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AdGuard publishes the first ad blocker built on Manifest V3 (adguard.com)
340 points by kapsteur on Aug 30, 2022 | hide | past | favorite | 360 comments

One of the stated goal of MV3 by Google[1] was to avoid extensions with broad permissions:

> our new declarativeNetRequest API is designed to be a privacy-preserving method for extensions to block network requests without needing access to sensitive data

This MV3-based AdGuard extension still requires a broad permission to "read or modify host data" on all sites[2]:

    "host_permissions": [
So what you have now is the same required permission to "read or modify host data" as with MV2, but with a network filtering engine capabilities gated by Google (an advertising company).

We can't innovate anymore the filtering capabilities of our content blocker engines as we have been constantly doing over the years.

For a recent example, there has been discussions lately with filter list maintainers of whether uBO should support AdGuard's proposed capability of being able to support pattern-matching for `domain=` filtering option[3] (uBO supports AdGuard lists).

That sort of proposition is not possible to entertain with MV3 since only Google get to decide how the filtering engine will evolve, if at all. All content blocking issues will have to be resolved with the Google-controlled filtering engine, and left unaddressed if the solution can't be shoehorned in the declarativeNetRequest API.

* * *

[1] https://blog.chromium.org/2020/12/manifest-v3-now-available-...

[2] https://developer.mozilla.org/en-US/docs/Mozilla/Add-ons/Web...

[3] https://github.com/AdguardTeam/CoreLibs/issues/1550

* * *

Edit: removed stray `[` character.

For context, gorhill is the veteran author of original uBlock, and current uBlock Origin. He knows what he's talking about as author, maintainer and one of the community leader/voice of probably the single best and only conflict-of-interest-free ad-blocker currently in existence.

His past post[0] was reposted and generated quite a discussion on HN [1].

For further details on why uBO is conflict free, this is the README.md on github repo[2] says:


Free. Open source. For users by users. No donations sought.


0: https://github.com/gorhill/uBlock/wiki/uBlock-Origin-works-b...

1: https://news.ycombinator.com/item?id=32542968

2: https://github.com/gorhill/uBlock

uBlock Origin is the only browser extension I use on Firefox, Even after loosing trust on browser extensions in general after witnessing a recommended Firefox add-on indulge in malicious activity[1] and reading numerous stories of how browser extension publishers with large number of users are routinely approached to integrate malware.

The reason why I cannot do away with uBlock Origin is because its not just an Ad-blocker as its philosophy states, I need it to make websites usable by blocking elements like auto pop-up news video player, Blocking side bars to resize the websites to preferred width (When playing videos), Disable tracking and often just to load the websites faster.

[1] https://web.archive.org/web/20210924045611/https://github.co...

To those familiar with the HTML DOM I recommend uMatrix from the same author as uBlock origin. It makes a good companion to uBlock Origin and provides much finer control.


That repo is archived. Is the project dead?

Isn't it pretty much redundant? You just have to enable advanced mode in ublock origin extension settings. The interface is arguably slightly harder to figure out though, but the functionality is there once you've enabled it.

the ublock origin repo actually has a video linked how it works: https://youtu.be/2lisQQmWQkY?t=294

I'm so sick of reading this.

uBO covers most of uMatrix (and more).

Some of that uMatrix coverage is a hell of a lot harder/more awkward in uBO.

Basically every uMatrix user always also ran uBO too, for the more DOM/'content blocking' aspects (primarly 'cosmetic filtering' as it calls it iirc).

uMatrix lets me block all third-party, allow only first-party scripts/XHR/iframes by default, and then in two clicks (including opening the extension's popover menu) allow some specific host's scripts or whatever, while still blocking its cookies/frames/XHR/media/et al.

uMatrix is more advanced than uBO 'advanced mode', and just as easy to use; i.e. easier to use than 'dynamic filtering' or whatever people suggest that's buried in the full-page settings and not something I'm going to be doing 'on the fly' while visiting a site.

I still use uMatrix (and uBO!) and remain thankful for it - I just hope it lasts, not obsoleted by browser API changes or whatever. (nuTensor was forked to take on that burden, but itself now archived. Apparently - I read in another HN topic on this recently - because uMatrix actually did receive some maintenance update.)

Also uMatrix makes it a lot easier to figure out what you need to allow through - uBO just gives you the hostname, but with uMatrix you know in the popover menu whether it's a XHR, script not loaded, etc.

Yes, it's not actively developed anymore because of the large overlap in functionality with uBlock Origin as well as the maintainance burden.

However it's not equivalent, because in uMatrix you have even more fine-grained control which content a certain domain in a certain context can load (i.e. scripts, images, css and xhr requests).

Its functionality is equivalent, its ease of use isn't (at least in my opinion)

with uBlock origins UI you can block by content type and then whitelist the domains which are still allowed and that feels less granular then the uMatrix configuration dialog.

But if you check the generated dynamic rules in the settings you'll see that it supports the same granular controls as uMatrix

GP is correct afaik: the request categories for dynamic rules in ublock are image, 3p, inline-script, 1p-script, 3p-script, 3p-frame. The 3p vs 1p vs inline is kinda weird in itself since it's contextual and not relating to the content-type of the request, and we are missing css and xhr. Thing is, i realized i most of my dynamic rules are by domain anyway. Maybe if i find a real use case i'll try to look into the code and make this a bit more versatile.

I tried uMatrix for a bit and it seems the dynamic filtering capabilities of uBlock do 80%+ of what uMatrix does.

> I need it to make websites usable by blocking elements like auto pop-up news video player, Blocking side bars to resize the websites to preferred width (When playing videos),...

Exactly. I use uBlock to "detoxify" websites and rid them of such nonsense elements.

thank you gorhill for making the internet a useable space.

hear, hear.

How is it able to be free without seeking donations? Asking for a friend who's about to get into something.

Not everything is about money. Sometimes its principles, sometimes its about giving back to the world, sometimes its the fun of it, or just raw boredom.

I do not claim to know what motivates gorhill, but so far none of his motivations in building uBO seem to be against my own motivation to use it, so it is fine.

> Not everything is about money. Sometimes its principles, sometimes its about giving back to the world, sometimes its the fun of it, or just raw boredom.

No, he has to be able to support himself somehow. Food costs money. Plenty of people have great motives, few have the means to execute on them.

> Plenty of people have great motives, few have the means to execute on them.

Sure. Not plenty, but still a lot of people have the means, and few of them choose to execute. Larse Ingebrigsten was a CTO of startup that got acquired and now maintains GNU Emacs. Bram Moolenaar has had consistent job since forever (not sure what % of paid time is dedicated to Vim maintenance). Richard Stallman quit and made his first money selling Emacs tapes. Some open source devs rely on consulting work. Some (Like Drew DeVault) have actual sustainable business model that are not donations (and still give away their services when it makes sense). I do not know of gorhill, but my first guess would be that he has a stable job that pays well enough and doesn't encroach on his private life and hobbies, which I believe uBO is one of.

Oh, and to add to it, it becomes incredibly easier if you find likeminded people to join in. Linus Torvalds is able to take weeks off because GKH is more than capable to handle the work in his absence. Andreas Kling has Linus Groh as co-maintainer to review PRs even considering ginormous scope of SerenityOS. As with everything, more capable minds share the load.

On top of that, uBlock Origin is still just an engine. A large bulk of work (as admitted on uBO README.md) is done in the lists like fanboy's. They are also largely contributor driven (and sometimes donations).

I don't know why you're telling me any of this, half of which I already know. I asked how he supports it specifically. Not if and not how other people do. uBlock Origin does not solicit donations, it's in the README.md.

> Free. Open source. For users by users. No donations sought.

All true, and we (content blockers devs) were saying this all for years, since MV3 was first announced. MV3 brings very little (if any) privacy and security enhancements, this is for the future MV4 when extensions will be dumbed down to sets of declarative rules.

We'll now need to rely on Chrome team for implementing what we need. But they do it painfully slow or not do at all.

Also, where will we get the new ideas if every browser follows that path? Take Safari for example, every little improvement that we requested [1] was inspired by what we already did in other browsers long ago.

Anyways, a working content blocker on MV3 is possible. I even think a casual user won't feel much difference. But there is a big difference under the hood and to feel the consequences we have to wait a few years.

[1]: https://bugs.webkit.org/ (search for those reported by @adguard.com). Just a very small part of what we requested was implemented, content blocking is not a priority I guess, and it won't be a priority for Chrome.

How about simply not supporting chrome. I believe some responsibility for this lies with us developers. It was developers who made extensions for chrome. We as technologists recommended chrome to our friends and families. Without us chrome would likely not be in the position it is today and google could not dictate the terms like they do. Maybe it is time that extension authors abandon ship, and we recommend alternative browsers?

To those who argue that chrome is faster and therefore you prefer using it. You should ask yourself, what is more important to you, to see a website a few ms faster or preventing Google to to dictate how the Internet of the future works (apart from the fact that in my experience browser's are so close in performance, that I don't think anyone can consistently pick which browser their on).

Not recommending Chrome is the way to go. There was a time where developers only tested against IE, built features on top of IE, and there didn't seem any way to defeat the garbage associated with IE.

But people recommended Firefox anyway for most browsing since it was a better experience on the open web. Eventually it up ended the dominance by giving a better browsing experience except when forced to use IE through bad code, which eventually forced more developers to improve the experience outside of IE.

I personally never stopped using Firefox for Chrome, since there was always some extension that just didn't work quite as well on Firefox for the longest time. I've always found it worked it well.

A popular opinion of a vocal contingent of users on this site always say that Chrome is so fast, without any benchmarks other than their personal feelings for the most part. If Google is going to be openly hostile to extensions like UBlock working as intended I really wonder if they would feel Chrome is much faster if the developers of such extensions stopped looking for work arounds in an actively hostile environment and simply let them experience the garbage that is the current state of the web. They've already shown their hand as being a terrible steward of the web by blocking extensions like AdNauseum that try to destroy all the tracking and privacy violations they've created.

I personally believe all the people who don't have their jobs tied to creating ad garbage would do another exodus. Although I'm sure a vocal minority would create noise on sites like this since their jobs are tied to making the world a worse place.

This. While I appreciate the work AdBlock does, supporting MV3 is ludicrous. If no ad block extension supported it, it would be dead on arrival - with Chrome too (if Google tried to force it). Just let it be, fire up your Firefox and browse freely.

