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I wanted to express thanks for your post on ramping up on large projects. It's concise, links to further reading, and echoes a lot of the advice I have had to give to junior engineers. You've saved me time from having to write these tips out myself. :)

(As an aside I kind of disagree with the common quote of:

> "Show me your flowcharts and conceal your tables, and I shall continue to be mystified. Show me your tables, and I won't usually need your flowcharts; they'll be obvious"

I find that most software I've worked on is muddy, confusing, and contradictory. Perhaps I will get better with time.)

Happy to hear that!

Heh, definitely depends on the software itself but I generally find the contents /schema of tables used to save the data very illuminating: you can see the UX, whatever form it takes -- and then what is saved to the backend so it makes things slightly more understandable for me.

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