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Ask HN: Could you share your personal blog here?
1014 points by revskill on July 4, 2023 | hide | past | favorite | 1960 comments


I write satire in short form posts a couple of times a week. Often it’s about AI and tech, but really anything that makes me laugh.

A few that turned out well:

Apple Vision Pro is an iOpener https://wittweekly.substack.com/p/apple-vision-pro-is-an-iop...

Irish Spring stumbles into artificial intelligence https://wittweekly.substack.com/p/irish-spring-stumbles-into...

Steamboat Ronnie https://wittweekly.substack.com/p/steamboat-ronnie

Trader Joe’s upgrades Joes O’s https://wittweekly.substack.com/p/trader-joes-upgrades-joes-...

lol, not bad. the irish spring one got me


Musings on technology and other topics. Some examples:

A Timelapse of a monstera deliciosia taken from frames of a Wyze cam:


My first experience with the 3D holographic laser disc game, Time Traveler and Dragon’s Lair in an arcade:


Early notes on Spatial Audio:


A highlight of a Devendra Banhart song:


https://blog.plover.com/ The Universe of Discourse, since 2006. I don't know how many posts, maybe 800 or 900?

About ⅓ math and ⅔ everything under the sun.

Hits the front page here several times a year.

A few of my favorites:

* https://blog.plover.com/lang/middle-english.html You can learn to read Middle English

* https://blog.plover.com/math/60-degree-angles.html 60-degree angles on a lattice

* https://blog.plover.com/math/24-puzzle-2.html Recognizing when two arithmetic expressions are essentially the same


It's a semi-regular, assorted blog about my adventures and experiences in life. Generally semi-focused on minimalism, computers and life in general.

It's powered by https://mataroa.blog/, which is very minimal and a joy to use.


Some personal favorites:

Applying The Clean Architecture to Go applications (2012):


Object-orientation and inheritance in JavaScript: a comprehensive explanation (2012):


Why developing software without tests is like driving a car without brakes (2011):


Tutorial: Single Page Applications with a Serverless Backend and Infrastructure as Code (2021):



I don't post a lot, but when I do, I try to make it interesting. So far I've covered:

- a creative use of Rust's type system (https://ktkaufman03.github.io/blog/2023/04/20/rust-compile-t...)

- taking a deep dive into some obscure, closed-source scanner drivers, and ultimately creating new ones (https://ktkaufman03.github.io/blog/2022/09/04/pakon-reverse-...)

I do have some more posts planned for the not-so-distant future, which I think will be interesting!

If for some reason you want to subscribe, I have an RSS feed set up: https://ktkaufman03.github.io/feed.xml

Here’s mine :) https://david.coffee/

I blog about random bits and blobs in tech. Sometimes a review, sometimes trying out something new. Wanted to try and keep it interesting and not too fixated on one category.

Last post is a mini review on a travel router, and if you need one - https://david.coffee/the-case-for-a-travel-router/

Or going through the process of getting custom molded earplugs done - https://david.coffee/my-custom-molded-attenuating-earplugs/

Or using Elixir to build a distributed ChatGPT CLI - https://david.coffee/mini-chatgpt-in-elixir-and-genserver/

Not as active as I wished


Most of my posts are about Python's internals and some security stuff

https://Wa.rner.me Write about The Arts & Tech and how we can defend the former from the latter. (via Micro.blog/warner - a superbly curated, sustainable blogger community)

Top posts of last year: https://Wa.rner.me/2022/12/31/my-top-blogposts.html ft. Intros to: M.b, web-design & blogging Deep dives on: scams, BTC CO2 & TLDs

Ps thanks for getting me off the comment fence here. I do love a blogroll.

https://substr.net - I should post more often just to keep practicing writing, or for a personal record of stuff I learn.

My most viewed posts:

- https://substr.net/2020/09/30/generating-and-displaying-a-qr... - how to generate a QR code in Unreal engine

- https://substr.net/2022/07/18/replacing-webpack-with-vite/ - experience switching from webpack to vite

- https://substr.net/2020/04/30/video-games-in-arabic/ - about finding games to play in Arabic


I haven't posted for a while, as I've been going through a lot personally, but I've got a couple of drafts and rough outlines I hope to be able to post soon.

Most of my posts have to do with cryptography, over-engineered silliness, or "cursed" things.

Previously on HN:


Stuff not posted on my blog:




https://overthinkingmoney.com/ I started this one about six months ago as a way to indulge my passion for hacking wealth. No technical topics, but I've been writing about startups and businesses regularly. This series might be the most applicable to folks on Hacker News: https://overthinkingmoney.com/2023/05/02/start-a-business-no...

https://www.georgesaines.com/ My personal blog. I originally started it when I was running my first company to document the stuff I learned. It's been around in various incarnations since 2008, but I don't blog very often. In the last couple of years, it's devolved into personal book and movie reviews. If you like indie movies or nonfiction, give it a read!


I post three things I find interesting, once a week. Very simple and to the point.

I’m at just a tad over 100 subscribers at time of writing. In the latest issue I shared some research on the “Pink Tax”, a blog sharing MacOS command line tools, and a Twitter thread demistifying a lot of the debate around water quality in the U.K.

For more long form content you can find me on medium: https://medium.com/@duartem where my writing has had over 25,000 reads over the years.

Alternatively I also have a (Jekyll) website at https://www.Santiago-Martins.com

https://lovebloodrhetoric.com/ Writing about writing. And swords. Of most interest to HN readers is probably this piece of flash fiction, Prompt Engineering for pre-Singularity Service Workers [0], inspired by the idea that LLMs like ChatGPT are likely to change the way people communicate with each other. But there's also this ten-part series on how to write a fight scene [1].

[0] https://lovebloodrhetoric.com/2023/06/20/prompt-engineering-...

[1] https://lovebloodrhetoric.com/2019/05/08/writing-the-fight-r...

https://blog.samuellevy.com/ - I haven't posted in a few years, and I really need to upgrade it/clean up everything. It's not remotely mobile friendly.

I've had a few relatively popular posts over the years:

https://blog.samuellevy.com/post/41-php-is-the-right-tool-fo... A kind of response to a certain post about PHP that still makes the rounds...

https://blog.samuellevy.com/post/46-do-i-look-like-i-give-a-... "Do I Look Like I Give A Shit Public Licence" an alternative to the WTFPL

Two personal blogs:

https://letterstoanewdeveloper.com/ - what I wish I'd known when I started as a dev

https://www.mooreds.com/wordpress/ - tech/business/books, coming up on 20 years!

https://arthurcolle.com and https://arthurcolle.substack.com/

Mostly coding related, some Rust stuff. I am trying to be better about publishing stuff that is interesting. Here is a good one:



I mostly write about startups and fundraising from the POV of an engineer turned VC. The posts have gotten much less frequent over time, but I have a few good drafts that I hope to publish by the end of the year.

My two most popular posts so far:

How to de-risk a startup (https://www.codingvc.com/p/how-to-de-risk-a-startup)

Salary and equity benchmarks based on AngelList data (https://www.codingvc.com/p/analyzing-angellist-job-postings-...)

The posts below are less popular, but they're my personal favorites. Apologies in advance for poor formatting, I migrated to Substack a while ago and still need to fix some of the internal links.

Not all revenue is equal (https://www.codingvc.com/p/when-is-a-dollar-not-a-dollar)

Becoming your future self (https://www.codingvc.com/p/becoming-your-future-self)

Startup thought experiments (https://www.codingvc.com/p/how-to-use-thought-experiments-to...)


I blog about the development of aircraft ice protection in the era of the National Advisory Committee for Aeronautics (NACA, 1918 to 1958, a predecessor to NASA).

An amazing amount of analysis was conducted with analog computers, and many of the results are still found in design manuals today.


I've got a few posts on there (although most are still on my "been meaning to write that post for literal years" list). Some at random:

https://tomwh.uk/blog/posts/2021/12/07/temphost/ - Temphost: Host files quickly on a dumb HTTP host with optional time-to-live

https://tomwh.uk/blog/posts/2021/06/29/rsync-backup-restore-... - How to Backup and Restore root-owned Files Over the Network Using Rsync

https://tomwh.uk/blog/posts/2020/04/12/fun-with-decompiled-m... - Some Fun With Decompiled Super Mario 64

https://tomwh.uk/blog/posts/2020/03/28/fake-home-prison/ - Imprisoning Naughty Dotfiles in a Fake $HOME

https://tomwh.uk/blog/posts/2018/02/09/alt-useful-key-vim/ - The Most Useful Key In Vim (Not Escape)


Building SaaS wasn't working out for me, so i've been taking everything I've learnt from building Ruby on Rails apps and posting it here.

