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Should have sold a call credit spread instead!

I'll get right on that...after I go look up what that means. :-) I'm but a simple options trader who sells calls to unload stock I didn't want anymore anyway, and the premium is the icing on that cake. Left some money on the table this time, but I otherwise would have just sold the shares outright, and I did make some bank regardless.

Gonna be missing that sweet, sweet $0.04 dividend, though.

A call credit spread simply means buying an even more out-of-the-money call along with the one you sold. It would have reduced the premium collected, but the long call would appreciate on sudden moves like today's.

Hmm…that actually sounds like a nice hedge. I’ll keep that in mind next time a similar situation comes up. Thanks.

Theta gang ftw. But I would advise you to stay away from NVDA, as soon as the first quarter with flat or decreasing revenues comes (and it WILL come), the fall would be one to tell your grandchildren about.

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