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One problem is of course, that Google managed to convince many fanboys, that it is a highly progressive modern and technologically superb company, that spits out revolutionary tech every month and only the developers of highest skill could work there, so all that comes out of Google must be naturally superior to any competition.

If Google says, that they value speed of their browser as the main attribute, that mindset if adopted by the fanboys. If Google says you don't need more powerful ad blocking, then that idea is adopted by the fanboys. Google says it, so it cannot be wrong. Anyone saying something different is just being jealous, that they are not as good a developer to work at Google. Google! Oh please! Tell us what to think!

This kind of thinking also proliferates into non-developer communities and people, who look at it from the financial success side of things. Google, one of the biggest tech companies evaaar! Surely they must be doing something right! This developer friend, what do they know, compared to the knowledge of Google employees?! Better listen to Google.

Google has managed to twist the minds of many, who are too open for authority arguments and developers are no exception to that.

As long as we still in some way think, that Google has our wellbeing at heart, I think things will not change. However, I support not supporting Chormium-based browsers any longer. People only learn the hard way, which is, when they have to fight through jungle of ads to use even the simplest websites. Some learn not even then.

Very few fan boys can survive a day of web surfing with no adblock.

Yes they can, because then they not will not be "annoying ads" anymore, they become "relevant recommendations" as a coping mechanism.

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