- Learn Stimulus — https://railsnotes.xyz/blog/your-first-stimulus-controller-l... - Learn Hotwire — https://railsnotes.xyz/blog/the-simplest-ruby-on-rails-and-h... - About bin/dev and Procfile.dev — https://railsnotes.xyz/blog/procfile-bin-dev-rails7


It’s barren these days — I got self conscious about writing for some reason, and removed most of what I’d written — but I’ve recently gotten back to it. I have a lot ready to go, just need to build that confidence and hit publish again.

I write for myself more than anything, which makes the hesitation that much stranger.

Not sure if I should publish my "blog" here or not. It's been in a hiatus the last 6-7 years due to life and because I don't "feel" qualified to publish anything.

Anyhow, lately the consensus on HN has been "some is better than none" and "hit that publish button"...

At the moment I'm transitioning from WP to Hugo, trying to retain content from the old blog to the new one. It is a joyful journey, which has lasted about 2 years give or take. It's not the top priority, but it has been chugging along.

Most of the time has ended up in tinkering with Hugo and partials/shortcodes, than to migrate and create new content.

The "new" blog is at https://studiofreya.org and the old one is at .com

The .org one will probably become .com when the perpetual tinkering is done.

Sure. I write about cryptography, computer security, LGBTQIA+ interest topics, and the Furry Fandom on my blog, Dhole Moments.


My fursona is a dhole. It's a wordplay on "dull moments".

Some of my greatest hits:

Database Cryptography Fur the Rest of Us - https://soatok.blog/2023/03/01/database-cryptography-fur-the...

What We Do in the /etc/shadow - Cryptography with Passwords - https://soatok.blog/2022/12/29/what-we-do-in-the-etc-shadow-...

Why AES-GCM Sucks - https://soatok.blog/2020/05/13/why-aes-gcm-sucks/

Canonicalization Attacks Against MACs and Signatures - https://soatok.blog/2021/07/30/canonicalization-attacks-agai...

And a must-read to anyone that wants to complain about the furry art (which is 100% SFW): https://soatok.blog/2020/07/09/a-word-on-anti-furry-sentimen...

It's good posts. Even I can almost understand what you're talking about on infosec stuff with zero background in it.

http://www.randomnoun.com - a wordpress blog covering a handful of projects I've opensourced and a few software-related rants

Here's a few posts:

- http://www.randomnoun.com/wp/2021/12/11/flowcharts-r-us/ - java to graphviz

- http://www.randomnoun.com/wp/2022/10/14/make-a-new-plan-stan... - visualising sql execution plans

- http://www.randomnoun.com/wp/2020/12/19/the-complete-history... - data warehousing

- http://www.randomnoun.com/wp/2016/07/04/2897/ - the template language to end all template languages

- http://www.randomnoun.com/wp/2021/07/09/the-constant-refrain... - musical brainfarts

- http://www.randomnoun.com/wp/2021/07/24/tabstop-me-if-you-th... - grappling with tabs in HTML

- http://www.randomnoun.com/wp/2021/11/27/pointless/ - grappling with drawio


I mostly write about Ruby

I also wrote some more general pieces about building software, products and companies at https://ghinda.com/blog but did not had too much time lately also for that part.

Forgot to add my rss feed at https://allaboutcoding.ghinda.com/rss.xml


Alignment between people and technology, mostly. Much aggregated from my other site (https://principles.dev).

- https://principles.dev/blog/first-principles-thinking-a-visu... - post with 3d graphics

- https://principles.dev/blog/where-are-all-the-software-carto... - one that took the longest to write

- https://principles.dev/p/relatedness-pattern/ - A principle

I really enjoy this thread, thanks for opening it!

On my end:

- Technical stuff: https://thedarkside.frantzmiccoli.com/ - Entrepreneurship & thoughts on society: https://outofthecomfortzone.frantzmiccoli.com/

I am afraid that my non native english make the content less pleasant to read ;-)

I have been blogging since a long time, including a blog with more than hundreds of articles that I am not sharing. It's strange when you realise that you basically could have written two or three non fiction books.

Of the shared content, the ones I think are the most interesting are:

- A post mortem analysis about a solo startup project https://outofthecomfortzone.frantzmiccoli.com/thoughts/2016/...

- The recent articles about generative on the second blog.

- A write up about a very cool data science project around smart watches https://thedarkside.frantzmiccoli.com/experimentations/2016/...

- Debugging randomness https://thedarkside.frantzmiccoli.com/tricks/2015/11/11/debu...


Between the "blog" and "projects" categories, it's about 80 posts dating back to 2008 (wow).

In recent years, it's tended towards an eclectic mix of low-level programming, graphics research, and electrical engineering.

Many posts have substantial HN discussions, e.g.

- Do Not Taunt Happy Fun Branch Predictor (https://news.ycombinator.com/item?id=34520498)

- From Oscilloscope to Wireshark: A UDP Story (https://news.ycombinator.com/item?id=32428032)

- XModem in 2022 (https://news.ycombinator.com/item?id=31570953)

- It Can Happen To You (https://news.ycombinator.com/item?id=26337046)

Thank you for starting this.

Is it too optimistic of me to hope that someone turns this into the seed of a new blogroll or web directory (a la Dmoz, Curlie)?


I write about tech culture/ethics, security and privacy online, and random technical projects I've been working on.

Some favorites are: Myth of the Necessary Jerk https://blog.eldrid.ge/2017/04/11/the-myth-of-the-necessary-...

The Silent AI Overlord is Already Here https://blog.eldrid.ge/2022/07/28/the-silent-ai-overlord-is-...

Online Identity is Complicated https://blog.eldrid.ge/2022/08/12/online-identity-is-complic...


I started this blog in 2019 and wrote around 50 articles. I focus on backend engineering on the jvm and all the surrounding. The blog was formerly called "code-held" and when I started to work as a freelancer earlier this year I migrated the content. I publish in German and English.

My favorite posts are:

Microservices are a Big Ball of Mud - https://backendhance.com/en/blog/2022/microservices/ (was also featured at HN some while ago)

Don't Use The Builder Pattern in Kotlin - https://backendhance.com/en/blog/2021/dont-use-builder-in-ko...

How To Load A Shared Library From A Subfolder In Jenkins - https://backendhance.com/en/blog/2020/jenkins-local-shared-l...

RSS Feed (en): https://backendhance.com/en/blog/index.xml RSS Feed (de): https://backendhance.com/blog/index.xml

I publish every week now.

When you are interested in more opinionated content (infotainement) you might enjoy my newsletter as well: https://backendhance.com/newsletter/

In the newsletter I share some easy to consume inspiration twice a week.


Learnt most while writing:

- https://nikhilsoni.me/2023/02/25/getting-started-with-music-... - Intro to music theory

- https://nikhilsoni.me/2019/04/05/confusing-terms-in-containe... - Confusing terms while trying to understand container

- https://nikhilsoni.me/2023/06/06/providing-aws-msk-kafka-acc... - Problems faced while setting up public MSK

Mine's more for note taking and so I can find stuff via google when I forget so not sure how consumable it is for other people. It is relatively old though so can be interesting to look back over all the different trends and fads: https://whatibroke.com/


Mostly just write about issues I come across in the hope that its easier to fix for someone else.

- https://www.timveletta.com/blog/next-js-13-layouts-by-exampl... - Next.js 13 layouts by example

- https://www.timveletta.com/blog/accessing-react-state-in-you... - Accessing React state in your component cleanup

- https://www.timveletta.com/blog/saas-products-not-cloud-prov... - Why I used SaaS products instead of cloud providers


Here’s mine, I blog about programming stuff in general.

HN community particularly liked:

- https://mattrighetti.com/2022/04/05/i-need-to-find-an-appart...

- https://mattrighetti.com/2023/02/22/asciidoc-liquid-and-jeky...

Lately I’ve been blogging about my GSoC journey developing a new web protocol for the Tor organisation using actix and Rust.