> While I appreciate the work AdBlock does, supporting MV3 is ludicrous. If no ad block extension supported it, it would be dead on arrival

Only to people like us. The amount of tech-savvy people I see not using an ad blocker is surprising. As a user of an ad blocker, I definitely feel like I’m in a small minority in the real world.

My experience is different - almost everyone I know uses an ad blocker. Some of them have installed them for themselves, others have helpful friends. But I rarely see someone scrolling a webpage with the ads on it.

This sort of boycotting will only work when widely supported by both developers and users and this is not the case. Despite all the public outcry and news outlets telling that the end is near, it didn't affect the Chrome's share.

> Without us chrome would likely not be in the position it is today and google could not dictate the terms like they do.

I kind of disagree with this. Google Chrome's current popularity stands on two things:

1. It is a great browser and it does its job very well.

2. Google in the first years was very active with its distribution. And this is not only about the link on their homepage. I remember how 10 years ago every piece of software you were trying to install was bringing Chrome alongside.

Engineers recommending Chrome to their friends and relatives shouldn't be discounted, but I tend to think that it's less important that the two other points above.

If suddenly there was no ad blocking available on Chrome cold turkey we would see nearly all users who are accustomed to an ad free experience go looking for a new browser. Coordinate this with a marketing blitz from Firefox and essentially you can take nearly all the Chrome ad block users and turn them into Firefox users. And from there it's word of mouth even from the non-techies.

Good ad blocking is an essential part of a browser. Even Google who is actively slow boiling the frog knows they can't just hard cut it off because the users will jump ship immediately.

Why should we let Google get away with this? I feel the right move is to proactively take steps that make Chrome very obviously noncompetitive. By not providing ad blocking at all or at least making it a much inferior experience. It needs to be obvious to the users, not just to tech folks.

Why not fight fire with fire?

Consider checking for the Chrome user agent on your personal website. When you detect it, either:

1. Display a screen that encourages to use a browser that respects their privacy, such as Firefox.

2. Show a popup explaining that "for an ad-free experience, try Firefox + uBlock" and add a bunch of fake (or real) ads to a special Chrome-exclusive piece of the site.

If enough of us do this with personal websites, more and more people will stop using Chrome and start using Firefox. You don't even have to cut Chrome users off from the content -- just annoy them a little, and suggest Firefox.

After all, if Google refuses to fix bugs introduced by Google developers who don't test software in browsers other than Chrome (https://support.mozilla.org/en-US/questions/1069227), the least that the rest of us can do is fight back in some small way.

>If enough of us do this with personal websites, more and more people will stop using Chrome and start using Firefox. You don't even have to cut Chrome users off from the content -- just annoy them a little, and suggest Firefox.

It's a nice idea, but your personal website doesn't matter. Most people go to a Google website at least a few times a day, and they already tell you to switch to Chrome for the best experience. And almost all of the top non-Google websites also have a vested interest in less adblockers, so none are going to riot over this.

Only the Google homepage tries to push you back to Chrome, iirc. And there is no reason to ever visit it since search is built in to all browsers now.

I strongly believe the above to be true.

Devs of adblockers should all, suddenly, stop supporting Chrome. Make it a specific date (Jan. 1st 2023?) and make it known.

The web is unusable without strong, efficient adblocking. All power users would stop using Chrome in an instant. Even if they are a minority, the move would become visible on usage charts.

If the serious ad-blockers would stop supporting chrome, then all the shady freemium/quasi-malware stuff would be more than happy to be the only option. Most people don't "really" choose their browser, they just use what someone (or themselves years ago) installed for them. The main reason for chrome's shares is google's search&android domination and how hard they pushed it.

What is the market share of Chrome users who use ad blocking though? I don't know if its large enough to make a dent in the overall market share. And even then not sure everyone who has one installed would jump. I have it in my mom's browser but if it stopped working tomorrow she wouldn't know enough to make any changes.

It won't tip the balance but it is a significant percentage of active users. I want to say greater than 15 percent but I can't remember where I saw that.

Anyway, it doesn't really matter what percentage of all users, just what percentage of techie word-of-mouth types use ad blockers. And that is a very significant percentage.

Maybe your mom can't change it herself but come Thanksgiving she's going to complain about it to you and you are going to fix it so she has an ad free experience again.

I agree. And a very small percentage of Chrome users turned Firefox users could still mean a significant increase in Firefox usage, which in an ideal world would allow Mozilla a much needed breather from their metrics-driven efforts to stop bleeding users.

Unfortunately, we have a negative case study for this belief, one that proves the impact would be minimal: Android. Chrome on Android doesn't support any adblockers, while Firefox does, with perfectly simple installation. Still, Firefox Android is only a tiny sliver of the pie.

(posted from Firefox on Android)

That's because most people haven't ever experienced ad-free mobile browsing. Get them to try Firefox with adblock and they get addicted.

they're not stupid enough to block it all at once

MV3 will slowly make adblocking more and more useless, like boiling the frog

at which point most people who formerly used adblockers will become accustomed to the ad-infested web again

If suddenly there was no ad blocking available on Chrome cold turkey we would see nearly all users who are accustomed to an ad free experience go looking for a new browser

so.... Utopic best case scenario, 30% of the users? and that's if 100% of People using AdBlocking across the entire Planet were to make a move. and those are the users that don't provide any Revenue back to the Owner, anyways. the average user is using official Chrome, with very few Plugins, maybe like Reddit Enhancement, extra Twitch Emotes, Et Cetera.

I meant all ad-blocking users.

I remember switching to Chrome because it was faster.

I switched back to Firefox a few years ago. Firefox has improved a lot and the overall experience is just far better.

One of the nicest small things is that I've got the full URL back in the URL bar, including http/https!

Yes, Firefox is no longer second tier. This is a relatively recent development, and anyone who avoided it for performance reasons should try it again. It's fast, and doesn't have any rendering issues.

One problem is of course, that Google managed to convince many fanboys, that it is a highly progressive modern and technologically superb company, that spits out revolutionary tech every month and only the developers of highest skill could work there, so all that comes out of Google must be naturally superior to any competition.

If Google says, that they value speed of their browser as the main attribute, that mindset if adopted by the fanboys. If Google says you don't need more powerful ad blocking, then that idea is adopted by the fanboys. Google says it, so it cannot be wrong. Anyone saying something different is just being jealous, that they are not as good a developer to work at Google. Google! Oh please! Tell us what to think!

This kind of thinking also proliferates into non-developer communities and people, who look at it from the financial success side of things. Google, one of the biggest tech companies evaaar! Surely they must be doing something right! This developer friend, what do they know, compared to the knowledge of Google employees?! Better listen to Google.

Google has managed to twist the minds of many, who are too open for authority arguments and developers are no exception to that.

As long as we still in some way think, that Google has our wellbeing at heart, I think things will not change. However, I support not supporting Chormium-based browsers any longer. People only learn the hard way, which is, when they have to fight through jungle of ads to use even the simplest websites. Some learn not even then.

Very few fan boys can survive a day of web surfing with no adblock.

Yes they can, because then they not will not be "annoying ads" anymore, they become "relevant recommendations" as a coping mechanism.

I've been switching my family over to Firefox with UBlock Origin. I made the switch when these original changes were announced, and it's been a great experience. I run into maybe one website a month where I have trouble.

> to those who argue that chrome is faster and therefore you prefer using it

Those comparisons never take into account the runtime costs of ads. Yay, code runs 10% faster. It runs 3x as much code and has to wait on a dozen ad servers, but yay!

I think you are right. It's not worth it.

I just switched to Firefox. I'm typing this on Firefox.

I used to use Ungoogled Chromium.

Welcome! :)

> Without us chrome would likely not be in the position it is today

No doubt it would. Google essentially advertised Chrome at the very top of the search results page. No amount of personal boycotting is ever going to win against that.

I use Chrome because it's faster, safer, more stable. I don't believe V3 in any way is a serious issue for the internet in any meaningful sense either.

Did you read the entry on HN recently, where it is discussed, that Chromium-based browsers allow websites to set your clipboard content, without user action being involved at all? (https://news.ycombinator.com/item?id=32614037)

Just one example of how it is not safer, that I thought I should mention, on the background of such a blanket statement as "Chrome is safer" : )

No, I didn't read it and I don't really see your point. I didn't say Chrome has no vulnerabilities.

It's not only for Chrome.

Correct! That's why I wrote "Chromium-based" ;) Many people mix those up all the time or even think they are the same.

It is objectively less safe to use the web without an ad blocker.

Then it is a good thing that MV3 doesn't prevent ad blockers as demonstrated by AdGuard having made one.

> as demonstrated by AdGuard having made a crippled one.

Fixed that for you.

Unless Google really wants you to see that specific category of ads.

It doesn't really matter though. What matters is uBlock Origin and whatever gorhill says. Either uBlock Origin works at its full potential or the browser vendor is deliberately crippling ad blocking.

I just wanted to say that you (content blocker devs) have been heard, maybe not by the majority of browser users but at least people like me are championing Firefox over webkit-based browsers precisely because to do otherwise would be to loose control of the web to FAANG, especially Google. I've been telling everyone who would listen about how Google leverages Chrom(e/ium) against user interests and have deployed Firefox to every friend & family user whose machines I support.

I also recommend people I know to use Firefox, but a lot of people either don't understand the problem or just don't care.

A lot of people even conflate Google Chrome, Google Search and other Google services (understandable, as Chrome's home page is a big Google logo with a search box), so they think that they cannot use Google anymore if they install Firefox.

The stats [1] speak for themselves: only 3.3% of users use Firefox. Even Edge has more users.

[1] https://gs.statcounter.com/

One thing to be cautious of when trying to count browser stats is that the recent releases of Firefox are pretty aggressive about blocking tracking scripts, such as those used by a site like statcounter.com uses to count up browser usage <https://gs.statcounter.com/faq#methodology>

I don't know how to solve that problem, since those two outcomes are at odds with one another, but wanted to raise awareness

I think the stats are showing that we really need debundling of the browser from the OS. I'd wadger that those stats pretty closely align with the percentage of android and IOS users, or in other words the stats are completely dominated by mobile browsers, where hardly anyone changes browsers.

I can't understand why we have not seen strong regulatory/antitrust action on this front considering the precedent with MS.

