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Very reasonable, made me consider my takes on your points:

- For me, adult responsibilities are mostly fine with a drink or two in the evening, but become orders of magnitude more difficult the next day. Being close to 40, the burden that a hangover puts on my mental capacity is just too much.

- I actually don't mind my kids seeing me drink a bit and being slightly tipsy. I kind of want them not to think of alcohol as anything forbidden or secret, just something that you do a bit sometimes to enjoy food and company. Looking forward to having a few with them when they reach the proper age!

- Fully agree on the last point. I hate having a hangover when my wife takes the kids out and I'd have a good few hours of getting something meaningful done ... only to lose the opportunity because I can't think straight.

When I was younger, I pretty much wanted to just get drunk despite the taste of the beer I was drinking. Nowdays I wish I could get the taste without the effect..

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