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> >$100k rentals are not unheard of

these are not 'normal' rentals and imo should be excluded from stats, since they don't apply to typical families living year-to-year in nyc

a majority of those are short-term entire floor/home rentals, often rented out for less than a month at a time, to be used for production companies putting up A-listers for the length of a project, or even used as the set itself: sometimes the listing will say 'used for the filming of y reality show in 20xx!' like a selling point

> these are not 'normal' rentals and imo should be excluded from stats

At least, they should use the median rather than the average.

> typical families

I think this depends on the indented audience in the metric or report.

If we are just talking numbers, include all of them.

If we want to focus on typical families, we need to define what that means.

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