I dread the debundling. The day Google can tell iOS users to "just download Chrome" is the same day all non-Chrome browsers will stop working on Google properties. Well, they'll let Chromium browsers (which also support their ad-blcoking-blocking) work too, for antitrust reasons.

That's funny because my phone is weaker than my laptop, and has a smaller screen to show useful information Firefox and uBlock get installed faster to remove the slowdowns and popups.

It's harder to get people to switch browsers nowadays. When Chrome first came out as a breath of fresh air (IE was IE, Firefox was better but a bit "heavy", Opera was... Opera), normal users would just nod and agree if you recommended a switch, and even as a power user, I only had to migrate a handful of extensions and behaviors over. At this point, browsers (particularly Chrome and Safari on their respective platforms) have ingrained themselves into their users daily routine. Things like bookmarks and some habits transfer pretty quickly, but casual users won't care enough about this (until they're impacted more).

I wonder why not create a ad-free/privacy fork of Chromium. Especially on Mobile, I'd use that for sure. Existing ones have huge strings attached. Mozilla is basically FUBAR at this point.

This exists, it's called Ungoogled Chromium. Removing whatever misfeatures Google adds to Chrome is fairly straightforward.

The real danger to having a single codebase for the whole web is spec validation. Most web standards rely on two independent implementations. For newer technologies we could technically count WebKit and Blink as separate, but Gecko was providing an entirely separate codebase that isn't a fork of anything.

Remember how WebSQL was basically put out to pasture because it was just SQLite, warts and all, shoved inside the web sandbox? That's the sort of problem we'd rather avoid. Single-implementation standards tend to pick up bugs and misbehaviors from their implementation, since everyone winds up depending on implementation bugs rather than getting them fixed to match spec.

> Removing whatever misfeatures Google adds to Chrome is fairly straightforward.

Yes. But adding back in Manifest v2 isn't. Even MSFT claims that it's too much work for them.

IIUC, the only problem with Mv3 is that they disabled the WebRequest API. A fork of Chromium that solves this problem will just have to re-enable the WebRequest API, which seems doable.

Isn't the lack of a WebRequest API one of the primary changes in Manifest v3?

It's apparently quite possible to keep supporting the WebRequest API in Mv3, since Firefox is doing just that.

Firefox is still supporting Mv2 though? I thought FF just translated Mv3 to Mv2

Why is Mozilla fubar? I'd argue it's much less work to get behind Mozilla than trying to maintain a chromium fork.

Firefox on mobile works great for me and has for years?

Does it support such basic features as pull down to refresh or it's still planned for release in 2035? Does it support any extension I wanna use?

It's pretty hard to search bugzilla, so to save anyone else time, this is what I ended up finding (9 bugs) https://bugs.webkit.org/buglist.cgi?bug_status=UNCONFIRMED&b...

Let's be fair to Safari devs, you should probably search for all statuses and not just the bugs and feature requests that are still open:


Unintentional omission - bugzilla is kinda hard to use well.

Regarding MV4: the WebExtensions working group has started to mention the term at some of their recent meetings, although details are scarce it seems MV4 will still retain JS code execution [1] [2].

[1]: https://github.com/w3c/webextensions/blob/main/_minutes/2022... (CTRL-F for "mv4")

[2]: https://github.com/w3c/webextensions/blob/main/_minutes/2022... (CTRL-F for "mv4")

> this is for the future MV4 when extensions will be dumbed down to sets of declarative rules.

I haven't heard of this plan. Do you have more information?

No plans were announced so these are purely my speculations but to me it seems logical.

The only piece of reliable information is this: I once asked Google engineer whether they plan to support declarative cosmetic rules (that's what we do ourselves in MV3 and that's why the extension still requires wide permissions) and the answer was that they definitely do plan to do that in the future.

> No plans were announced so these are purely my speculations but to me it seems logical.

And then people use and rely on information like this to further ignite their cognitive biases. Seems more like promoting misinformation than anything.

Misinformation is presenting falsehoods as truth. Speculating based on past behavior is something else.

To be fair, this thread exists because OP made the claim as if it wasn't speculation and someone took them up on it which only then made OP clarify that they were speculating.

So if you say the earth is flat and you are just speculating based on no evidence it isn't misinformation? That is what you did and you should own it.

Supporting that makes sense to simplify the use case so that people don't have to write JavaScript for simple changes, but that doesn't imply they'll replace the JavaScript API with a purely declarative API there.

The difference between that and the traffic modification API is the threat model. The third party were to compromise uBlock Origin's servers, they would have a frightening amount of power over millions of machines because uBlock Origin essentially self-modifies; it downloads new rules for what should be blocked. So that breaks the security guarantees Chrome wants to provide; they can't say that the lock icon on a website means anything if a Chrome extension is allowed to arbitrarily modify traffic back and forth as a man in the middle on the last mile and Chrome web store maintainers haven't looked at the source code it's running.

I don't think there's a similar security threat for cosmetic changes.

It feels like this was always going to be how this played out. Google being the world's largest ad company has a vested interest in ensuring ads are still displayed to users and once a sizeable enough amount of the Chrome userbase started adblocking it directly threatened their revenue growth.

The only option here it seems is to switch browsers.

But these changes don't ensure that ads are displayed to users. This won't impact Google's ad revenue at all. At most it will negatively impact their revenue because the less powerful API will let the sketchier advertisers try to bypass the filters.

Google is the sketchier advertiser you're speaking of.

If you care about running uBlock Origin on macOS, happy to report that Orion browser by Kagi (WebKit based) supports it and will keep supporting Manifest v2.

(In case anyone else didn’t realize or found it ambiguous, Kagi is their company.)

Orion also has a damn good ad-blocker already running by default.

I hope filtering proxies like Proxomitron become popular again. They'll work on all browsers, and as long as locked-down corporate environments with their own needs for filtering content and the requirement to go through a proxy exist, it's not something they can easily kill off (despite trying their hardest to do so with all the "security" propaganda.)

Stop being at the whims of the Google-controlled browser monopoly --- by filtering content before it gets there.

Man, I used Privoxy back in the day and it was amazing. Now, however, you need to set up custom certs so that you can MITM yourself, plus those things can only look at the initial HTML without running any JS. I don't know how less effective that would make filtering, but it can't help.

I'd love to be proven wrong though! Right now I run DNS-based filtering because, no, it's not perfect, but I really like having network-wide blocking.

Still, that you will need to MITM yourself is rather inefficient; it would be better for the proxy setting to include a "non-tunneling" option that you can set, instead.

Not being able to look at scripts is another issue, although at least for some purposes you may be able to inject scripts which change the JavaScript objects in order to disable or change some features.

You can do filtering on the JS itself, which of course includes injecting your own JS into the page too.

Proxy and ssl doesn't work for filtering (basically the same as dns).

Maybe some sort of "remote browser" remote desktop or browser-in-browser type thing will work.

You can still install a certificate, and that will let you "man-in-the-middle" attack yourself with proxy server programs.

Proxomitron was amazing, very advanced, and even worked with ssl. All preceding proxy apps were very weak

To be fair, general ad blocker will always require broad permissions, no matter what API it uses. There's no sense in ad blocker that works only on N sites.

Presumably that permission does not mean the same thing in v3. That is, the site can still read/modify data but, of course, only through the specific declarative APIs that delegate the work to the browser.

MV3 splits permissions into host permissions and classical permissions (tabs, storage, etc). Putting <all_urls> in your host permission list means that whatever the extension does, it can do it on all possible urls you may visit in the browser. In this sense, it's no different than in MV2.

What's different is the classical permissions. Previously you could use the webRequest permission to execute custom JS functions in response to network activity. In MV3 you must now write a declarative rule instead using the declarativeNetRequest permission. By moving from an imperitive model to a declarative one, Google now has exacting control over what ad blockers can and can't do.

Gorhill's argument is that the stated reasons for MV3 do not align with the implementation. The example he gives is that Google claims the new API is more private. However you still need <all_urls> so the extension is as un-private as its MV2 equivalent. The only difference is that now Google controls what blocking you're allowed to declare and how much of it you're allowed to do.

There's a similar community discovery where MV3 implementation is provably counter to Google's claims of performance enhancement - MV3 extensions need to rehydrate state every 5 minutes as Chrome shuts down their service worker and for highly active extensions such as ad blockers this is actually less performant than the MV2 implementation with a long-lived background.

Basically, Google is full of shit.

> Basically, Google is full of shit.

Not completely full of shit. Declarative rules are a good idea in the general case. Random browser extensions really should not have unrestricted access to the network requests. This is how we get malware.

It's just that uBlock Origin is so important and trusted that these limitations should not apply to it. I'd even say ad blockers should be a built in browser feature but the conflicts of interest prevent that.

Now that ad blockers have to be built out of declarative syntax that Google controls, the browser maintainers basically _are_ responsible for implementing the ad blockers. And would you look at that they're pushing back on community contributions and dragging their feet because yes, there is a conflict of interest.

They left alone other imperative-but-dangerous aspects of extensions, such as the ability for any extension to watch what you type into password or credit card fields on any website. Actually that sort of extension is even easier to write in MV3 and Google will still need JS-reviewing wizards to give a guarantee an extension isn't snooping your passwords.

I don't think there's a consistent position from Google if the claim is they want to improve security via declarative syntax. I think Google is full of shit.

I agree with you. I just think this declarative API could have been a good move were it not for the conflict of interest. Makes me wish gorhill made his owh browser instead of browser extensions.

> Not completely full of shit. Declarative rules are a good idea in the general case.

The heavily depends and I would disagree here. Yes, JS execution is unpopular, but it enables you to make your app behave like you want to. Otherwise it behaves like Google wants to. Google is no scammer at least, but the end result is suboptimal.

It's a big difference between letting extension provide some rules and letting extension do whatever it wants with the request.

Only if you've already accepted that a loss in functionality is acceptable.

If you could implement a declarative language as powerful as an imperative one you could solve the halting problem.

So the switch from imperative to declarative is not free to make and Google has thrown the baby out with the bathwater. They just so happen to lose money every second that baby is alive. On the one hand, the decision to implement this specific declarative language is a malicious exertion of market force. On the other hand it's a stunning display of implementation incompetence. The language can't even reimplement the most popular existing extensions.

