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RISC vs CISC was intimately about implementation. John Cocke's project came about because the complexity of mainframe and other CISC ISAs made implementation difficult, as did the other RISC efforts that soon followed it.

One part of it was certainly about quantitatively adding instructions that could be used (by the programmer / compiler), but that was inextricably linked to the other side of the coin which is to define instructions that could be implemented in a performant way. Instruction complexity, addressing modes, lack of load-op, etc were all based on simplicity and high frequency pipelining. To a fault in some cases, famously branch delay slots in Stanford's architecture, a choice only explainable as a decision to complicate the ISA in order to make (contemporary) implementations simpler. Others as well though -- it's not that compilers were incapable of using or benefiting from load-op instructions for example. It's just that they were harder to implement.

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