It’s always fun to read emails and feedbacks from visitors so hit me up if you have the chance ;)

RSS: https://mattrighetti.com/feed.xml

https://tobilg.com Pretty new, started blogging again after many years, focussing on data and AWS topics

- Using DuckDB in AWS Lambda https://tobilg.com/using-duckdb-in-aws-lambda

- A poor man's data lake in the cloud https://tobilg.com/casual-data-engineering-or-a-poor-mans-da...

- Gathering and analyzing public ip address data from cloud providers https://tobilg.com/gathering-and-analyzing-public-cloud-prov...


You may remember me from:

Acropaylypse: https://www.da.vidbuchanan.co.uk/blog/exploiting-acropalypse...

Netflix on Asahi: https://www.da.vidbuchanan.co.uk/blog/netflix-on-asahi.html

Hello, PNG!: https://www.da.vidbuchanan.co.uk/blog/hello-png.html

Only 3 articles so far this year, but there's an RSS feed, and I plan to write more soon.


Where me and my partner write up our pet projects and experiments. Mostly arduino and gamedev but there's a bit of everything. One of them made it to the HN front page once: https://coconauts.net/blog/2016/08/01/retrophies/

However, it's been pretty much on hiatus since we've had kids and all of our free time is now consumed by them :)


The posts that made it to the top of HN (that I can recall at this moment)

35 Million Hot Dogs: Benchmarking Caddy vs. Nginx (https://blog.tjll.net/reverse-proxy-hot-dog-eating-contest-c...)

SSH Kung Fu (https://blog.tjll.net/ssh-kung-fu/)

Building My Ideal Router for $50 (https://blog.tjll.net/building-my-perfect-router/)

I've been using nix/nixos a lot lately and will probably end up publishing more in that general area of interest. That and my excessively-overengineered homelab.


"Dave's Data" - very much a "whatever I want to post about" blog but with some of my historical cryptocurrency mining exploits, some CS professor babble, some cooking, and recently some Rust.

My most read article was the one where I discussed a pretty crazy adventure creating an optimized miner for the monero cryptocurrency, discovering in the process the mechanism that had been used to artificially pre-mine its predecessor, Bytecoin. (It was released with an artificially slowed down implementation of the PoW function, which I managed to reverse engineer and discover the original design): https://da-data.blogspot.com/2014/08/minting-money-with-mone...

I frequently write at https://lucasfcosta.com.

It's been on the front-page here quite often.

Especially these posts:

- Useful engineering metrics and why velocity is not one of them - https://lucasfcosta.com/2022/08/31/engineering-metrics.html

- You don't need Scrum. You just need to do Kanban right. - https://lucasfcosta.com/2022/10/02/scrum-versus-kanban.html

- Why deadlines are pointless and what to do instead - https://lucasfcosta.com/2022/09/15/deadlines.html

My website is https://www.seanw.org and my very infrequently updated blog is https://www.seanw.org/blog/. I'm one of those people who probably has more fun setting up the blog and playing with static site generators but I keep thinking I'll get around to writing more one day. :)

Most of my writing was on web best practices which got migrated to my project here:


https://mebassett.info/essays - whatever idea I have that I think is worth exploring in a rambling essay. some hits have been

Human attention has become a marxist commodity (https://mebassett.info/human-attention-commodity)

AI is Useful for Capitalists but Probably Terrible for Anyone Else (https://mebassett.info/ai-useful-for-capitalist)

Empathy and Failures of Democracies (https://mebassett.info/empathy-failures-democracy.html)

https://www.hotelexistence.ca/me/ Personal projects, problems solved, and workplace observations.

Sample posts: Fixing ink blobs on Epson prints - https://www.hotelexistence.ca/me/?p=408 Building a 'smart' bicycle dashcam - https://www.hotelexistence.ca/me/?p=618

Also, kind of a personal blog - I scripted a blogging bot that writes a post daily, using the comments from the most commented article on HN, which today is this one: https://www.eliza-ng.me/


Here are some posts that have ranked top 1 in HN:

- A tour to my Zettelkasten note clusters https://lmy.medium.com/a-tour-to-my-zettelkasten-notes-dc26a...

- 7 tools for visualizing a codebase https://lmy.medium.com/7-tools-for-visualizing-a-codebase-41...

My recent favorite:

- How to get Notion-AI-like Autocomplete with LLMs in Obsidian, offline https://lmy.medium.com/how-to-get-notion-ai-like-autocomplet...


Writeups, short essays, random stuff. I also write short reviews of books over at https://knih.chamik.eu (Only in Czech though)


Some programming stuff, some totally random stuff, and lately some 3D printing stuff!

I think my most well-known post is a how-to for encrypted dual-boot in Ubuntu: https://www.mikekasberg.com/blog/2020/04/08/dual-boot-ubuntu...

More recently, I've gotten into some programmatic 3D printing stuff like this: https://www.mikekasberg.com/blog/2023/04/27/3d-printing-the-...


Over a thousand posts (I've been doing this a while apparently) on APIs, open source, backend scripting languages, developer experience/relations, other random tech, and the occasional recipe.

I maintain two, with pretty different content. Both are intended to explore deep topics (AI and climate change, respectively), aiming for a middle ground between academic papers (meaty, but often hard to understand + contextualize if you're not already an expert) and popular press (often over-simplified or off the mark).

https://amistrongeryet.substack.com/ – was intended to be a general "things I've learned after coding for 40+ years", but so far just chronicles my attempt to wrap my head around the actual capabilities of current AI models and the potential trajectory and impact on society.

https://climateer.substack.com/ – my attempt to explain some of the big / controversial topics in climate change mitigation.

My tech blog:




These replaced the roughly 20 year old, but now Russian-owned...


... and...


... due to the Ukrainian invasion. I cannot abide by the LJ AUP that requires me not to criticize the Russian government. Слава Україні!

These days, the vast majority of my writing is on https://www.theregister.com/ though.


Writing mostly about Drupal from a ambitious site builder/designer perspective. But lately I've been venturing into blogs about how to live a better, easier, more fulfilled life.


Most popular ones:

- How not to learn Rust: https://dystroy.org/blog/how-not-to-learn-rust/

- my plea for Hjson: https://dystroy.org/blog/hjson-in-broot/

- How to store secrets: https://dystroy.org/blog/secret-storage/

- Use broot and meld to diff before commit : https://dystroy.org/blog/gg/


I have started to share Unreal Engine hidden knowledge ( The engine has tons of cool things but not very documented )

One topic for instance is Component Visualizers, super helpful to work in the editor: - https://www.quodsoler.com/blog/unreal-engine-component-visua...

I plan to share more on the Gameplay Ability System and other topics as well.

Finally, lately I have started a weekly newsletter to help Solo Game developers:


Hope someone finds this helpful!


Not really a blog, just a few static HTML articles I've written over the years related to my (and others) work on OpenBSD. I hope to write some more eventually, but preoccupied with other things in my life.

https://beuke.org/ A personal blog about computer science topics. I write a about category theory, llms, cosmology, haskell and generic linux releated topics.

Some favorites over the years:

- https://beuke.org/programming-language-popularity/ - GitHub Programming Language Popularity based on BigQuery

- https://beuke.org/arch-linux-archive/ - Arch Linux Date-Based Versioned Upgrades

- https://beuke.org/boltzmann-brains/ - The Ultimate Fate of the Universe


I write about new and foundational academic CS research - writing is a way for me to learn and share with others along the way.

Some of my most popular writing is:

- FoundationDB: A Distributed Unbundled Transactional Key Value Store (https://news.ycombinator.com/item?id=28740497)

- Monarch: Google’s Planet-Scale In-Memory Time Series Database (https://news.ycombinator.com/item?id=31379383)

- Ray: A Distributed Framework for Emerging AI Applications (https://news.ycombinator.com/item?id=27730807)

Clean and simple. What is the platform behind the site? Ghost?

It’s Jekyll - and open source! https://github.com/mlerner/mlerner.github.io


Feed: https://tomhummel.com/posts/index.xml

40 posts from the past 15 years. Web, cloud, devops, IaC, static websites, video games, personal data

- ‘Four Ways to Build Web Apps’ which reached front page. https://tomhummel.com/posts/four-web-apps/

- Followup from that one with data. https://tomhummel.com/posts/front-page-hacker-news/


People seem to have enjoyed my book reviews, of which there are currently a grand total of two: https://www.awanderingmind.blog/tags/book%20review.html.