Has Google said that they would reject CLs to the declarativeNetRequest API if filter list maintainers propose a new feature? Have any filter list maintainers tried to propose those CLs? Obviously it would require a new set of skills and talent to maintain the C++ code that now powers Chromium's ad-blocking capabilities, but Chromium is still an open project with guidelines for contribution, no?

> Chromium is still an open project with guidelines for contribution

Hah. The default is to reject changes from the community. I would not pin my hopes on Chromium accepting any adblocking community changes.

Manifest v3 is going to be a slaughter. Extension developers have known the slaughter was coming, but Chrome users are going to be taken by surprise. Many free Chrome extensions aren't going to get updated at all for v3, because it's too much work. Many aren't going to work right anymore because of the new restrictions. And ad blocking aside, v3 seems like a nightmare in general, and still quite buggy. The service workers vs. background script issue discussed by AdGuard will affect many or most extensions.

I've been postponing the migration of my extensions to v3 for as long as possible. One extension should be fine, but the other one... I'm afraid of what that's going to be like.

> but Chrome users are going to be taken by surprise. Many free Chrome extensions aren't going to get updated at all for v3, because it's too much work

On one of the occasions I flipped from mostly Firefox to mostly Chrome/Chromium¹ was due to significant changes to add-ons – and an add-on that was one of my significant points for friction stopping me move over more was one that didn't get updated immediately².

But I think many people will blame the add-ons, and just stick around & complain instead of moving away from the source of the problem. The many dozens of us who will move, not matter how loudly we do so, simply won't be important enough in the grand scheme of things for Google to care.


[1] this happens every few years² as one or the other irritates me in various ways

[2] I'm currently long overdue a move towards Firefox, maybe V3 will be the final push this time around

[3] in fact, for some time IIRC, by the time a new version appeared I no longer needed it

> The service workers vs. background script issue discussed by AdGuard will affect many or most extensions.

This is so true. It is often overlooked, but the root problem of Manifest V3 is not declarativeNetRequest, but this service worker move.

Firefox and Safari implemented an alternative to them so there's a chance.

Google proposed a different solution (called "Offscreen documents") which is also not too bad, but I doubt they'll implement it by the January deadline.

What do service workers restrict as compared to the previous model?

The main issue is that their lifetime is limited and they're getting constantly killed. This happens all the time even when the service worker is being actively used.

This is by design. The downside to background pages is they consumed an entire page's worth of runtime resources (and depending on how they're set up, they may do that per foreground tab).

It's a headache early-era iOS developers are familiar with, but this move is basically Chrome team saying "We've watched the community try to implement responsible resource handling, and they suck at it, so we're taking some of their choices away so that the browser can manage resources for the user." Because battery matters.

This question was discussed so many times in W3C group.

Mostly this boils down to one thing: there needs to be an alternative to service workers and there are tons of legitimate use cases for long-living background pages or workers. I think by this point everyone agrees on that, the question is when this alternative will be made available to developers. It’s only 3 months until the deadline after all.

NGL, I did find MV3 harder to implement against. Not because of the declarative model alone, but because the declarative model's rules are under-documented.

Can you replace an image URL fetched remotely with an image stored in the extension itself (via rewriting the URL from a remote fetch to a file fetch)? Maybe? No, because redirection from remote URLs to file URLs trips the resource fetch security model independent of anything else, except a developer has no reason to believe that security model applies also to extensions?

Testing against the declarative model feels very wild west and since it isn't just JavaScript, I can't just slap the debugger on it and introspect all the data going back and forth.


Analytics & Ad Blocker by Globemallow.io https://globemallow.io/ was the first Manifest v3 Ad Block extension.

I first published on 06/22/2022.

Last night actually I asked if AdGuard would want to license the software, and sent them a link to my extension. They are aware they weren't the first, and made this post after knowing it.

This is interesting if true. How can people verify that your extension is compatible with Manifest V3? I can see on the Chrome Web Store that the latest version of your extension was published before the latest version of AdGuard (August 23, 2022 vs August 30, 2022) so there's that.

You can add a Chrome Source Code Viewer. I like this one. https://chrome.google.com/webstore/detail/chrome-extension-s...

Then look in the Manifest.json for manifest_version.

Here's the Twitter showing the timeline: https://twitter.com/GlobeMallow_io

The best part is AdGuard is still running manifest v2.

Maybe their "technically" perspective is that they built theirs before you built yours. Or they're assuming they did. Even though you published first. It didn't say theirs was the first to be published, just the first to be built

It is such a bummer to me that Firefox is implementing MV3 and deprecating MV2[1]. Internet Explorer 6 never left, it just became Google Chrome*.

Vivaldi? Killed, Chrome clone. Edge? Killed, Chrome clone. Brave? Killed, Chrome clone. Firefox? Technically a separate engine and in theory among the last hopes, but so sclerotic it follows Chrome in almost all of its decisions. (Can MV2 be kept as a stable basic-security-maintenance-only API? Probably not) Safari? Can be gone around on desktop (my grandparents use Chrome because of Google prompts), has a stranglehold on mobile, but that has its own problems, and likely once users can ~sideload~ install software (potentially from other app stores), there will be a Chrome surge on mobile, forcing manifest V3 over there too, and the ad trackers will win the war.

Or maybe they already have? More likely, I personally am tiring of the cat and mouse game between the spyware makers and devs that fight for the users.

[1] UPDATE: https://blog.mozilla.org/addons/2022/05/18/manifest-v3-in-fi... PREVIOUSLY: https://blog.mozilla.org/addons/2022/06/08/manifest-v3-firef...

* In the sense that one browser implementation, and not W3C or WHATWG web standards, drives the web browser market. Chrome is much more evergreen than IE.

Mozilla is not implementing[1] any of the Mv3 restrictions against ad blockers (i.e. WebRequest).

[1] https://blog.mozilla.org/addons/2022/05/18/manifest-v3-in-fi...

I don't think they've come out to support other extensions that will be killed in the crossfire however, such as ViolentMonkey or TamperMonkey.



The only thing we have so far is a google rep stating that they'll "reaffirm that we plan to support userscript managers in Maniest V3 before the Manifest V2 deprecation"[0] back in May, which fills me with no hope at all that they won't simply be killed.

0: https://github.com/Tampermonkey/tampermonkey/issues/644#issu...

I stand corrected in a big way. I'm very pleased that Firefox is doing this, I need to go make my other doom-gloom be less doom-gloomy now.

I'm glad they're making changes, but I'd advise everyone to keep a close watch on what they end up implementing and what potential security and privacy risks may be introduced.

It seems like I'm having to disable something or other with every major update of firefox lately, and as long as they continue to let me disable risky features I'll keep using it. Nothing strikes a better balance between useful and secure like hardened a firefox install, but it takes a lot of vigilance and a willingness to add or modify hundreds of about:config options (after installing https://github.com/earthlng/aboutconfig)

Isn't this a better link for Firefox, since it covers their reasoning and where they're not following Chrome?


Yes, this is. duck.com search didn't surface that one on my first SERP so will update my post to reflect. Thanks!

> Vivaldi? Killed, Chrome clone. ... Brave? Killed, Chrome clone.

Brave and Vivaldi have always been built on Chromium, because that was the easiest way for them to get started as new browsers. There wasn't some pre-Chromium version of either that was killed.*

> There wasn't some pre-Chromium version of either that was killed.*

Not true. Brave was initially based on Gecko https://brave.com/the-road-to-brave-one-dot-zero/

The Gecko-based version was a prototype that didn't even make it to a public preview release. It was a very early attempt that didn't work out.

Also its just simply the best engine on the market.

Not true.

Firefox is vastly better in terms of rendering quality for scaled and/or transformed raster images. Chrome always sacrifices quality for performance, with no way to choose.

Firefox's SVG support is also miles ahead, both in rendering quality and features.

It's the best engine for building your own browser on top of, which is the main thing someone building a browser cares about. This is something the Chrome team has prioritized, and Firefox has not.

This is only a part of a browser engine.

Security? Website isolation? Performance? And many other things are just simply better in chromium.


Yes Google is abusing its influence on chromium, but one must admit, its simply the best engine out there.

Chrome has crap image rendering. Chrome has sub-par SVG support. Chrome has a host of issues and bugs with media selectors and imagesets not updating dynamically when changing zoom levels.

So no, one must not admit it is "simply the best engine out there". Not by a long shot.

This is only a section of what a browser does.

The features, the speed, the security, are all better on chromium.

Is it the best or does it just _seem_ to be the best as most web content is only tested on Chrome, or Chrome and mobile Safari perhaps?

Hate to say it, but I used to have the job of testing on Firefox and (at least at the time) no, Chrome was the best.

The number of irritating little performance regressions we'd hit when doing anything interesting with the DOM in Firefox was notable (as in, we noted it in the bug-tracker ;) ). Broadly speaking, I began to assume Mozilla didn't have enough real-world integration tests back-stopping changes to their rendering engine.

I haven't tested in a few years so that information is stale.

Its technologically better.

Especially when talking about security.


What you call "Chrome clones" are in fact based on Chromium, but aren't Chrome. The difference is not huge as they all use the same rendering engine, but appart from that they're free to do other things. Brave for instance comes with full-on adblock built-in.

Vivaldi has been using MV3 for more than a year now and the adblocker works fine.


I'm glad it does. I was mixing/matching my arguments a bit. I don't want to use Chrome both because (MV3 by Chrome is super locked down) and (Blink browser engine monoculture is bad for web durability), so when I said Vivaldi was a dead Chrome clone, I was referring more to the latter than the former.

I think @cycomaniac [1] is right. We, as developers, did this. We gave Google too much power.

I've just switched to Firefox. I hope they don't go off the rails here, but I fear they will with bribes from Google.

[1]: https://news.ycombinator.com/item?id=32650136

Using an ad-company's browser has always been so fishy.

It seems like Google has been at least as anticompetitive as MS and IE

It's interesting they haven't cracked down on ad blockers more - I am positive it has cost them billions at minimum.

Wow, that whole article and not a single mention of Firefox!

Firefox still supports Manifest V2, which allows for more efficient and accurate blocking of advertising. (Among other things.)

Because that's off topic? I'm tired of seeing every single thread about MV3 turn into "Switch to Firefox". Yes, we know about that obvious solution, it's been shouted ad nauseum, I'm interested to see and hear about how ad blockers will work on MV3, not the existing alternative we've already heard about a billion times.

