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I took a peek at the "Explorer" app code base. PHP + JS + jQuery, but surprisingly readable (but a lot of practices in there that are not exactly considered "best" today). Perhaps we have sunk too deep into the SPA/API rabbit hole that we can no longer appreciate simplicity.



I hear PHP is a pretty good language nowdays. Now, if we could just optionally drop the $ sign from the beginning of every variable and use them only for string templating ;).

What is so special about string templates that they should be have a different naming scheme? And $ really won't ease your life to search with regexp.

Would it only depends on my own preferences, I would use only letters and dash for any identifier in code bases I work with.

> What is so special about string templates that they should be have a different naming scheme?

The fact that you have to distinguish between literal strings and interpolated values

Maybe string interpolation is just a bad idea. Let strings be strings, use string formatting functions if you want to shove data in them.

Or maybe they're a very nice convenience, which is why a lot of modern languages are implementing them.

String formatting functions use special strings themselves.

They do, but very well-defined ones, little placeholders that just concern themselves with formatting. You include the whole variable name and that makes it brittle, now random bits of string data have to be kept in sync with actual code, and makes it a lot more unwieldy to format in a way that isn't the default representation.

Maybe take a look at lit-html, postgresjs and some others to get a sense of what's possible with good string templating.

Those do look quite nice, fairly far away from the nightmares I've dealt with before. They also seem to avoid the problem of just about summoning a whole separate archaic syntax just for jamming variables into a string.

> but a lot of practices in there that are not exactly considered "best" today

You mean fashionable?

> Perhaps we have sunk too deep into the SPA/API rabbit hole that we can no longer appreciate simplicity

I’m certain of it.

I still identify with the “frontend developer” title, even though my skill set has grown beyond it. Best practices are framework dependent, the tooling one should choose is dependent on their problem space, and we do appreciate simplicity.

No one is forcing people to use React, Svelte, Vue, etc. The sentiment of wishing for a simpler time has never felt right to me, cause no one is policing what people use. If you feel like people are forcing you into frameworks, I’m sorry, and I feel like I have a piece of advice.

If you truly believe a framework isn’t worth it, tell your team why. You might be right, and you might be wrong.

I’ve worked at large and small companies; discussions about what technologies to use have always been welcome. I’ve advocated for and won when making a case for “simpler solutions,” when it makes sense.

All that said if you think using a framework framework === complexity for the sake of complexity, you’re wrong. OP I’m not saying you think this, but I have to imagine that it’s the sentiment of at least part of the folks who made this the top comment.

SPAs are here due to organisational, not technical reasons.

For large organisations it's easier to manage a team of workers with narrow specialisations than a single, but almost equally productive developer like here.

It's particularly visible in banking applications, where modules are almost completely independent and built by non-overlapping teams, so they take forever to load due to the limitation on concurrent requests in browsers.

I've been evaluating some self-hosted/open source company management systems this weekend.

Most of them are classic multi-page PHP apps. It's terrible. I can't stand how it always reloads each time I click on something. I remember it didn't bother me much in the past when everything was like that, but today we have much better options.

I went for a SaaS built as a SPA. When I click on something, for example to create a new entity, I get a modal/side-panel immediately. When I want details, I get them much quicker and can return back to the listing immediately.

> It's particularly visible in banking applications, where modules are almost completely independent and built by non-overlapping teams, so they take forever to load due to the limitation on concurrent requests in browsers.

They just can't code SPAs well. It's perfectly possible to have both quick loading times and very separate modules.

> I can't stand how it always reloads each time I click on something.

And yet here you are, using HackerNews just about every day, which works exactly the same way. No SPA. No 'forever loading', just a classic, fast SSR webapp that treats individual pieces of content as documents, just like how the web was designed to work.

This is a forum, not a management system where I need to open dozens of listings and hundreds of different detail pages and make modifications there.

It also doesn't bother me much on here because HN is much faster than these systems - no wonder, since it's just a forum. But try updating the details of 50 employees, each separated into 5 subpages, when you need to wait 750ms to have each page load. And you need to load that page multiple times - first to get into the detail, then to put it into "edit" mode, then to save it - and then you can switch to a different subpage of the detail.

> when you need to wait 750ms to have each page load

Wait, what? If it's taking most of a second for a page to load, then that's the problem, not that it isn't a SPA.

What can I do? Do you have a suggestion for a different HRIS? All of these that have all needed features are bloated OOP apps in PHP...

Amdhal's Law would suggest that much of the 750ms latency is likely attributed to I/O operations (mainly DB ops) and not CPU. Also, without knowing anything about your setup: upgrading to PHP 8 and/or enabling opcode cache may help. All that said, my original quibble was with development time, not run time overheads.

750ms transaction times and it’s “the language” that’s the problem? Not bloody likely.