Most recently I have tried to make a case against the dangers of intelligence explosions (I am unsure I succeeded): https://www.awanderingmind.blog/posts/2023-05-31-the-case-ag...

I have an RSS feed you can subscribe to. I welcome constructive feedback, regarding both my writing or the site itself.


I write about hobby projects including CRTs and analog video, basic electrical engineering, and technology/programming/audio tinkering. The website is implemented in Zola using a customized template.

I write about carbon removal every week, 205 posts over 4 years.


Here's some favs:

- https://tito.co/posts/how-to-get-to-work-on-carbon-removal.h... How to get to work on carbon removal

- https://tito.co/posts/what-can-solar-computers-cars-and-weap... What can solar, computers, cars, and weapons teach us about carbon removal?

- https://tito.co/posts/ride-the-air-miners-wave.html Ride the "air miners" wave


https://alicegg.tech/ - I talk about a lot of tech related stuff, mostly devops and cryptography. I have been making around a post a month lately.

Noteworthy posts:

- https://alicegg.tech/2023/02/06/4dollar-vps.html : How much can you really get out of a 4$ VPS?

- https://alicegg.tech/2020/01/03/solitaire.html : Low Tech Crypto : Solitaire

- https://alicegg.tech/2019/06/23/aes-cbc.html : The dangers of AES-CBC


I write quirky computer science articles. Usually based on some crazy project often at the intersection of computers and math. Currently working on a series that builds Finite Fields up from scratch step-by-step (haven’t published that yet)

My blog has seen more time and effort put toward trying out different static site generators than interesting posts, but I'm sharing none the less :) https://kdheepak.com/blog/


ProductiveGrowth is for leaders and entrepreneurs or aspiring to be on one. My newsletter explores the topics of productivity, personal development and scaling through processes.


I really enjoy writing especially to work on my english and how i express my thoughts.

I try to write at least one post a month but im usually pretty busy with work.

My top 3 favorite posts are:

linux guide for powerusers https://xnacly.me/posts/2022/linux-for-powerusers/

Rsa and python https://xnacly.me/posts/2023/rsa/

Lexical analysis of Markdown in Go https://xnacly.me/posts/2023/lexer-markdown/


A scattering of personal newsletters, tech, and data engineering. For the personal newsletters that involve traveling, what I do is journal every day while I am in the destination country, and then when I'm at home, begin writing. Each travel post takes about 40 hours of writing, editing, and picture selection.

For the travel posts, I try not to rehash a history of a place (you probably could watch a youtube video or read a book for better perspective), but instead try to find something hopefully new and insightful to reveal

EG https://www.dquach.com/2023/04/05/personal-newsletter-2023-q...


I mostly write about tech topics and write howtos, usually for my own future reference.

However I also write about being a "digital nomad" living in an RV, and sometimes that converges with tech, e.g. (https://adriano.fyi/posts/2023/2023-04-16-att-traffic-shapin...) and sometimes even mountain biking (https://adriano.fyi/posts/2023/2023-06-12-mountain-biking-ha...).

It scratches a personal itch, and covering any topic I want allows me to do that.

> https://adriano.fyi

Beautifully simple layout, I really like it.

Thanks! I'd love to take personal credit, but it's https://github.com/panr/hugo-theme-terminal :)

That's ok, you still chose it!

https://www.mgaudet.ca/ for general interest stuff, https://www.mgaudet.ca/technical for tech stuff.

Some good ones IMO:

- Implementing Private Fields for JavaScript https://www.mgaudet.ca/technical/2021/5/4/implementing-priva...

- Histories, by Herodotus: https://www.mgaudet.ca/blog/2020/11/26/histories-by-herodotu...

here is the link to my substack. https://anchitrana4.substack.com/


Most popular posts-

https://blog.tedivm.com/guides/2021/10/github-actions-push-t... - Using Github Actions OpenID Connect to push to AWS ECR without Credentials

https://blog.tedivm.com/open-source/2023/02/robs-awesome-pyt... - Rob’s Awesome Python Template

https://blog.tedivm.com/guides/2020/07/aws-ecs-with-ubuntu-a... - Getting AWS ECS to work on Ubuntu with Full GPU Support

https://blog.tedivm.com/guides/2021/11/openssh-pull-keys-fro... - Telling OpenSSH to Pull Keys from Github with AuthorizedKeysCommand

https://blog.tedivm.com/open-source/2021/11/multi-py-multipl... - Multi-Py: Multiplatform Container Images for Python Packages

https://blog.tedivm.com/open-source/2018/03/ec2details-the-m... - ec2details, the missing EC2 Instance Metadata API


Fifteen years of on/off blogging. Took it way too serious ten years ago and published anything I could and nowadays I just blog when I have something useful to share. Working on a couple of Elixir posts currently.

No tracking (no external domain requests or analytics), built using Gatsby.

Your IP only goes to Cloudflare (caching) + Netlify (Hosting) + BunnyCDN (when watching videos on the site), no other personal information is collected.



About 50 longer-form essays over the last ~5 years, mostly about venture capital, software, and developer productivity.

Some interesting Hacker News discussions on a few: Remote Software Developers Earn 22% More Than Non-Remote Developers (377 points) - https://news.ycombinator.com/item?id=22935476

Why We Will Never Have Enough Software Developers (366 points) - https://news.ycombinator.com/item?id=31724942


I've been writing for fun a few years ago, then one of my articles got really popular because it ranked high on search engines and it still receives a fair amount of traffic.

Since then, even though I wrote more articles, I discarded them because of this new "pressure": nothing really feels as good as the articles that I already published. I have not published anything in 4.5 years, but I keep promising myself that I'd start again some day.

Any feedback or criticism on the current articles is welcome.

I blog at https://friendshipcastle.zip. I'm still new to the world of blogging, but I have been trying to refine my writing style and learn how to talk about the things that I've been learning about.


very few posts and none of them are technical, but I want to put this out there for the first time. my favourites right now are probably:

009 watching where i'm going -- http://rsazra.com/pages/009.html

012 my first job -- http://rsazra.com/pages/012.html

013 mysëlf - yeat -- http://rsazra.com/pages/013.html

Quick reminder: you can register your personal blog at https://indieblog.page/ and everyone interested in discovering new personal blogs can check it out.

I will later add the blogs mentioned in this thread.


Recently migrated to Ghost and I'm trying now to centralize all posts in a single place. It hasn't been busy in the last couple years, but I'm planning to revitalize it soon.

I talk mostly about web development (React mostly) and quantitative finance (Python mostly). I run a SaaS in the area, so I plan to talk more about running it.

Fun fact, one of my posts actually feature #1 in HN a couple years ago: https://rafaelquintanilha.com/how-to-become-a-bad-developer/


Very few posts so far since I’ve mostly been focused on my book, but I’m hoping to start posting updates more regularly as soon as I’m finished with the extra online content for my book.


More broadly though

https://kemendo.com as I put my most important thoughts on the front page

Love the minimal design


I’m going for that “HTML 1.0” look and feel ;)


A few Zig related posts, but the posts I like the most are some technical posts about the Quake/GoldSrc/Source engines:

- Rampsliding Is a Quake Engine Quirk in the Same Way That Bunnyhopping Is: https://www.ryanliptak.com/blog/rampsliding-quake-engine-qui...

- Source vs GoldSrc Movement: Downward Slopes: https://www.ryanliptak.com/blog/source-vs-goldsrc-movement-s...


Over 200 posts, spanning nearly 20 years. Mostly on programming, Python, Web development, some personal and Christian stuff.


Only one post at the moment (about Bloom filters), but I’m working on another one about compressing integers! My focus is on high performance data analytics—adjacent things.

I loved your blog post! It was the first time I came across blocked/register-blocked bloom filters. The VLDB paper you linked seems interesting too.

By any chance, could you consider adding an RSS feed to your blog?

Wow, thank you for the kind words! Really glad you liked it. I don’t have much experience with RSS but I will try to add a feed (hopefully within the next week or so)


I (very occasionally) write about stuff that I'm interested in. The focus is on the Self programming language but I also have things about Zig and SerenityOS.

https://social-protocols.org/ https://felx.me/ https://deliberati.io/

Ideas and research on how to improve social media protocols and design large scale human interaction on the internet. Applying computer science, game theory, statistics. Social Protocols is the research group, while the other two are personal blogs.