Just look at this very thread, every other comment is just about Firefox and not the content of the post itself.

Sure, I'm "preaching to the quior" here, but given Firefox's current market share, I'm not sure we've gotten the word out much beyond our circle.

The article mentioned Safari a couple of times, I don't see why the fact that Firefox will support both V2 and V3 indefinitely doesn't deserve a single mention.

Moreover, manifest V3 was essentially a massive middle finger from Google to everyone else (except advertisers), and it feels almost dishonest to discuss it wothout mentioning that there are better options out there.

Sorry, I don't usually correct people on the internet, but I thought this one was funny. It's spelled "choir".

If I was gonna start a chorus for LGBTI singers I reckon I'd call it a "Quoir"!

LOL, whoops. Not sure where I came up with that spelling.

> I'm not sure we've gotten the word out much beyond our circle

I can guarantee you that the people that need to be converter won't be reading this article, any more than they will be visiting HN.

> The article mentioned Safari a couple of times

Hmm, I only see it mentioned once, and it makes sense in context, because Safari suffers from the same Declarative API issue (they actually did it long before chrome did).

> it feels almost dishonest to discuss it wothout mentioning that there are better options out there

Again, that discussion has been had ad nauseum, nothings being contributed by mentioning it again.

Firefox is the obvious solution to this problem, as you've pointed out. You shouldn't be upset that it's discussed in relation to this.

Chrome also still supports manifest V2

Not for long

So is Firefox, they are droping V2 in favor of V3


Yikes, that's concerning.

Does anyone know what is Edge's take on MV3? Will they just leave it untouched and obey or do they have alternative paths planned for adblockling like Brave (In addition to the native blocker, Brendan Eich also said that they will "put back the lost functionality for uBO, uMatrix and other legit extensions" [1]).

I have a feeling that Edge will become mainstream in the near future because it is the default browser on Windows (getting IE monopolistic vibes again!) and people is using and even loving it. I think both Edge and Chrome will decide the future for the web. Firefox and Brave, unfortunately, are not mainstream enough to make their decisions count.

[1] https://twitter.com/brendaneich/status/1134141335881912320

Funny how the only browsers that matter are the ones shipped by default by OS vendors... almost like the whole Windows/IE antitrust action was for show. Or I guess the OS vendors realized being an oligopoly is a good workaround for dated antitrust policy.

> antitrust action was for show.

People often forget the US underwent an administrative change between the judgement and enforcement. Microsoft spent a lot of "think tank" money on influencing the new regimes enforcement mentality, not only on their own issue, but on monopolies in general.

It was, from my recollection, definitely not for show.

One reason people forget is that the Department of Justice announced the settlement (wrist slap) with Microsoft literally a few days before the 9/11 attacks, and so the case was wiped from the news along with everything else except 9/11. (I'm not suggesting a conspiracy, just that the public never had a chance to be angry about the settlement.)

As I understand, Edge will also migrate to MV3 completely.

Also, I am not entirely sure other Chromium-based browsers will be able to maintain MV2 compatibility in the long run.

Are we going to lose ublock origin on chrome when v2 will be disabled?

World's biggest ad company getting rid of ad-blockers, who could see that coming?

> Chromium got its webRequest API at a time it was trying to gain market share against Firefox (Sep 2011), where Adblock Plus, Ghostery, Disconnect, NoScript, and other such extensions were the most or among the most popular extensions on Firefox.

So the only reason they even implemented this browser standard was to gain market share and now that they are in the dominant position they yank it, getting rid of ad blockers. Straight out of the Microsoft playbook.

Interesting, so the WebRequest API has its origins at Mozilla? I remember discovering all those wonderful plugins at the time via Firefox but I didn't understand that was the enabler.

Ah, the extinguish phase, of EEE.

Firefox did them a favor by trashing the extension ecosystem that had put the pressure on Google in the first place.

Firefox did it because of security/performance concerns. Being able to customize UI doesn't lend itself to easy refactoring.

In order to compete with Chrome most of XUL extensions had to go.

Hyrum's law in practice.

> Firefox did it because of security/performance concerns

Isn't that the same concerns used in pushing Mv3?

XUL was a legacy system and it was blocking many optimization/refactors.

Does Mv2 really hold Chrome back?

Have you not read the article before posting the comment? Ad blocking is nowhere near being killed

Probably, or it'll be nerfed to fuck. I'm sure someone will make a fork off Chromium and leave it enabled.

Browser builders, this is your cue: if advertising is not your business, offer an ad blocker. Firefox became popular (in my personal experience) because it came with a popup blocker by default.

That's exactly what Brave is doing. Chromium fork with a built-in native adblocker that doesn't depend on MV2 at all, and plans to continue supporting MV2 even when it is removed from Chromium entirely.

> Firefox became popular (in my personal experience) because it came with a popup blocker by default.

Yeah. Firefox should ship with uBlock Origin by default too. They're almost doing that on mobile since uBlock Origin is one of few allowed extensions.

Unless they port it to v3, yes, it won’t work anymore.

Jeeezuuuss! that will hurt, a lot.

Firefox is not that bad. Honestly the multi-account containers alone merits the switch.

I don't get where "not that bad" is coming from with Firefox these days. Firefox is just plain good, and has been for a while.

I don't trust Mozilla. They continually make changes against the interests of the computer literate, they continually screw with the UI, they continually take control away from the user, they are literally in Google's pocket, and their own attempts at fundraising put the lie to their claims about privacy.

I don't understand this reasoning. On one hand everyone complained that Firefox was to slow to bloated could be brought down by extensions etc. and moved to chrome because it was faster. Then Firefox implemented changes to make it faster, isolate extensions etc. and everyone complains that they killed them off and doesn't think of the users. Now we have the situation that people say they can trust Mozilla, because of these changes, while at the same time they stay on chrome.

I have two issues with this, 1. Chrome is so much worse in respecting its users, it is completely hypocritical to say not to trust Firefox but use chrome. 2. All these posts are actually painting the impression that there is no valid alternative, in fact that chrome is the less bad (freer) choice compared to chrome. This creates exactly the narrative that Google wants, that their choices are really just minor inconveniences and there is no valid alternative to chrome. I mean just in this thread we have seen many posts that state that Mozilla is essentially doing the same just slower and cant be trusted, despite statements and actions to the contrary.

Chrome is not to be trusted; this I agree with. Chromium forks on the other hand, like brave or vivaldi, have none of these problems. The former has already committed to not implementing this garbage restriction on blockers. Chromium's engine is solid from a technical standpoint and doesn't have any inherent privacy issues aside from being owned by Google engineers.

If it sounds like I'm holding Firefox to a higher standard, I am. Their own positioning in their own marketing is based on a moral stance on privacy and "empowering the user". They have demonstrated that this stance is held out of marketing convenience rather than sincerity.

Chrome is the devil you know, you know it is made by an ad company, is filled with tracking, and will always act to support that. Firefox is… Not who they make themselves out to be. That's almost worse in a way.

You think a crypto company and a closed-source browser have your best interests at heart?

You do you.

They have demonstrated through their actions a lot more of a commitment to my best interest then Mozilla has over the last decade or so. Actions are a lot more important than licenses.

Brave has an ad blocker built in. Whatever its flaws, it deserves at least some respect for that alone. Built in ad blocking should be a standard feature of every browser.

I think Firefox is an important alternative to WebKit/Blink-based browsers.

But as a web developer I semi-regularly butt up against bugs in it that have languished in Bugzilla since like, 2014, with absolutely no progress on them.

I have dealt with two (maybe three?) bugs in Chrome ever and one of them was a pretty clear fuckup they rolled back within days.

I've dealt with many nasty rendering bugs in chromium that were never addressed, from weirdness that just made rendering a bit ugly, to spec-incompliant layout (that also differed from other engines), to iframe-related stuff that left half of the frame completely white, to animation/transition related gotchas, to outright renderer crashes, including some that brought down the chromium wrapper process (which may have been security risks, but figuring that out isn't easy). And ditto for firefox. This is years ago by now, but my impression isn't that chromium doesn't have bugs nor that it fixes bugs promptly, but rather that all websites and web-toolkits necessarily are designed with chromium limitations in mind. That's certainly what I did - no point in releasing anything that doesn't work on chromium; that'll just get you laughed at and ignored.

The chromium bugtracker too is full of ancient unresolved bugs, just like gecko's bugzilla: https://bugs.chromium.org/p/chromium/issues/list?sort=id, and I'm sure that if you wanted to you could find a ton of decade old bugs that leave you wondering how those weren't fixed by now.

This just seems to be a fact of life with various browser engines. There are surely all kinds of more or less reasonable motivations to ignore those old bugs, but whatever the cause it's certainly the status quo.

I've only got a very tiny and rudimentary homepage, but when I finally got around to adding some basic stylesheet to it, I almost immediately managed to run into an issue with Chrome(ium)/Blink.

I also managed to find another case where of all things Internet Explorer (!) was the only one (possibly EdgeHTML, too, but I don't remember that any more and now it's been replaced by Blink-based Edge, I can't easily check it, either) that got things right.

From my experience, almost every website doesn't feel as nice in Firefox as it does in Chrome. Ofcourse some of those sites are maintained by Google (YouTube).

And some things don't even work. For instance, my dentist had a sign "rate us here on google" with a QR code. That code didn't work on my phone. I eventually figured out that it works fine in Chrome, but doesn't work in Firefox. In fact, there's no way to rate businesses on Google.com from Firefox on my phone. The links just aren't there, and going directly gives a 404.

Everything works fine on Chrome.

That's obviously done maliciously by Google, of course.

Chrome/chromium based, is worse than IE in this regard - because of Google specifically, we've moved from "viewed best in" to "only works in".

It's excellent! I've been using it for three years now with zero problem.

I agree, this is a really useful feature.

I use firefox so i don't know much about chrome vs chromium politics, but if the chromium people have one thing to do now, it would be to maintain manifest v2 in their fork..

Unless something recently changed, Chromium is considered upstream for Google Chrome, not a fork... so you will see most engine level changes originate in Chromium, by google engineers.

Maybe you are confusing it with de-googled-chromium et al?

Ah right, now i remember. Yes that would be de-googled-chromium then.

chromium people are chrome people. google provide chromium either as a literal requirement for compliance with some other open source licence, or as a vestige from the “don’t be evil” days.

