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The White House agrees you have a small brain (erikhoel.substack.com)
4 points by dbrereton on May 31, 2023 | past | 1 comment
The mind-body problem was discovered by a princess (erikhoel.substack.com)
2 points by paulpauper on May 24, 2023 | past
Your IQ isn't 160. No one's is. Stratospheric IQs are like leprechauns (erikhoel.substack.com)
27 points by paulpauper on May 11, 2023 | past | 38 comments
Your IQ isn't 160. No one's is. (erikhoel.substack.com)
9 points by jger15 on May 9, 2023 | past | 2 comments
I owe my career to the SAT, Now 80% colleges making their decisions without it (erikhoel.substack.com)
23 points by paulpauper on April 19, 2023 | past | 9 comments
Elon Musk's Substack ban was needless drama. Where did the adults go? (erikhoel.substack.com)
11 points by paulpauper on April 10, 2023 | past
Why is my novel a hit in Italy but not the United States? (erikhoel.substack.com)
2 points by headalgorithm on April 7, 2023 | past | 1 comment
How to navigate the AI apocalypse as a sane person (erikhoel.substack.com)
5 points by paulpauper on Feb 28, 2023 | past | 3 comments
“I am Bing, and I am evil” (erikhoel.substack.com)
7 points by ctoth on Feb 16, 2023 | past
Introducing: The World Behind the World (erikhoel.substack.com)
1 point by paulpauper on Feb 3, 2023 | past
If serotonin isn't linked to depression, why do SSRIs even work? (erikhoel.substack.com)
25 points by paulpauper on Feb 1, 2023 | past | 23 comments
Remote work is the best thing to happen to families in decades (erikhoel.substack.com)
120 points by jger15 on Jan 27, 2023 | past | 29 comments
Video Game Addiction A guide for navigating a world of infinite entertainment (erikhoel.substack.com)
1 point by paulpauper on Jan 24, 2023 | past | 1 comment
New Year's resolutions for The Intrinsic Perspective (and 1 for me) (erikhoel.substack.com)
1 point by paulpauper on Jan 6, 2023 | past
The Banality of ChatGPT (erikhoel.substack.com)
4 points by paulpauper on Dec 23, 2022 | past
Goodbye Academia, Hello Substack (erikhoel.substack.com)
2 points by jseliger on Nov 23, 2022 | past
I am not an effective altruist: Morality is not a market (erikhoel.substack.com)
4 points by previnder on Nov 16, 2022 | past | 2 comments
Goodbye Academia, Hello Substack (erikhoel.substack.com)
9 points by tosh on Nov 15, 2022 | past
Geniuses Used to Be Raised (erikhoel.substack.com)
2 points by hn-0001 on Nov 5, 2022 | past
How Geniuses Used to Be Raised (erikhoel.substack.com)
4 points by jger15 on Nov 2, 2022 | past
Karens and the Nature of Evil (erikhoel.substack.com)
7 points by jger15 on Oct 28, 2022 | past
Exit the supersensorium: The neuroscientific case for art in the age of Netflix (erikhoel.substack.com)
1 point by paulpauper on Oct 24, 2022 | past
When Social Media Controls the Nuclear Codes (erikhoel.substack.com)
4 points by TSM_blah on Sept 28, 2022 | past
I am not an effective altruist (erikhoel.substack.com)
2 points by baylearn on Sept 26, 2022 | past
AI's critics merely muddy the waters (erikhoel.substack.com)
4 points by jger15 on Sept 21, 2022 | past
How civilization came to be and how social media is ending it (erikhoel.substack.com)
32 points by ehlesmes on Sept 6, 2022 | past | 3 comments
We Owe the Future, but Why? (erikhoel.substack.com)
2 points by dbrereton on Aug 31, 2022 | past
How to prevent the coming inhuman future (erikhoel.substack.com)
2 points by mercutio2 on Aug 20, 2022 | past
Why I am not an effective altruist (erikhoel.substack.com)
2 points by headalgorithm on Aug 19, 2022 | past | 1 comment
I am not an effective altruist (erikhoel.substack.com)
2 points by karanchawla on Aug 15, 2022 | past | 1 comment

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