I don't know what motivate you to keep repeating this narrative, Clang currently have good support of C++23 while MSVC have none[1], if your emphasis is on the standard library side, Clang is the only one that is compatible to all three major implementations and do use libstdc++ and MS STL on their respective "main" platforms.
Also, why isn't Microsoft in the "profit from Clang" list? Is Clang-CL not shipped in Visual Studio Installer? Did they find a way to compile Edge with VC++?
Who exactly cares about C++20? Most (mis)features of the “standard” won’t be used for years anyway, until the codegen stabilizes and performance impact will be known. Most of people in these communities never got a dollar for a line of C++, and people who did rarely express their opinion (but you can still find it online if you try)
Good to mention Microsoft is also depending on Clang for a lot of things (Microsoft is also quietly pushing devs to use Clang-Cl, as MSVC has really showed its age and is still notorious for bad error messages and subpar compiler optimizations…)
Some console vendors are also depending on it as well (Sony, Nintendo). Clang really is the most important C++ project of all time, because it’s the only compiler that’s truly cross-platform (Windows, Mac, Linux, iOS, Android, game consoles, etc…) And recent failures in it catching up with C++20 should be very alarming.
Have you tried converting iterations to SIMD and using vector extension to target x86, ARM, Webassembly and compile for Linux/Windows/MacOS with a simple piece of code? It's a pretty significant speed up and it only work with Clang.
Also, why isn't Microsoft in the "profit from Clang" list? Is Clang-CL not shipped in Visual Studio Installer? Did they find a way to compile Edge with VC++?