It’s my personal website, which in turn links to my two blogs, one is technical and one is more in the spirit of self development

My blog: https://ahalbert.com/

I just got back to public writing, but I like to share summaries of the books I read.

My most recent post is the secret history of cold war submarine espionage: https://ahalbert.com/reviews/2023/07/01/blind_mans_bluff.htm...

This recently was featured on hacker news's front page: https://ahalbert.com/reviews/2023/06/04/the_culture_map.html


“Some things that aren’t worth doing are worth overdoing.”

I write about physics, language, and history, or whatever interests me at the moment, with an overarching theme of spending way too much effort analyzing useless topics. Here’s some of my favorites:

https://maximumeffort.substack.com/p/the-tyranny-of-the-wago... I derive an expression for number of donkeys needed to move an army a distance L, and discuss its relationship to the tyranny of the rocket equation.

https://maximumeffort.substack.com/p/guinea-pigs-are-fermion... I postulate that Guinea pigs are fermions, and simulate the quantum dynamics of multi-pig states.

https://maximumeffort.substack.com/p/a-statistical-analysis-... I attempt to answer the timeless question of whether the characters in Wheel of Time sniff in disapproval more than average.

https://maximumeffort.substack.com/p/i-taught-chatgpt-to-inv... ChatGPT and I invent a slime language.

https://maximumeffort.substack.com/p/an-offering-for-the-dea... I teach you just enough Middle Egyptian to read some of the hieroglyphs on most museum artifacts.

https://maximumeffort.substack.com/p/the-great-kings-of-assy... I share my technique for annoying text spammers by pretending to be Assyrian Royalty.

Mostly up to date index of posts: https://maximumeffort.substack.com/p/coming-soon

Hope you enjoy!

I opened your home page. The two guinea pig headlines were enough to convince me I should add this to my RSS feed list and read more.

Hey Dylan,

I LOVE your work. Is there some way to email you/reach out?

Thank you! And sure, you can email me at dblack12705@gmail.com

I have a newsletter blog called Engineering Leadership (https://newsletter.eng-leadership.com/) and I write about (you guessed it :)) topics that are all things Engineering Leadership related.

The goal is to help:

- Engineers who want to progress their careers.

- Engineering leaders in the engineering leadership role for the first time.

- Seasoned engineering leaders who want to stay up-to-date.

- Founders who want to learn what it takes to build a high-performing engineering organization.

- Everyone who wants to learn more about engineering leadership topics in general.

Example of a post with very interesting discussions here on HN: https://news.ycombinator.com/item?id=36279323

I have written few on https://nauman.medium.com and planning to move this https://nauman.one

Mostly about rails :)


Haven't posted much lately, but that's my blog. Mostly CS Education stuff.

Sure, here's mine: https://www.alexghr.me/.

I've been running this site since ~2015 (same CSS for at least 8 years now) but there's not a lot of content on it. I've been trying to get more into it recently though and I'm posting TIL-style content :)

It started out as a site built out of Mustache templates with plain CSS for styling. A few months ago I migrated it to Astro so that I don't have to maintain a build script written in bash but the CSS and site layout stayed the same.


11 posts, about programming and sysadmin.

- https://www.omecha.info/blog/when-good-code-goes-nan-how-mis... - When Good Code Goes NaN: How mismanaging Java's Unorderable NaN Value led to a bug

- https://www.omecha.info/blog/ssh-fingerprint-howto.html How to check ssh public key fingerprints?

Powered by org-mode.


Occasional, mostly engineering and/or recreational mathematics content. A few highlights:

https://news.ycombinator.com/item?id=16790338 : The Mathematics of 2048: Optimal Play with Markov Decision Processes

https://news.ycombinator.com/item?id=12385707 : How a Technical Co-founder Spends their Time: Minute-by-minute Data for a Year

https://news.ycombinator.com/item?id=21209216 : Lessons from Building Node Apps in Docker


Personal blog with a handful of tech-oriented posts and a gallery of some of my favorite photos. Haven't posted in a bit, but this thread is motivating. Made with Jekyll, hosted on GitHub pages, with Cloudflare in front. It's super lightweight. My goal is to keep the PageSpeed score at 100.

My personal favorite post is: "Explore JavaScript with Axis & Allies" https://williamhuster.com/explore-js-with-axis-and-allies/

https://varun.ch It's definitely still a work in progress with only a handful of posts (I have at least 2 posts ready to publish but I'm waiting for permission to disclose vulnerabilities), but my favourite is probably https://varun.ch/video-id, which is about creating a self referential YouTube video.

https://varun.ch/history is an experiment into getting a users history through a fake CAPTCHA, and it's my most viewed post so far.


It is my space to "think in public". The motto is "Writing = Thinking". Pet topics include functional programming, systems thinking, emacs, bash, clojure, organisation design etc.

It is my second time writing publicly. This is how it began: https://evalapply.org/posts/hello-world

It is made using my static site maker (written in Bash :), which I "Show HN"'d some time ago: https://news.ycombinator.com/item?id=34486596


I've been writing here sporadically for more than 10 years at this point, at ~1 post a year. The more recent posts took months to write, and tend to cover things I find myself repeating frequently while working with other engineers.

- https://explog.in/notes/elephants/index.html: Tips for ramping up on large projects

- https://explog.in/notes/devtools/index.html: Building developer tools

Planning to overhaul it later this year.

I wanted to express thanks for your post on ramping up on large projects. It's concise, links to further reading, and echoes a lot of the advice I have had to give to junior engineers. You've saved me time from having to write these tips out myself. :)

(As an aside I kind of disagree with the common quote of:

> "Show me your flowcharts and conceal your tables, and I shall continue to be mystified. Show me your tables, and I won't usually need your flowcharts; they'll be obvious"

I find that most software I've worked on is muddy, confusing, and contradictory. Perhaps I will get better with time.)

Happy to hear that!

Heh, definitely depends on the software itself but I generally find the contents /schema of tables used to save the data very illuminating: you can see the UX, whatever form it takes -- and then what is saved to the backend so it makes things slightly more understandable for me.


In-depth blogging about low level optimization. Two posts so far:

- https://xoranth.net/memcmp-avx2/ A walkthrough of an highly optimized implementation of string comparisons.

- https://xoranth.net/verb-parse/ Micro-optimizing a perfect hash function and memory comparisons.

RSS feed: https://xoranth.net/atom.xml

(edit: add feed)


Writing about all things data science.

But the main purpose of my site is to scrape RSS feeds of data science blogs and serve them as an email digest (kind of like Google News alerts for data science tutorials). https://skillenai.com/subscribe/ to subscribe.

I'm loving this thread of personal blogs, I may need to scrape it and add a bunch to my list...

Always down to share since it seems that HN has enjoyed our content, although this feels like someone is trying to jumpstart training of their LLM: https://staysaasy.com/

That was my concern as well...

At least for our blog we've been posted a few times so we're hardly a secret, but yeah this no-context post really reads like they're fishing for training data.


I found my niche in a problem called Signal Integrity - a subset of digital hardware design. My work relies heavily on electromagnetic simulation so I enjoy playing around with that in my spare time as well. I probably only post about twice a year as I'm busy lately with grad school, but it's fun to keep the site going. I also have what is erroneously titled a "wiki" there where I want to accumulate a knowledge base of helpful SI/PI information. Since I just use static hosting, I currently generate the wiki section of the site from a Zim notebook.


Started in 2019.

My most popular long-form article is about how banks create money: https://www.attejuvonen.fi/money-out-of-thin-air/

My most popular page is an april's fools I made a few years ago. It still gets 4k organic unique visitors per month, which accounts for about 95% of my site's traffic. https://www.attejuvonen.fi/website-moves-your-cursor/


All static using Jekyll, no JavaScript, no external libraries, hosted on a CDN.

It helps me to think and straight things out, especially when things become an micro-obsession. Moreover, blogging contributes to my personal branding.

Topics: Travel, Finance and Engineering.

My recent favorite:

* Exploring Greece's innovative fight against tax evasion: QR codes, snitching apps, and VAT lotteries https://daanmiddendorp.com/financial/2023/04/03/exploring-gr...


Writing about space tech, astronomy, general science


I lost count, but I've been writing regularly for a while now.

