long. Too long.
And so… nobody cares. Nobody reads it. But your grand idea is there! Don’t write programs, write logic! Duh! Why can’t people understand that? Why can’t they see?
So obviously those people who don’t get it have foggy brains. But your thoughts are clear as possible. You’re elevated. They don’t get it because they cant.
This superiority complex impacts your relationships, and you grow more introverted, isolate yourself more etc. This fuels itself into a nasty cycle.
You don’t have a grand idea and you’re not in a higher plane of existence. Coming to terms with that is going to suck, but it’s important to do so.
Honestly, really do take a moment to breathe and step back. And it’s ok. This all happens surprisingly often in our field, and you sound like a cookie cutter case. My email is in my profile, reach out if you need.
> On the other hand, I don't really care to address any of your personalities at this point
You’re completely unable to not reply to this thread. You need the last word because it makes you superior, and you don’t want to concede to a foggy brained person who can’t hope to grasp your big idea.
So your next reply will probably just be something nonsensical and short, because you have to put something but there isn’t really anything to put. And if you don’t, it’s going to really irk you more than it should.
Best of luck. Email is in my profile if you wanna talk, otherwise I’m looking forward to seeing some evidence of your higher plane of existence posted here when it’s ready :)
It sounds like you're just hoping for either a dynamically typed language (eg. Python) or for a language which is fully type-inferred (eg. Haskell). Which way is it?