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It's Esperanto. It's supposed to be written "forĝejo" (forĝi=to forge, -ej-=place, -o=noun). The letter ĝ (for the dʒ sound, like Dj in Django, or J in John) is supposed to be written as gx without diacritics. But I assume "forgxejo" would have confused non-Esperantists even more.

Not exactly. The official way of substituting the circumflex is with ‘h’, not ‘x’, so it would be written as ‘forghejo’, which might actually guide English speakers to the correct pronunciation.

(There are various systems to type without diacritics in Esperanto. Two of the most widely popular ones are to use the letters ‘h’ and ‘x’, and using either of those would be correct. But if one is to be regarded as the ‘default’ choice, it has to be the one with ‘h’, since that’s been codified in the language’s foundation since its early days.)

Another option would be "forghejo", that's how Zamenhof suggested replacing ĝ

"Forgejo" is not ideal in Esperanto, because both "for" 'away' and "gejo" 'gay man' are totally valid Esperanto words, and "forgejo" is a valid combination (even though it's hard to understand what "away-gay" should mean); compare "foriri" 'go away' or "forigi" 'do away with, remove' xD

So ... forjejo ?

Forjeyo, or rather For-Jay-(Y)o, I believe.

To my ear (native English speaker) it sounds like: for j o

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