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Your IQ isn't 160. No one's is. (erikhoel.substack.com)
9 points by jger15 on May 9, 2023 | hide | past | favorite | 2 comments

I agree with this... Based on my SAT and GRE from ancient times, I have a way cool IQ. Can't see it, as I can't see me as that far above the madding herd. I suspect score inflation or wish inflation's going on.

In the case of the GRE, the stars aligned and I got my best scores. The SAT's were good but the stars weren't buying.

OK but there are a lot of IQs. One is your traditional Academic IQ. Another one is your Social IQ like your rizz level. Another one is your Financial IQ which is the number of your net worth. Finally, there is your Height IQ which is your number of feet and inches or meters of tallness.

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