Meh, just use Firefox for general browsing and Chrome/ium for the one or two things that only work on that.

It's shocking that in 2022 there are still sites that (or have been forced) to only work in Chrome.

Looking at you Google search results [1] (but I understand their motivation), however I do have one local company site that refuses to move beyond their loading splash in Firefox.

I guess I should be thankful it's no where near as bad as the IE6 days where HTML standards were completely disrespected in the quest for more market share.

[1]: https://addons.mozilla.org/en-US/android/addon/google-search...

User agent spoofing seems like what should be done on the user's end in those cases, if it's not possible to avoid using such sites for whatever reason.

Problems would begin once we'll eventually get Chrome-specific functionality or something that Mozilla won't implement due to a variety of concerns, thus simply breaking sites: https://mozilla.github.io/standards-positions/

Then we'll basically be back in the days of IE, except that this time Google will be the ones with the browser monopoly, if we're not already there somewhat - the majority of folks haven't even heard of Firefox.

Didn't Google say it was going to make Chrome have the same generic user agent forever in the future? Seems like using that one will be the way to go once that happens.

My experience is it’s more often proprietary web fronts for corporate microservices than WWW pages

If Firefox won’t work, edge almost always will. I’m really trying not to download chrome again. I forgot chromium is an option. Is that not maintained by Google?

> Chrome/ium for the one or two things that only work on that

Firefox has been my daily driver for close to a decade, and I've not run into something that didn't work on it, but worked on Chrome.

It's mostly some specialized features, like conferencing in Microsoft Teams. Clearly some pieces of web software are optimized only against webkit/chrome. But yeah, not many things outright refuse to work on Firefox these days.

Embrace, extend, extinguish.

One can always block Chrome updates. It would be funny if this so-called "security" move resulted in a much worse security situation.

Until Google's services refuse to work until you upgrade..

So this might work for some (and in that case why not just change browsers?) but I wouldn't assume that Google will allow this to be a valid and widespread tactic.

Haven't used adblocker extension for a while. I just have AdGuard Home on a VPS to be used with every device on the network and do DNS level blocking and all is clean including stopping trackers from non browser apps.

DNS-based solutions can't block everything since they're limited to blocking domains. But wait until we bring a content filtering proxy to AdGuard Home, this will be the day when you'll finally get clean pages and you won't need any extension at all for that.

As a Linux user, thoroughly looking forward to this. Not having an AG desktop application like Windows is a drag.

I’m very curious about method to block YouTube ads with dns. I didn’t find a way when I tried.

Firefox seems pretty much on par with chrome these days and FF seems to win out on detection rates anyway so not sure why I'd want this combo?


Does anyone has stats of adguard vs ublock by chance?

uBlock origin is far better, especially compared to this Manifest v3 version of AdGuard.

AdGuard are just doing this to capture the upcoming hole in the market as uBlock Origin stops working in Chrome.

Everyone should switch to Firefox.

This is pure anecdote and not apples and oranges, but I've found the ad-blocking experience with Safari/Adguard comparable to Firefox/uBO.

I have not. Now I need an other application running in the background. Moreover, if AdGuard needs to up, then you're going to need to restart Safari. Also, I have to enable 8 different extensions to get it to work?

AdGuard actually works as a regular Safari extension. The background application is only if you want to selectively block ads per site, or to run updates automatically. You can still open it to update filters and close whenever you want.

Firefox on android is horrible. Full of bugs and slow downs.

I use it exclusively, I'm quite happy with it personally. I do wish they allowed more than just a few specific extensions to work, though.

I use it with uBlock on a $250 "budget" Android phone and it's as fast as Chrome. The last time I remember Firefox being slow on Android was when I was running it on a ZTE phone running FirefoxOS.

The only bugs I find belong to websites, which I don't count against Firefox. I used to have to support IE8... if the site broke it was my responsibility, not the browser.

Also it has a non native scroll behavior that is awful and a deal breaker to me.

I use Firefox on Android with uBlock origin for blocking ads and kagi for search. This Google (albeit Android is Google) free browsing works extremely well for me.

How recently have you used it? It works great for me

These extension changes aren't coming to Firefox, right? So uBO on Firefox is still the best desktop browser adblocker at the moment, right?

Correct. Firefox is going to support Manifest V3 but with the old content blocking APIs from V2 still intact.

Just install Brave, its adblocker is natively implemented and not affected by Manifest V3 fiasco.

that's what Brave staff keep repeating but in the meantime all other extensions that need v2 are a pain to install, for example this one https://libredirect.github.io/ requires you to enable dev mode, load the extension and then apply any updates manually.

They announced a Brave Extensions Store years ago and there are no news as of today.

I'm actually thinking to go back to Firefox because of this.

We never announced an extension store.

I said we'd support uBO and uMatrix at least, and we're discussing that with their maintainers now.

> We never announced an extension store.

OK, but IMHO that makes the situation worse, not better

(and by the way, some of your employees did say publicly that work was being done towards it)

I’m curious how the performance of the new AdGuard extension has changed.

It's worse than it was and the reason for that is not the declarativeNetRequest, but replacing background page with a service worker.

You see, now extensions are supposed to do background work in an ephemeral service worker. This service worker lifetime is very short (up to 5 minutes, then it's getting killed forcibly). So it's constantly getting killed and waked back up. Waking up includes doing some initialization which consumes additional cpu cycles.

The situation will improve when Google implements the alternative to service worker (so-called "Offscreen documents"), but no one knows when exactly this will happen.

> By releasing an extension built with Manifest V3 today — first among developers of ad blockers – we can say that we've met the challenge that Google posed to us.

They shouldn't do this IMHO.

Manifest V3 is a horrible attempt to kill adblocking (under the banner of "security", as always). But, the web is completely unusable without adblocking.

If there are no more (effective) adblockers for Chrome, users will frantically begin to search for an alternative; there are many: Firefox and Brave to mention just two.

Giving a boost to alternative browsers can only be a good thing; and it may also, eventually, make Google rethink this policy.

Firefox is building MV3 and while they are coy with deprecating MV2, we all know, c'mon, they won't keep MV2 even a day after their minimum year promised.

Their track record speaks against them.

XPCOM extensions? Killed, but don't worry, we will re-implement all the needed APIs as WebExtensions (didn't happen).

Fennec to Fenix mobile extensions? Killed, you get these 10 blessed ones, don't worry, we will eventually re-enable all of the webextensions on mobile, any day now, (didn't happen, you have to do hacky hacks involving nightly version to do un-blessed extensions).

This will likely be their third strike.

UPDATE: Or it's not nearly as bad as I expected. Per [1], while Firefox will be eventually deprecating MV2, the Firefox MV3 is much less 'evil' than the Chrome MV3, in that Firefox will continue to enable the WebRequest API without all the lock-down restrictions.

This makes a competitive advantage for Firefox in terms of adblocking power, if anything.

[1] https://news.ycombinator.com/item?id=32648925

I also was and still am disappointed about both changes, but I don't think you're being at all fair to Mozilla.

In both transitions, Mozilla made sure to support the needs of both uBlock origin and NoScript, extending the webextension API (such that uBlock origin on Firefox is more capable than on current Chromium) and working with uBlock to make its interface more mobile-friendly.

They also extended the webextension API to allow for extensions such as Treestyle tabs and Panorama-reimplementations (so not remotely all XUL use-cases, but still most of the popular ones).

Hence, they've proven that they will go considerably beyond what Google/Chromium are doing, and that they won't harm "content-blockers", which is what we care about in this case.

I’d say fairness also requires mentioning how the browser has been able to improve because of killing off XUL extensions; technologically, they were holding things back. Firefox is considerably faster than would have been possible without breaking a great many XUL extensions anyway. And more secure, if you care about that kind of thing, which normal people probably do or should, but frankly it’s the performance I care more about. So this is a “yeah, it’s a pity, but there were good reasons and you have benefited from it, even as you suffered” kind of thing.

Also how much more reliable long-term extension/browser compatibility has improved: I’ve used Firefox Nightly as my daily driver for about ten of the last twelve years, and until 2017 I’d spot at least one or two breakages each year, mostly fairly minor, but the occasional major (a couple of which accounted for maybe six months of going back to stable—and the lead-up to the killing of XUL extensions was another few months on stable because not all that I wanted was ready on WebExtensions yet). The extensions were typically patched before the change hit stable Firefox, so normal users wouldn’t notice most. But since WebExtensions, I don’t recall a single breakage. I acknowledge that the biggest breakages were in functionality that cannot be replicated any more, like Pentadactyl (and I ended up not even trying to replace it), but still, the minor and subtle breakages are just gone.

Regarding pentadactyl, I'm using tridactyl on Firefox and essentially for all my use cases it behaves the same as pentadactyl. I realise that some of the advanced functionality of pentadactyl is not available (IIRC pentadactyl allowed you to essentially reprogram the browser), but I have to say I'm not really missing much.

For what it's worth, manifest V3 could effect Tridactyl as it could block code that is evaluated at runtime from accessing the browser APIs.

It will make it less programmable by the end user.

There's also Vimium for Firefox called vimium-ff. I don't know which one's better, I just use vimium-ff.

I think people forget how slow and buggy Firefox used to be. There is a reason that Chrome took off like a rocket in the early '10s.

In most areas (though certainly not all), the difference was generally ironed out well before the advent of WebExtensions—what’s come since then has been as often surpassing as catching up.

Chrome was definitely a wake-up call, and the Firefox 4 cycle in 2010 achieved a lot. I recall doing audio stuff with the new Audio Data API (sadly since discontinued in favour of the much-more-complex-generally-for-no-good-reason Web Audio API) with a sine waves stress test (adding random sine waves together until underrun occurs) in Nightly, and watching the number it could cope with increase, week after week, due to JIT engine improvements. It went from handling a dozen to handling a couple of hundred over the course of two or three months.

When the transition from XPCOM to WebExt started, Mozilla made some big promises about the functionality parity about the two but failed to deliver most of them (and silently removed such promises from their official pages, and left relevant Bugzilla tickets rot (e.g. https://bugzilla.mozilla.org/show_bug.cgi?id=1427928 )).

IMHO, practically speaking, the final result of WebExt isn't that bad, especially taking into consideration of the added APIs you mentioned.

It is the shear difference bwtween promise and reality that really hurts lots of power users and addon developers to this day.