My bootstrapped SaaS diaries: https://maxrozen.com/articles?q=diaries

General React + Tech articles: https://maxrozen.com/articles

My most read article, looking back on a year of running a SaaS: https://onlineornot.com/what-learned-running-saas-for-year


Started couple years ago to practise my writing and analysis skills. I mainly write about energy transition stuff, intersecting with my work at TenneT. I like to analyze stuff as a hobby without the work pressure. In the past I have used blog posts internally at TenneT as well if something came up that was similar to a post haha. Traffic is mainly driven by summarizing and linking to a post on linkedin.

Its completely written in markdown and generated with hugo and open source here: https://github.com/fboerman/blog


Writing about learning, healthy productivity, creating and things that interest me.

Next post will be on "Why We Sleep" by Matthew Walker, a summary of its content with relevant additions from elsewhere and a quick evaluation discussing its problems such as far far too many untruthful claims.

Future posts will be on my year studying in South Korea, burnout, motivation, front-end development and a rewrite of the post on Anki and learning. Have more thing planned but am already not publishing enough.

Seeing so many posts here feels intimidating and it might not be worth the effort to even share this. Hopefully one person enjoys it :)

One of the older posts include a quick intro to a Zettelkasten like system. Something that provides a lot of value to me now. https://bryanhogan.me/second-brain/

https://peterhung.org - Mostly on life lessons - though I'm dev by training. English-only list of posts: https://peterhung.org/tag/english-articles/

My favorite is a post written more than 10 years ago on Buddhism: https://peterhung.org/lessons/you-and-i-the-3-levels-of-conn...


I write about whatever comes to mind, and also post some pictures there. Been meaning to restructure the whole thing but haven't gotten to it yet.


A few years worth of posts (haven't updated it in about a year though). Anonymous because I'd rather not tie it to my normal acct on here.

I just started doing one article per week challenge in late may. I have been keeping up with it, and am proud of some of my work. https://medium.com/@k0ryk

topics are pretty random, but software engineering adjacent: rtl sdr, home automation, air quality monitoring, nature.

Here is my most recent, a response to a post on here from last week about the hidden cost of air quality monitors: https://medium.com/@k0ryk/air-quality-monitoring-hidden-cost...

Why medium? I hate the experience of reading medium so much that I won't even look at your blog.

A frontend for it, similar to Apple's Reader View: https://scribe.rip

Setting up a redirect for it greatly enchanced the internet browsing experience for me.

source: https://sr.ht/~edwardloveall/Scribe

Sure, I can probably work around people who want to make their blog painful to read. I'd just rather read blogs written by people who want to make them easy to read...

I didn't consider many options to be honest. Medium was just an easy way to start writing. I am planning on moving to a platform where I have more control (was thinking self-hosted static html) eventually. Do you have a favorite alternative?

> Medium was just an easy way to start writing.

I understand and empathise. For sure it is much better to just start writing than to spend months obsessing over which technologies one is going to use.

> I am planning on moving to a platform where I have more control (was thinking self-hosted static html) eventually. Do you have a favorite alternative?

Not-Medium is my favourite alternative! The bar is low: any static site generator would do fine. I wouldn't even mind you hosting on GitHub pages or whatever...


I try to write up helpful or interesting pieces I feel either aren't covered sufficiently elsewhere or for my own reference.

Covers a pretty wide array of technologies (software architecture, messaging systems, DBMSs, etc).

I generally try to target the intermediate level that often gets lost in the spectrum between surface-level intros or expert level deep dives. My hope is that someone gains an better understanding or discovers a new practical tool or approach that they can then use to better their life and career.


Brief posts on topics I'm interested in, or projects I've worked on. My favorites: - shaping swarms: https://jasonfantl.com/posts/Shaping-Swarms/ - simulating a simple economy: https://jasonfantl.com/categories/simulated-economy/


Published two articles yesterday as part of a project that will hopefully allow anyone to fully automate the installation and/or migration of a Ghost blog to any cloud host that supports Ubuntu Linux VMs.




I have a starter post[1] for a project I did to see how to visit all of the Paris Metro stations in a single day. I completed the project last year after toying with it off-and-on for ~10 years.

[1] https://www.chartewalk.com/posts/onedayinparis/


Infrequently updated thoughts on photography, logic, open rights, canoe building and many other things.

Thanks for sharing. I enjoyed (and agree with) the 'Photography In Plato's Cave' post.


Over 1000 posts since 2014, loooaods of movie reviews (mostly pithy short takes to remind me that I actually watched the movie) but some techy stuff which is what people actually seem to read.

I am currently doing a tour of Sheffield via its pork sandwiches.


Probably do a pub crawl next.


https://sonnet.io (projects, essays, experiments and toys)

https://potato.horse (“Important Meeting Notes” originally started as doodles I gathered during morbidly boring meetings when I had a semi serious job)

https://tidings.potato.horse (this one writes itself)

If you like it, consider buying me a coffee: https://rafal.ck.page/products/tip


Interesting problems I found and various random notes.

Most popular: https://branislavjenco.github.io/desired-state-systems/

https://harshal-patil.com/ I started writing 3 years ago. I'm not sure if Wix has a RSS feed, but I rate limit my posts to once a week at https://harshalpatil.substack.com/ I write about business, entrepreneurship, and tech. Nowadays also about the journey in writing.


Inconsistently updated, but it's been the one constant across my career. An early article hitting Hacker News' homepage (https://techinch.com/blog/ipad-the-microwave-oven-of-computi...) was the early spark to keep me writing.


Random personal projects. Some hardware, some software, some random bits of what I think are insight. Maybe someday I will get around to adding an RSS feed.

(my previous post was missed, maybe because the "H" in "http" was capitalized; idk, try again, maybe one of those scrapers people are writing will pick it up)


Only pictures I made and commonplace book posts. I've tried long-form blogs in the past and just couldn't find a groove that was interesting enough (to me) to pursue. The pictures I've made however, have become a kind of notebook for things that have caught my eye or that have significance to me and mine. The commonplace posts capture things that have struck me as distilling wisdom or a useful perspective on life.

Recently migrated to a .com


If the site throws error on first load please refresh the page. I can't figure what's causing this issue.

Random musings


Short Poems 700+


I love writing in my native language cause I feel like English has everything already written.


Elixir, Ecto, SQL, and a bit of devops notes and ideas.

There is a more personal section that will contain random ideas and observations.

https://developer.run https://developer.run/feed.rss

I write about awesome or useful technical stuff I encounter. Also I'll share lots of useful tips. Main topics are DIY gadgets, Linux and CLI. Most interesting thing I've done is rugged Raspberry Pi laptop https://developer.run/50 (and other gadgets mentioned in blog).


Rather than a site to write articles, it's a site where I keep links to things I write (or talks I give) so that I don't lose them.

I used to have a large blog ten years ago, with at least one post per day, because every blog guru on the internet said you needed to post every day to grow an audience. But I'm not smart enough to have something interesting to say every day, so it was rather poor quality. So I started this new iteration from scratch and post once or twice a year, mostly about software design.


It's a mixture of blog and a public Zettlekasten.

So far, this has been my most popular post: https://notesbylex.com/disputing-a-parking-fine-with-chatgpt... Though this is my favourite: https://notesbylex.com/making-song-covers-with-my-ai-voice.h...


Not as frequent as I would like, probably because I’m always working on four blog posts at the same time.


I wanted to start with "this week in review" series, but it ended quite quickly.

Now I want to publish lesson learned while building my side-project (https://humadroid.dev), which is a missing tool I wish I had when running software house year-and-a-half ago, before I sold it.

Topics considered for near future:

* lessons learned while coding it in Rails with hotwire & stimulus

* lessons learned actually sellign it to people (Open-Startup idea/movement is close to my beliefs).


I mostly post things I'm working on and life updates, though I'm not very good at remembering it exists

https://questionableengineering.com/ I really need to add more content. About 90% of the content is still in drafts. It's really my online notebook. I add content when I either organize my old files or finally find some free time. Tell me what you think. It covers everything from software, ML, CNC, Wled, Robots, High voltage, and etc. https://questionableengineering.com/

https://velvetshark.com Personal, work, non-work, TILs, anything. It's a personal blog, anything goes.

My most popular article, featured on HN (and even got into a Spanish textbook) is "Why do so many brands change their logos and look like everyone else?" https://velvetshark.com/articles/why-do-brands-change-their-...