Beauty of that though is that you can CMD+click on each one and open all 50 into separate tabs, then work on each one whilst the others load in the background. Want to cross-reference? Easy, just shift a tab to a new window. All likely not possible in an SPA, either because links don’t work like links, or because it’ll muck up state.

You can do that with a SPA. All SPAs I made and most of the ones I use support it just fine.

speed has nothing to do with the problem that you originally described. an AJAX call can take 750ms also.

There's no AJAX call in a SPA if all I did was close a detail side-pane to get back to the listing. The AJAX call goes on in background if I saved a modification and I can continue to use the app as it runs. And when I open a detail, at least I'm not watching the whole damn app reload and reconstruct itself from scratch for the 1000th time, and need to download just the data and not the whole bloated HTML mess.

To play Devil's advocate, while I agree with you, in reality it happened multiple times (last one, 2 minutes ago while writing a comment in other HN entry) where I am writing the response but then would like to have a peek at the chain of comments I'm responding to.

Using the phone that's very annoying. I have to long press on the entry's link on the header, open in a new tab, recheck the message trail, and go back to the first tab to end writing.

So simoly as that, I could think of lots of times where a SPA-style dropdown editor box inserted in the conversation view, would be more useful than the current HN's reply page.

If the reply page contained the whole discussion, though, the problem would be equally solved too. So I'm not saying that an SPA would be 100% better, just mentioning an example that occurred to me.

Let's be clear, Hacker News is likely the fastest SSR websites that most people have ever used.

Agreed on all points, it's just that a large part of why they got a foothold is that you can fire one of your three frontend developers on a moment's notice, whereas a single so-called web developer doing their work and more will have leverage.

They're visibly snappier than server-rendered frontends, or even frontends with JS sprinkled on top when done correctly, but large organisations generally don't do them correctly.

You really don't need an spa for this. You can do the same ux with Turbo from Hotwire (and before it Turbolinks) and traditional server side rendering.

you're typing this on one of those classic multi-page apps. it's not terrible. it's the web.

There's a massive difference in how I use a forum and how I use a company management system. MPA is fine for a forum, not for a company management system. This is the web indeed, and the company management app is just using the web browser as an app platform. No reason to conflate the two.

Look up pjax. You can have both, every page gets reloaded, but the user won't notice it.

>"but a lot of practices in there that are not exactly considered "best" today"

Considered by whom?

We are, indeed, in a world where Jquery is now the preferable choice. Frontend development is going through what video games went through in the 80s, so much new shovelware every day that people are eventually going to get tired of it.

jQuery is completely unnecessary now, you can use the built in element selectors to do all the same stuff without pulling a huge lib in. The value in jQuery was acting as a shim to smooth over IE's deficiencies back in the day. Now, its a waste of bandwidth.

In my professional life, I use jQuery daily, in my personal projects, almost never. BUT that doesn't mean jQuery doesn't have certain niceties that plain-old javascript doesn't. But implementing them in modern javascript is only a few lines of code, so I end up with my own micro-jquery usually by the end of a project, because I will implement a feature from jQuery I like that doesn't exist (or at least, that I don't know about).

I usually do something like:

    const $ = function(selector) { };
at the start of every project, implement document.querySelectorAll, then return an object with a handful of functions like on(event, callback), off(event), one(event, callback), attr/data/prop(name[, value]).

All of them are basically just tiny <10 LOC shims for a lot of built-in functionality. But that way I still get the niceness/terse-ity of jQuery, but not the bloat and overhead of it being able to still do:

    $('.selector').one('submit', () => false)
is a lot nicer than

    document.querySelector('.selector).addEventListener('submit', () => false, {once:true}).

jQuery is a few kilobytes not some huge libruary. You can do it n pure js but jQuery allows you to do it in less lines of code and cleaner.

There are only a few cases where that's true today. Probably 90% of the functions that helped a lot before have been implemented by browsers natively today.

So? The jQuery code still works regardless of when the browser decided to catch up.

I picked up jQuery because JS in browsers weren't cross-compatible for ages. I don't see a need to stop unless jQuery stops being cross-compatible.

> So? The jQuery code still works regardless of when the browser decided to catch up.

So, it's not needed anymore. I also started using jQuery in order to get cross-browser support for handy stuff, but since that stuff is now cross-browser without using any 3rd party libraries at all, there is no need to use extra bandwidth and CPU cycles from your users to download something that basically already exists.

Most of the world's bandwidth is being used to stream Netflix and Youtube. I think the web will be OK if my site sends a network request for an 87KB script every now and then.

I never undertood the fuss with bandwidth and jquery either... it's only 30k once behind mod_deflate. To put it in perspective, vue.global.js is 463k or 104k once gzipped.