Also you mentioned Treestyle as "most of the popular ones", but left out the elephant in the room, Tab Mix Plus, which even has its own Bugzilla ticket: https://bugzilla.mozilla.org/show_bug.cgi?id=1226546 Gesture extensions nowadays are also pretty limited compared to its heyday due to the nature of WebExt.

In hindsight, these promises were just too good to be true, but people were believing.

And the story of extension support on Firefox on Android is way too similar to the last time in the Fennec to Fenix transition. At least this time, users just didn't have much faith in it to begin with.

> I don't think you're being at all fair to Mozilla

> In both transitions, Mozilla made sure [to keep top popular addons mostly happy and ensure adblockers are happy]

Those are all fair points, and yes, I was probably too harsh with my language overall, that post written before I was corrected that Mozilla was not developing MV3 the same as Google was.

I stand by my strikes that Mozilla did kill XPCOM, and failed to deliver their promise to release all addons to Fenix on shipping stable versions. They don't even enable about:config on stable Fenix to enable power users to workaround that limitation.

In short, I believe I was 60% fair in my opinion.

"Mozilla did kill XPCOM" isn't a deviation from their stated intent. XPCOM was a magnet for Hyrum's Law problems, because obviously XPCOM plugins are going to depend on the inner workings of the browser, that's just how XPCOM is designed - so now if you touch these internals it breaks third party stuff. There were operating systems which took the approach XPCOM has to extensibility, they're not doing so great: Classic Mac OS, the Amiga Workbench, MS DOS... That's just not a sustainable situation, Mozilla had to kill XPCOM.

So to the extent Mozilla failed to deliver here it's on the replacement APIs. But how much is enough?

I would like lots of things to have APIs that don't. For example I'd like a way to do some basic queries on the built-in Public Suffix List for Firefox instead of needing to either bake the PSL into each plugin (and keep it up to date) or call out to a web API (ugh) or just guess that TLDs are "enough" and make everybody who needs other suffixes mad.

But in that particular case there are two reasons we don't have such APIs. #1 Nobody did the work. I didn't do the work, you didn't do the work, the work didn't get done. #2 In many cases (I think not mine but it's always arguable) the PSL is the Wrong Thing™ and so encouraging more use of the PSL makes things worse.

>how much is enough

They used to have an official goal like "supporting top X addons' transitions", so it's not so random about which API they needed to add.

> There were operating systems which took the approach XPCOM has to extensibility, they're not doing so great

The Emacs OS is still doing well! :)

> "Mozilla did kill XPCOM" isn't a deviation from their stated intent.

The issue is that their stated intent changed over time, and their communication about their precise intentions was often pretty poor.

It didn't help that the Webextension transition came on the heels of the e10s transition (5 firefox versions separated deprecating non-e10s add-ons and disabling e10s add-ons), but with relatively little warning, which meant that:

1. Many people implicitly believed that once they adapted their addons for e10s, they'd be safe.

2. Many people put in a huge amount of work to adapt for e10s and then had to redo a large part of it to convert their add-on into a webextension.

3. Some people put in a huge amount of work to adapt for e10s and found out that their work was pointless because their add-ons couldn't be converted into webextensions.

From a technical point of view, much of Firefox's XPCOM/internals were actually sufficiently stable post-webextension (57) that old e10s extensions could have continued to work with little changes. (e.g. VimFx continued to work with minimal changes for ~30 Firefox versions, on Nightly, with very slight hacking. AFAICT it still continues to work, with slight changes, but now with major hacking to get it to actually install.)

Thanks for the summary. I had perceived the betrayal but I had never organized the thoughts nor verified the claims.

What do you think is the future (+2 years) for people with hatred for ads? For now I am using Firefox on computer + Kiwi in Android, but I also expect those two to go awry in the mid term.

* I see that after the edit, it doesn't look as bleak for Firefox PC. But what about Android?

For Android, I don't have a great answer for you. In theory you can install Fennec on F-Droid, version 57, the last version the last version of Firefox built by F-Droid that was based on the Fennec browser engine, but that has security vuln potential, increasingly so since its been a few years since Fennec -> Fenix switch.

For now, because I don't want to be hit by security vulns in the browser itself, I'm holding my nose and doing plain old Firefox mobile, leaving some of the tracking stuff blocked on my Pi-Hole, then letting my wireguard VPN ensure that even when I'm off Wi-Fi, my signal gets routed to my home connection so the Pi-Hole can stop some of the telemetry (but not all! some gets through no doubt).

Why am I holding my nose there? Because my planned next browser, Iceraven [1], is not yet out of alpha and published to F-Droid. I check every 3 months or so, once it is, that's where I'm going, because it's as close as I can get to Firefox Desktop, but runs on Android.

[1] https://github.com/fork-maintainers/iceraven-browser

The latest Firefox for Android (104.1.0) has a limited set of add-ons available. One of those is uBlock Origin. Works out of the box.

Firefox Nightly for Android supports most desktop extensions. It is clunky to enable them (you have to create a collection and then subscribe to it) and being a nightly build it does have some instability, but it works out pretty well.

Only caveat I've really found is that it gets stuck on the Guardian's website (after a few clicks).

fennec is up to date on f-droid, currently version 104.something

You can install more extensions if you use Firefox Nightly:


It's not a clean experience and I wouldn't recommend it to anyone non-technical but I use this approach and it works fine, at least for the extensions I care about. There's also the caveat that you're running Firefox Nightly which usually is fine but has had big functionality bugs. I'd keep another browser installed as backup.

Hi, try Iceraven on android with a custom extension repo. They'll all install but are not guaranteed to work. I have most of those extensions working on Iceraven myself.

> What do you think is the future (+2 years) for people with hatred for ads?

DNS-based blocking

I don't know. I'm using it now in the form of pihole, but DoT/DoH with ESNI are coming, and we don't have a good way to ID and block them by their very nature, which is the bad edge of the double-edged sword that they enable.

The good edge is keeping ISPs etc. from messing with your DNS requests, but that sword cuts both ways as it also can lock your own home network out.

I don't understand what is it with DNS-based blocking people that they seem to be some of the most annoying proselytizers. Anyone remembers the "HOSTS file guy" from Slashdot ?

DNS-based blocking is as much a "future-proof" technology as "just don't look at the adverts". DNS-based blocking is old, easily workaroundable by anyone (just use the same domain name for everything, or interchangeable domain names, or just don't rely on system DNS), and significantly less featureful than even the simplest DOM/JS-based blocking (e.g. good luck collapsing ad elements from the view, getting Youtube not to play ads, etc.).

> DNS-based blocking

Google cracks down on VPN based adblockers https://news.ycombinator.com/item?id=32636412

DNS based ad blocking is slightly different than VPN based blocking. VPN is there for people running environments where DoH is not yet supported.

Newer versions of iOS, Android and Windows support it already.

I think a hosted browser might be key to solving this. Something like Mighty (https://mightyapp.com) if it were self-hosted or somehow run by an org you could trust (or be run in some verifiably zero-trust way).

Until DoH becomes standard/required?

Firefox will not go awry, read the actual facts in this thread.

Which add-ons are you missing from Firefox for Android?


Old Reddit Redirect

User Agent Switcher

Click to find out what HN says (heh)


Absolute Enable Force Right Click and copy

Page Screenshot


Don't these run on Firefox nightly on android? You need to change some advanced settings, but according to [1] they should work.

[1] https://blog.mozilla.org/addons/2020/09/29/expanded-extensio...

Parent asked about Firefox for Android. This functionality you mention is only available in Firefox Nightly, and even then it requires setting up a curated list on Mozilla's service to use it.

What's wrong with running Firefox nightly on android? I've been running it as my main browser for quite a while and have hardly experienced any breakage (maybe 2 or 3 times in the last 3 years).

The one I am missing the most is the multicontainer addon

Just install any adblocker that supports v3.

> Fennec to Fenix mobile extensions? Killed, you get these 10 blessed ones, don't worry, we will eventually re-enable all of the webextensions on mobile, any day now

I harbor the (conspiracy?) theory is that Google told Mozilla based on their "No arbitrary code"-rule that they are not allowed to run arbitrary extensions anymore. And made Mozilla promise to never tell anyone.

If Firefox even deprecates WebRequest, LibreWolf will probably announce their intention to patch it back in and people will switch en masse.

Now that uMatrix development is inactive, this third strike could be their last for me.

UMatrix is not only out of development, it is also broken on current Firefox. Sometimes you randomly lose session cookies, which is not acceptable.

> Fennec to Fenix mobile extensions? Killed, you get these 10 blessed ones, don't worry, we will eventually re-enable all of the webextensions on mobile, any day now, (didn't happen, you have to do hacky hacks involving nightly version to do un-blessed extensions).



The only thing keeping Firefox alive and relevant is uBlock Origin and its ad-blocking features. If Mozilla cripples it in any manner, Firefox will die. But I don't have high hopes and lost all trust in them when they built a backdoor in their browser to run any code through it on their users browser, as they please, and have even used it to violate their users privacy and trust - Mozilla ships Cliqz experiment in Germany for ~1% of new installs, collects surf data, including URLs - https://old.reddit.com/r/firefox/comments/74n0b2/mozilla_shi... ...

Unless Firefox is released from the clutches of Mozilla, Firefox will never be a serious competitor in the browser wars.

Switch to Brave, you will still maintain 99% of the bell and whistles of Chrome (because it's a Chrome fork) and you will have an Adblock engine directly in the browser core written in Rust. How cool is that...

Especially on mobile Brave is a game changer.


I despise anything that has touched cryptocurrency, which is why I don't like Brave.

It's all opt-in. Brave is self sustainable for opt-in privacy respecting ads and crypto is a way for making users opt-in and getting paid. Compare that with Firefox which does not have a real sustainable business model and relying on Google or other sponsors.

Everything but their crypto is opt out

- Wallet = has to be removed from the toolbar manually

- Crypto background ads = has to be deactivated

- Crypto Exchange ads = has to be deactivated

- Decentralized domain resolving = has to be deactivated

- BAT = Not enabled by default but has to be removed from the toolbar manually

Having to turn off "opt-in" UX widgets is not "out-out". "Opt-out" would mean you had to turn off the feature that was on by default, not remove the button or other affordance to turn it on when it is off by default.

I get your complaint, you want nothing visible to do with our opt-in, off by default crypto stuff. But calling that stuff "out-out" is misusing the phrase. It's off by default.

