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> Nobody owes you a fucking thing, ever.

I can't stand this modern, nihilistic, cynical take on love.

A relationship is an obligation, you'll have to do things you don't want to do to care for your partner. Marriage starts with a list of vows, a relationship is a mutual engagement to care for the other. It is literally a list of things you are owed, you are owed having your partner stand by you when you are sick, you are owed having your partner care and provide for you when you can't provide for yourself. It is not the reason you give them your love but it doesn't mean it is not owed. A relationship comes with many responsibilities, it is not just two entirely separate individuals who owe each other nothing and can do whatever they please and just happen to live together. If you don't feel your owe your partner your loyalty and love and care, you are not doing your part.

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