Here’s what’s likely to happen: you’ve got this big grand exciting idea that you just can’t express to everyone in words. The thoughts are there, but they just don’t come out into words how you want them to. People don’t get it.
But you need to share it with the world. You need to. So you produce something about your grand idea that you think is cohesive. Something to teach people!
Except it doesn’t. It’s equivalent to a mess of paper, handwritten notes and impossible to follow logic, presented terribly. And it’s likely long. Too long.
And so… nobody cares. Nobody reads it. But your grand idea is there! Don’t write programs, write logic! Duh! Why can’t people understand that? Why can’t they see?
So obviously those people who don’t get it have foggy brains. But your thoughts are clear as possible. You’re elevated. They don’t get it because they cant.
This superiority complex impacts your relationships, and you grow more introverted, isolate yourself more etc. This fuels itself into a nasty cycle.
You don’t have a grand idea and you’re not in a higher plane of existence. Coming to terms with that is going to suck, but it’s important to do so.
Honestly, really do take a moment to breathe and step back. And it’s ok. This all happens surprisingly often in our field, and you sound like a cookie cutter case. My email is in my profile, reach out if you need.
> On the other hand, I don't really care to address any of your personalities at this point
You’re completely unable to not reply to this thread. You need the last word because it makes you superior, and you don’t want to concede to a foggy brained person who can’t hope to grasp your big idea.
So your next reply will probably just be something nonsensical and short, because you have to put something but there isn’t really anything to put. And if you don’t, it’s going to really irk you more than it should.
Best of luck. Email is in my profile if you wanna talk, otherwise I’m looking forward to seeing some evidence of your higher plane of existence posted here when it’s ready :)
On the other hand, I don't really care to address any of your personalities at this point.