The New Tab Page sponsored images are non-tracking and not crypto related unless you opt into rewards, so I wouldn't lump them in here. Turn off in slider-widget control at bottom of NTP.

I already have to go through and rip out all the ads that Firefox has and the pocket integration on the toolbar, so this doesn't look all that different to me.

I've been using Brave for years and still have no idea what their crypto angle is, because I didn't want or have to find out.

Have you not updated? Brave's crypto nonsense is super aggressive nowadays with a wallet builtin, decentralized domain resolving, ads for crypto exchanges on the start page, paid crypto background images and their own currency BAT.

The browser is getting more bloated by the year, they've added some Brave News service now and integrated their paid VPN with their browser instead of making it a separate product like Mozilla VPN

And obviously they started using affiliate marketing, parasite behaviour.

I'm using 1.42 on mobile, I understand the browser has crypto features but they are not visible to me in a noticeable way

I have no idea what they have been up to lately but when originally rolled out Brave's business model seemed very much like a protection racket. I haven't touched it since and never will.

We don't take fees to unblock ads, so you must mean the "acceptable ads" extensions and not Brave.

No, I meant you. As I understood it your software blocked ads at websites, presented your own ads and then you told website owners they could recoup some of their lost revenue by participating in your whole BAT scheme. That sounds pretty close to a protection racket.

wrong. the user decides whether they want to block ads or not; no browser forces you to block anything. their ads are also opt-in, which means the user is the one ultimately choosing whether they want to block ads and/or opt-in to brave ads. also, turn off that adblocker youre using hypocrite.

Does Chrome have bells and whistles? I thought they removed all of them. Firefox, on the other hand, have a few left...

Does Brave have the memory / slowdown issues attributed to Chrome on Apple silicone MacBooks?

I would be surprised if they differed here, since it's the same core browser.

Works great on my 14" 2021 MBP. Anyone else? Pointer to details of slowdown welcome. Thanks.

It's not reengineered for most parts. Core is Chromium with all its upsides and downsides.

But also, a whole lot of other things I didn't ask for that are hard to entirely opt out of.

Other things such as?

>there are many: Firefox and Brave to mention just two.

So just Firefox and then all the Chromes?

There really aren't "many" alternatives, there isn't even /an/ alternative because Firefox suffers from Mozilla Misguidance(tm).

Presumably the same people who bitched about the IE6 monopoly brought on and fully embraced the Chrome monopoly. We now all get to sleep in the Chrome bed.

I was all for Firefox until Mozilla decided cancel culture was the way to go back when they canceled their CEO. It became even worse since - calling for the de-platforming of half the country.

I know Google hates the same user group, but Google also likes their money (or their money-value).

Go woke, go broke. If your trying to compete uphill, shooting yourself in the foot isn't going to make it any easier.

I think you overestimate the role adblockers play for regular users. Most people not affiliated with IT in any way I've met actually don't use an adblocker or have forgotten that they in fact do and would not notice the change to Manifest v3.

Also, most people care much more about "it simply works", and that is Chrome. Firefox is neither preinstalled nor as compatible as Chrome (nor as fast or user friendly). There's already a lot of popups like "this site works best in Chrome".

It's actually ridiculous to surf the web without an adblocker.

Let's say you have a brand new computer, and want to download nVidia drivers. Fire up your brand new computer, search for "nvidia drivers" using Bing.... and the first results are all ads for extremely scummy adware. (It's also hilarious when you search for "chrome download" when Edge begs you not to, and including when you click through, but that's a story for another time :)).

> It's actually ridiculous to surf the web without an adblocker.

Obviously for this audience. But two of my buddies didn't even know such things existed and were truly grateful when I introduced uBO/Privacy Badger to them.

Yeah, I went to use my Mom's phone and I was appalled with all the ads and notifications. We can disable notifications, block intrusive ads or at least figure out which app is sending them to uninstall it, but for regular users the whole thing is an awful experience. I don't refrain from calling it "evil" anymore, because that's what it is. No wonder we're collectively going insane.

> Firefox is neither preinstalled nor as compatible as Chrome (nor as fast or user friendly)

Compatible against what? The web standards or Google Chrome?

Compatibility against real world websites is the thing that actually matters. Firefox does fine for me though.

I tend to skip sites that don't work in Firefox + Ublock Origin.

Unless someone pays me to open them (read: I need them to do work), then I do keep an instance of Chrome around. But only if there is no other choice.

and regardless of their respective performance differences, a firefox with an ad blocker is faster than a chrome without one.

Firefox is faster than chrome and only doesn’t work on badly built pages and webapps (like intelex)

> nor as compatible as Chrome (nor as fast or user friendly). There's already a lot of popups like "this site works best in Chrome".

User-agent sniffing[1] and it is a webdev smell. I acknowledge that this is true, but I admit being bummed that we didn't win the war to use web standards.

[1] https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Browser_sniffing

I helped my mom try out a smartphone for the first time this weekend, and she won't really use the web much on it except maybe weather. So I go to weather.com or something to show her how she can get to it.

I got a full screen cookie consent popup, a location permission popup, and ads were everywhere on the screen. Must have been 50% of screen space for the top part of the page. It's absurd!

> They shouldn't do this IMHO.

AdGuard is a business, and Chrome is the world's most popular web browser. They don't have much of a choice. uBlock Origin can pass because it's not a business.

Of course they can do this. They don't want to do it. How else would they push ads through their ad blocker?

Unlike some ad blockers, AdGuard’s business model, while for profit, doesn’t include taking money to let ads through, contrary to, say, AdBlock Plus or Ghostery.

AdGuard does have an option for users to allow inline search results ads and sites’ “self promotion” ads. More here:


Ghostery doesn't take money to unblock ads like AdBlock Plus. The decision what to block on a site depends on the community lists (e.g. EasyList, FanBoy). If you want to get unblocked in Ghostery, you need to convince the maintainers of the community lists.

It’s got me thinking about selling my Google stock. A move like this feels a little bit desperate.

> If there are no more (effective) adblockers for Chrome, users will frantically begin to search for an alternative

More likelier scenario: Most Chrome users do not even know what an ad-blocker is, let alone difference between Manifest v3 and v2. The franatical run, if one was ever a thing, already happened when Google announced V3, long time ago. The few people (relatively speaking) that cared about it already switched browsers.

> Manifest V3 is a horrible attempt to kill adblocking

I really don't understand the push of MV3.

I don't believe they're just for security as Google claimed but at the same time I feel thinking it's "just" to ruin ad blocking is equally baffling. Could someone who is more involved elaborate the nuance of (intent of) MV3?

Google sells ads. They totally want to kill adblocking with all means necessary. The moment they can no longer show increasing revenue, the stock will fall down to the levels expected from utilities from the levels that tech companies are valued at.

I've talked to a number of real engineers within Google. The folks building the browser have no desire to kill adblocking; they're never going to include first-party adblocking (not least of which because antitrust), but they're not out to break third-party adblockers.

It really is the case that the same mechanisms that enable adblockers ("this extension may affect your traffic on every website") are also the mechanisms that enable malware in extensions, which are not at all rare.

> I've talked to a number of real engineers within Google. The folks building the browser have no desire to kill adblocking

Have you also consulted the actual decision-makers at the world's largest advertising corporation who sign those real engineers' paychecks?

Have you combed the bug tracker or submitted reasonable PRs and have proof that the decision makers are gatekeeping an open source project from implementing something that is clearly a better alternative?

The solution here though is simple: As the sole publishing source of extensions users can install on Chrome, Google just needs to stop distributing malware from their extension store!

But of course, that would require Google actually take some responsibility and do some legwork and neither of those things are in their core competency.

If Google actually had any goals of improving security, they'd literally just delete the Chrome Web Store and start over and manually reviewing and approving extensions one by one.

If Google did that, there'd be widespread cries of "gatekeeping!". Mozilla was blasted for doing exactly the same thing.

Here's the problem with that apologism: They already are gatekeeping. They made that call as soon as they removed sideloading extensions. The problem is Google is just a shoddy gatekeeper.

They manually review and approve Android apps one-by-one.

The results have not garnered much acclaim.

I suppose you could argue they simply haven't budgeted enough $$$$ to get skilled reviewers taking enough time on each review.

People reviewing the security of browser extensions should have the title of "engineer" at minimum.

Bear in mind browser extensions completely defeat all the benefits of HTTPS. If we aren't putting them through significant scrutiny there really is no reason for anyone at Google to claim to work on security at all. Extensions need to be treated as incredibly privileged code and vetted accordingly.

Do the engineers actually control that decision?

have you heard of "plausible deniability"?

I very much doubt the upper management is stupid enough to tell the grunts that they're doing this to kill off adblockers

they know there will be intense regulatory scrutiny on this at some point in the future

the true factors that went into this decision will have been discussed verbally and in-person only

MV2 extensions have a lot of API power and it was a common malware vector in the browser since the APIs let you sidestep a ton of regular web security. If you run a popular extension you will get offers to buy the extension which is a nice payday. The buyers would then stuff it full of malware to infect the existing users.

Google makes no money off the Chrome Web Store and their initial attempts to restrict MV2 failed. The goal was for automated approval to suffice. Still, there was certain APIs that required human review.

Google could have continued restricting MV2 until they didn't need human review but they must have got the idea for MV3 at that point. They could also hamstring ad blockers and get some promo packet material.

Being that Brave and numerous other browsers are built on Chrome, does that mean they will also have this limitation?

Brave's CEO has said they'll add back any functionality that ad blocker extensions need to keep working under Manifest v3.


Brave has their own built-in adblocker so I don't see them putting any effort into keeping Mv3 around after it's actually removed from Chromium.

You mean MV2. I've said we'll keep support uBO and uMatrix uses of it, at least. This means we'd have support from the maintainers for their builds to produce extensions we can add to our component updater as optional for our users. We are discussing this now with uBO/uM maintainers.

Are there any reliable stats on what percentage of internet users use an ad blocker? I've always felt that we are mostly a vocal minority, and as such I don't see this move making a huge dent in Chrome's market share.

Isn't it very clearly not killing adblocking given that... this adblocker just released a version using it.

Yet reduced in it's ability to perform it's intended function.

Yet not reduced enough that the maker of the extension thinks users will notice any difference in the ability to block ads.

I recall they also claimed performance benefits at one point.

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