There are many reason not to use Jquery for greenfield projects now, but bandwith is not one of them.

The "fuss" is not about the specific numbers of bandwidth but more the mindset of not using more resources than absolutely necessary. And yeah, my breed who seems to care about this seems to be scarcer and scarcer out there but I promise, we still do exists.

Funny how some people have this mindset only about jquery and not unecessary fonts, icons, image backgrounds, etc.

When have I argued that? Or are you putting other people's opinion and saying I hold them?

Where did I say it was you ?

Made a mostly minimal status page app thing for some services based development and ripping out the jQuery used during prototyping cut the total load by almost half. There are some use cases where skipping even small but unnecessary inclusions can make a measurable difference.

Still preferable over how most SPAs are written these days, especially when looking at overhead.

jQuery was a browser normalization layer and one heck of an API for DOM manipulation.

The first is thankfully not needed anymore, the second hasn’t been matched in simplicity and power by the native one, unfortunately. Not by a long shot.

If you don’t believe me, check out one of the “You Might Not Need jQuery” sites. They read much like “you might not need firelighter, stones and sticks are all you need”.

to be honest, I don't use jquery either, but https://youmightnotneedjquery.com/ seems to be telling me that I might just need jquery if I want the code to be concise and readable.

EDIT: oh, I just realized that's exactly what you were saying!

Yeah, I always find it hilarious that it ends up showing that you may not need it but it sure is nice to have.

It's at 87KB these days for the minified production version. There are corporate logo PNGs that are bigger in size.

That's larger than all of the JS business logic in most of my applications and comparable to some of my stylesheets. For mobile users it all adds up, and not everybody has fantastic reception all the time.

You're not wrong about logos, but I find that webp will often squish that sort of thing down to 10-15k.

yeah, I'm very glad that we have a dozen and a half Javascript libraries that aren't jQuery instead!

GP isn't saying you should use React, they're saying that if you don't need React you probably don't need jQuery either and you might as well just use pure Javascript. Most of the functions people used jQuery for are natively supported in every major browser that runs Javascript, and the few that aren't have decent polyfills.

I mean, let's be real; most of what people were using jQuery for was stuff like `querySelector`, `closest`, `classList`, etc... For those people, pure Javascript is JQuery now. If you don't want a framework and you don't want reactive/declarative interfaces, then you probably don't need a library.

I would say the same thing (maybe to a lesser degree) about "standard" libraries like Lodash. Native Javascript has a `reduce` function now, it's widely supported. And if you have to target any of the very few browsers that don't have it, then polyfilling is (usually) the better choice. See also Blueberry and promises; just use JS promises, they're fine.


Yep, good catch :) It's been a while since I ran into it.

Whether or not there is shovelware in frontend development is irrelevant: jQuery provides little to nothing over regular vanilla JS nowadays.

Few days back I became aware of youmightnotneedjquery.com so we can even do away with jquery.

I really enjoy using alpine.js. It gives me dead-simple lightweight DOM manipulation with much less code than vanilla JS or jQuery and doesn't require any build systems.

I agree. There is no bandwidth wasted when using a popular CDN just drop it in and enjoy the simplicity it still ads to the already nice as well JavaScript methods.

It's fine if you don't want to call it a waste of bandwidth, but bandwidth is definitely still used because browsers don't share caches between domains https://www.stefanjudis.com/notes/say-goodbye-to-resource-ca....

Silly point as jQuery is a few kilobytes meanwhile your custom font is a few megs.

It’s not a silly point. It’s clarifying a misconception that was long used as an argument for using CDNs to deliver script assets like jQuery, which was being repeated here in context.

I feel like if you are worried about 30kb, you're probably also not using custom fonts; or you're at least not blocking rendering behind them (you're accepting FOUT).

It's a reasonable argument to make that minimizing 3rd-party library use is premature optimization for most websites, but if you get to the point where you need that optimization then it is 30kb and it won't be cached (CDN caching is a myth, CDNs are only useful for minimizing server load/response-time they aren't shared between domains) and it will block your initial app logic.

You're making the assumption that the developer has any input in the matter.

In which case it makes even less sense for someone to complain about reducing Javascript bloat just because a web font that a developer doesn't control and doesn't have any input over exists.

I am sympathetic that worrying about 30kb is overkill for a lot of apps. But if you are in a position where you're really optimizing for speed to the point where even megabytes matter, then those 30kb are not cached and they block page logic from executing until they're downloaded. And that remains true even if there's another performance change that would be higher impact that you're not allowed to make.

If anything, being not allowed to reduce asset size for your website would make efficient JS bundling matter more, since it's one of the few resource bundles you'd be allowed to do something about and it would be pulling double-duty to try and slightly cover for the inefficient fetches that you can't change.

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