I have a blog with two main categories that are pretty separate:

https://jasono.co/blog/software-engineering/ - mostly focused on front end, and a lot of older posts about the Haxe programming language.

https://jasono.co/blog/personal/ - mostly about faith (I consider myself both Christian and Agnostic)

https://mgsloan.com - 11 posts about unorthodox computer ergonomics. 6 posts about Haskell ideas / weird tricks. Haven't posted in a couple years but would like to get back to it. Notable HN discussions:

- https://news.ycombinator.com/item?id=28118381 - Supine Computing (2019)

- https://news.ycombinator.com/item?id=21842663 - Outdoor Computing with a Deck Desk


General writing about musings on the world. Sometimes that's about how everyone in a big city is an npc. Why erotica exists in a world of free unlimited porn.

One of my first posts was about how Chinese anime migh die off due to the heavy handed censorship of stories over there. The same 10 acceptable stories aren't interesting enough to go outside China.

Made with Php, laravel, statamic as the CMS and static site builder. Hosted on surge.sh.

Wanted to move to cloudflare pages, but doesn't support Php 8+ yet for the build process.


Mainly a Linux administration site containing tweaks, software, how-to's, and other random stuff. I started this blog for my own benefit so I could remember those little tweaks or fixes which escape memory at crucial times when a needed repair or a new issue arose that I had never dealt with before. When I would research these issues, I would come across great posts and information I wanted to remember and posted that information here. Enjoy!


I occasionally write articles and tools around web development. Once a week, I also share interesting tools and resources I've found.


Haven't had the chance to write for awhile, but been wanting to get back to it. In addition to normal static site stuff it has webmentions/pingbacks, comments, and (probably now broken) interoperability with Twitter (likes would show up as webmentions) - overall it was a fun excuse to figure out IndieWeb stuff (https://gallant.dev/posts/a-blog-reborn/ is where I explain that).

Out of curiosity, what library you use for displaying your code blocks?

Whatever the default is in this Nikola theme - https://themes.getnikola.com/v8/hack/

I tweaked the theme just a bit, to add the faux scanlines, URL mouseover highlight, and background green glow (trying to mimic an old CRT). But pretty much everything else is just whatever the default was.


Older posts are more web dev focused, newer ones are more about hardware side projects I'm working on.

I'm pretty proud of the most recent post: Fixing USB-C charging on the PowKiddy V90 for $0.01 - https://www.nfriedly.com/techblog/2021-10-10-v90-usb-c/


2500+ posts from almost 20 years on the web.

Essentially a place to take notes: on the digital devices I use and tips of the software I use. The main idea is to have a place I can refer to when I want some programming/software/hardware detail a second time, instead of returning to Google search again. I've found it easier to have my own notes (once I find the info I need) since other sources of info online can disappear over time or disappear from search results.

Sure, mine is at: https://xavd.id/blog. I've got RSS and JSON feeds too: https://xavd.id/blog/feeds

It mostly covers 3 main areas of interest:

- tech (lots of Python & JS, but other topics too) - media reviews (big best-ofs yearly) - personal items

I post ~ 4 times a year, on average, but I put a lot of effort into what I post. I should probably invert that (more low/medium-effort posts), but haven't.

Please tell me anything jumps out at you!


Mostly about bike adventures and side projects :)

I have three blogs for the three languages I’m fluent in, and I have different interests in each language.

- https://bfontaine.net/blog/ (English, on tech, rarely updated these days)

- https://bfontaine.net/blogfr/ (French, on Paris, inactive)

- https://bfontaine.net/blogit/ (Italian, on Italy and Italian language(s), active)


It’s mostly iOS and backend engineering, usually solutions to issues I faced and couldn’t easily find a straightforward answer to online.

Along with those, there are also some random thoughts and ideas about different topics.

I probably have twice as many unfinished drafts as published posts, and am looking to move from Ghost to some headless CMS and a custom frontend, to (better) support content internationalisation, tables of content, footnotes & series.


It's not much, and I haven't blogged much recently, but I'm currently working on a series of blog posts about using Nix (the package manager) for building docker images (or rather, OCI images) from monorepos that consist of projects in multiple programming languages, including caching of build artifacts and dependencies. I may also write about Rust, wgpu (the WebGPU implementation), computer graphics and game development in the future.


I'm a software dev turned devops, and I try to write down opinions I haven't seen written anywhere before.

Lots of Unix shell, TDD/BDD, automation, project management, and most recently SDLC ramblings.

Sample articles:

- https://jiby.tech/post/literate-wordle/

- https://jiby.tech/post/my-git-worfklow/

https://krishadi.com/ : most of the stuff here are a knowledge base. I am starting to write more thoughts and observations now.

I like the weird out-of-scale map of places you've lived. Sirmione looks stunning!



Kinda afraid of sharing it (the quality isn't "top notch", I just write about whatever, whenever my ADHD-addled brain allows for it), but in general, I write about tech stuff (OSS/nodejs/devops/frontend/backend) and some "higher-level" stuff (e.g. the role of software in business value chain, Conway's Law but for development processes, etc).

You can see all the ones I'm actually sort of proud of in the "Featured" sidebar to the right.

I started blogging here [0] in 2004 or so on any tech-related issue that would cross my mind; as I gathered viewers and matured, I began writing less and less until now I only write when I feel I have something actually valuable to share. These days it is mostly about open source, rust, and .NET.

[0]: https://neosmart.net/blog/

Really liking the idea of a blog revival.

I’m still posting after all these years. I have a blog, linkblog, podcast and newsletter. Currently still quite minimal. I’m trying to ensure it works well with little to no CSS, then progressively enhance it so it looks a bit nicer later. It’s slow going at the minute, created via a custom static site generator which works really well. Hoping to open source when the world / life allows.

Anyhow here you will find the latest:


I do most of my longer form writing at https://erisianrite.com, usually around Python, ML/data engineering, and amateur radio.

More frequently, I update my evergreen and project notes at https://codex.erisianrite.com which os powered by Obsidian Publish.


I infrequently post about anything I feel like. Some older posts, which were exported from the wordpress version of the blog, are a bit badly formatted.

I am using Zola and github actions to publish.


My attempt of explaining confusing and/or obfuscated code snippets in various languages.

Example: heart-shaped proposal in obfu Perl https://codeexplainer.wordpress.com/2018/03/13/anatomy-of-th... (she said yes)

- Why Lua has no library ecosystem https://github.com/capr/blag/issues/1

- Your programming language sucks https://github.com/capr/blag/issues/20

- A brief history of computers https://github.com/capr/blag/issues/13

I only write about things that I think are a genuinely unique contribution to a topic.


https://paperless.blog - mostly programming, mostly "here's something neat which might be useful to others".

https://canolcer.com/ RSS feed: https://canolcer.com/index.xml

I usually write a post once a month about more high level topics of technological trends on their influence on society. Mostly opinion pieces. There are some outliers, like some more low level technical posts in there, too.

This year I haven't been feeling like writing much so far, though. Hope to do more again in the second half.

Been blogging in Arabic since 2014, 360 articles so far :D https://yshalsager.com/ar/ There are few English posts as well, mostly Python and Android stuff. https://yshalsager.com/en/


My most popular post, at least here on HN, is about how Cloudflare Images had a lot of issues ~1.5 years ago - unfortunately they still do too. A previous PM for the product told me at one point that he and the team was "very well aware" of my article, and it was at one point one of the top ranking search results for "Cloudflare Images" too.

I'm currently writing a post about how I discovered I have low-frequency tinnitus.

Just (re)started my blog last week, so content is super light. I have 15 or so posts in the queue and several more ideas lined up behind them. https://dkrichards.com/

My most recent post goes into some detail as to why I'm blogging again. https://dkrichards.com/2023/07/04/on_blogging.html


I've been a founder (2x), CTO / tech lead, engineer, product lead, VC, film reviewer, and writer. My site is about all of those things. Mostly I write about tech, startups, ethics, and journalism, interspersed with links I find interesting.

I also post a live view of my RSS subscriptions over at https://sources.werd.io/ - I'm excited to add some more from this thread. Thanks for starting it!

I’ve been a researcher, engineer, consultant, investor, and product manager in Cyber Security since 1995. Interested in the design and architecture of secure systems and infrastructures, the prospects for strategic software, and the nascent subject of cyber statecraft. I blog at the conflux of these and other related subjects at https://blog.eutopian.io

Writing sporadically as commitments, projects, and the lawyers allow.


