You’re right, I’ve only been in the industry for 27 years across 8 companies including my current one working at BigTech where I do cloud consulting for other large enterprise companies.
What do I know?
And yet you still haven’t been able to prove your claims that “most” pay about the same.
You linked to a site that literally showed Walmart's non-tech arm (hint: the majority of the tech jobs at Walmart aren't under 'Walmart' on paying comparable salaries (you yourself compared them)...
But yeah, all those 27 years of experience totally weren't just you sitting in a chair somewhere, being "part of the team". Got it.
> prove your claims that “most” pay about the same.
first prove I claimed that (hint: I didn't)
I'm starting to think you got fooled into thinking BigTech was the only option, and are now discovering how untrue that actually was.
> You linked to a site that literally showed Walmart's non-tech arm (hint: the majority of the tech jobs at Walmart aren't under 'Walmart' on paying comparable salaries (you yourself compared them)...
Now I’m still waiting for you to prove your claims which were “Most Fortune 100 companies are competitive now” and you haven’t provided a single link.
> I'm starting to think you got fooled into thinking BigTech was the only option, and are now discovering how untrue that actually was.
A) seeing that when I started working, only one of the current FAANG companies existed, I know that FAANG isn’t my only option.
B) seeing that I specialize in cloud architecture and modernization + dev - ie “system design”. I think I’m at the right “F100” company.
I don't owe you any links, I am not here to do your research for you. You already found one company that pays similarly, will give you dozens of others, you even named a few who do pay in a similar ballpark as FAANG.
Besides, it's not actually at all clear if you care about this topic genuinely or are just being a jackass online, so you can forgive me if I don't take your demand for my effort more seriously.
You call paying a software engineer who would have to move up the rank from a level 1 to a L7 “in the ballpark” of the same pay as someone who would only need 2-3 years of experience “in the ball park”???
You shouldn’t need to “do research” if you knew what you were talking about.
Are you now claiming that “dozens” of companies - ie at least 24 — non tech companies in the f100 pay “in the ball park” of Google, Amazon, Apple , Facebook and Netflix???
I didn't say 1 to L7 was "in the ballpark" and neither did you, because you knew that'd be wrong.
And yes, dozens. Many dozens. Hundreds, even hit the "ballpark" of FAANG pay, especially now. FAANG isn't what it once was, the separation isn't nearly as large.
Then how is Walmart in the ballpark of Amazon if it takes being a L7 engineer to hit the same compensation as an SDE2 at Amazon for example.
FAANG initial offers are still on the same level they always were, they are hiring fewer people.
I haven’t paid attention to the other stocks. But AMZN and my RSUs are higher than they were when I got hired in mid 2020, I got a refresher and I still have 60% of my original stock unvested.
The first two years, most of my compensation was cash.
My compensation has gone up decently in the past three years and based on the current stock price, will be up next year
And I can’t speak for Facebook. But from what I know about Amazon and heard about Google, they are both giving out refreshers to make their current employees whole.
It doesn't take being an L7 engineer at Walmart to hit the same compensation as an SDE2 at Amazon (L7 @ WMT is $493k vs SDE2 @ AMZN is $243k according to You still don't understand that Walmart tech jobs aren't mostly listed under Walmart on
Consider this a little test; figure out what I'm talking about and where I got the $493k, and I'll continue to engage. Otherwise I'm done.
The highest one in retail is Walmart.
Level 5 comp for Walmart is about the same as a mid level developer at Amazon and Amazon is in the middle of the pack for tech compensation.
Again you still refuse to name a company and level and numbers.