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In my professional life, I use jQuery daily, in my personal projects, almost never. BUT that doesn't mean jQuery doesn't have certain niceties that plain-old javascript doesn't. But implementing them in modern javascript is only a few lines of code, so I end up with my own micro-jquery usually by the end of a project, because I will implement a feature from jQuery I like that doesn't exist (or at least, that I don't know about).

I usually do something like:

    const $ = function(selector) { };
at the start of every project, implement document.querySelectorAll, then return an object with a handful of functions like on(event, callback), off(event), one(event, callback), attr/data/prop(name[, value]).

All of them are basically just tiny <10 LOC shims for a lot of built-in functionality. But that way I still get the niceness/terse-ity of jQuery, but not the bloat and overhead of it being able to still do:

    $('.selector').one('submit', () => false)
is a lot nicer than

    document.querySelector('.selector).addEventListener('submit', () => false, {once:true}).

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