I write mostly about the security and things I work on, to keep memories somewhere.

One of my posts about the google bug bounty for the Waze navigation bug went viral and was shared by Schneier, Threat Post and others https://www.malgregator.com/post/waze-how-i-tracked-your-mot...


Trying to get better at writing. I have like 54 articles in draft that I need to finish before year ends. :/

https://web.navan.dev Trying to write higher quality long-form pieces rather than just quick snippets like I currently have


This should be a little different from everyone else's pretty technical blogs :).

I write in fits and starts (and just by looking at it right now, it's been a minute since I wrote on there, but I have a few half written posts that I should just throw up there), and mostly have been writing about my struggles with productivity and making indie films.


I write all the content for the Non-Human Party, explaining how we can transition to a digital-first, opt-in society that respects robots, plants and animals.

The idea of Nationality as a Service was later rebranded by others as the "Nation State": https://nonhuman.party/post/nationality_as_a_service/

Here's mine:


I mostly write about academia and machine learning these days, but every once in a while, I also have the urge to write a really nerdy post on a more technical topic. Writing continues to be cathartic for me, and I hope to make a small difference when I discuss things that are not typically discussed openly (in an academic setting).

Feedback is very welcome!


Not too active lately but feeling like I should get back into it more. I also write more on the company blog about industry topics. Since it's a one many company, it often feels like the right place. https://reviewsignal.com/blog/

I interpreted this as, are you allowed to share your own blog here.

Am I the only one who did?

Lol oh well we’re all gonna just share our personal blogs regardless XD


Very low frequency updates mainly about information management and data.

Most popular article was "What software will you trust when you get senile?" - https://www.lifepim.com/blog/5856_What_software_will_you_tru...


It's not much, but it's my home for things I make that are at least somewhat like articles.

Great thread, bookmarked this one! I started programming over 10 years ago so I could make my own circus equipment.

I mainly blog about my IOT LED projects but there is a lot of creative coding as well which might be interesting to some.

Actually hit the front page of HN once with a post about how Ubuntu Snap update spoiled my world cup final (that ddosed my site with HN visitors, site was down for 2 days)


Its mostly german, but nowadays the translators work quite well for german to english (vice versa not so much), so I will post them anyway:

https://autotagebuch.net - car repairs and experiences

https://maltris.org - my personal thing, rarely used

https://coders-home.de - small hacks and experiences of technical nature


I don't have many posts, but some ideas in the pipeline that I'm working on. Planning on documenting a lot more about the hardware tinkering I am doing.

I also added a bunch of secrets and games to the website, with the idea that the source code can be used to explore and learn. There's even an unsolved crypto puzzle in there, but it seems to be a little too hard considering it's been unsolved for over 10 years now.


Been going for 10+ years now. It’s fun to watch my interested (professional and personal) change.

It all started with WPF then Silverlight (RIP), then diversified into HTML5 (when the version number seemed to be a thing). I also had a fun foray into mobile dev for a while, swift / iOS. More recently it’s been quite JS-heavy, and the past year or so, a lot of AI.

There is an underlying theme of open source throughout.

A fun trip down memory lane!


So far I’ve only got a few posts related to local-first home automation, which for me is Home Assistant and my open source library gome-assistant for writing automations in Go.

I plan to add some write ups for my woodworking projects as well when I get around to it. It exists for me to share things with friends/family and any others that are interested, and I don’t intend to force myself to write on any particular cadence.


I mostly blog about programming and software, or whatever comes across my mind.

One of my favourite posts is "This is not the Web I've Known", which is about personal websites and the Small Web.



It's kind of disconnected from my main site, mostly rants.


This is a personal blog; I write whatever I want. This means I write personal things as well as tech things.

If you don't want to read the non-tech things, go to https://gavinhoward.com/categories/ and click on the categories you care about.

Each one also has its own Atom feed, so you can completely avoid the other stuff if you so desire.

Haven't written in a while, but the blog on dataism deserves it's own thread and I'm extremely proud of it here -> https://www.reubence.com/articles/how-dataism-is-revolutioni...

All Articles -> https://www.reubence.com/articles/

The dataism blog is rough around the edges, since it was on of my first few pieces of writing long format online. So go easy on me :)


This blog presents leadership methodologies for high-impact outcomes. Each post typically describes a challenge, hard-learned lessons, and the reusable framework to use.

Areas include building high-performing teams, setting direction, creating an engineering culture, identifying high-leverage interventions, and more. It aims to help engineering leaders accelerate their growth while supporting their teams to reach their highest potential.

English: https://blog.danieljanus.pl/

Polish: https://plblog.danieljanus.pl/

And a recent foray into Substack and the realm of newsletters, a report from cycling Land’s End to John o’ Groats, completed a week ago (in Polish): https://danieljanus.substack.com/


Commentary on stuff I find online, public-facing journal at irregular intervals, collection of book reviews. Skews web-dev. I’m trying to use it as an archive of what I’ve been thinking about recently—the idea is that the primary audience is me, but 5 years from now.

Powered by a good ol fashioned PHP CMS!


I started writing publicly late last year. It's been tons of effort but it's been tremendously fun and fruitful.

Some of my more-visited or favorite posts:

* A primer on Roaring bitmaps: what they are and how they work -- https://vikramoberoi.com/a-primer-on-roaring-bitmaps-what-th.... This one ended up on the front page of HN and gets hundreds of visits monthly. I wrote it because it's the post I would have liked to read instead of reading the papers themselves.

* An internship working on "Customers who bought this also bought" at Amazon 16 years ago -- https://vikramoberoi.com/an-internship-working-on-customers-.... I wrote this one as an addendum to throwaway tweet I posted that went viral.

* How I made atariemailarchive.org -- https://vikramoberoi.com/how-i-made-atariemailarchive-org/. I wrote this one when I open-sourced the dataset behind atariemailarchive.org. The dataset got featured in Data is Plural and in a podcast interview I did with Jeremy Singer-Vine.


My favorite personal blog to read this past year is Phil Eaton's (eatonphil on HN): https://notes.eatonphil.com/.

I enjoy the subject matter he posts about (a lot of systems work and research, primarily), but his other posts are great too.

His post, "Is it worth writing about?" is a nice inspirational one for folks who want to/have been thinking about writing: https://notes.eatonphil.com/is-it-worth-writing-about.html.

Just started, one post so far. Posts every Sunday and Thursday to inspire company builders - https://www.anaeo.com


My blog about artificial intelligence, quantum computing, and software development topics.

I also post frequently on Medium as well.



Mostly focused on frontend development (dating back to 2013) with some management topics, remote work topics (such as when I worked remotely from Thailand for 3 months with most of my team remaining in-person in the US), and a number of posts that lead up to the web development book I published via Apress. A few backend and random tech-focused opinion pieces in there too.


Programming topics ~1 a month with some big gaps in there. I got inspired by Hanselman's "save your keystrokes" (https://www.hanselman.com/blog/do-they-deserve-the-gift-of-y...), and most posts revolve around questions I get.


Infrequent but longer articles on various subjects (topics at https://michael-lewis.com/categories/ ).

See also the blog search at https://searchmysite.net/ (and feel free to submit yours and/or others you like).

Actually, I have three blogs:

- https://godsip.club/ is for my "findings" about myths, religion and folklore

- https://crooked.ink/ is for my short stories

- https://scaglio.bearblog.dev/ is my personal blog, where I want to start to post more often to exercise writing in English

My blog is mostly about accessibility and such, from a blind person's point of view.



Maintaining this blog for more than 15 years. I share free software to do X things along with free Android apps, iOS app, and problem-solving via How tos.


Been doing this 12+ years, mainly focused on teaching sophomore organic chemistry. Started as a blog, don't know if it really qualifies anymore as I've organized many of the posts into chapters that follow the typical order of topics as taught in most North American schools. Still write rants from time to time


Twenty-four years of back-log, and it's a mix of technical and personal content.


This is the place where I share my expertise in iOS and Solidity blockchain development.


Notes on systems programming. Not that many posts but I've reached the HN frontpage on two occasions.


* Why should children program? A review of Seymour Papers Mind storms - https://news.ycombinator.com/item?id=12372330

* Views on error handling - https://news.ycombinator.com/item?id=23884505

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