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I think this kind of affirms the general opinion that Germany and many traditionally powerful European countries is doing poorly when it comes to modern tech. What went wrong with Germany and Europe? They used to be the front runners in tech once upon a time.

Maybe it's just, that the European law makers understand the risk of being are to transfer sensitive persona data into other legislations, and that a local registered company doesn't mean there are technical bounds.


We've banned this account for posting flamewar comments, not just in this thread but in others. Please don't create accounts to do that with.


I am not sure which exact incident you are after, but NSA, the largest operater of surveillance in Europe is American and GCHQ, the second alrgest, is British and also outside EU these days. But yes, there are some actions by European governments i condemn.

However as a European citizen I have ways to counter actions by a European government. By voting, by legal means etc. Into the US I have now range and the US has very little responsibility towards me. Laws protecting Americans or actions in America don't protect me as a foreigner.

That said: The court case here at hand was about the government being the (indirect) customer of that cloud. Thus it's their data amthey want to be protected from foreign governments.

If you store data in your own country with non-American companies you're protected by your country's judicial system. If you use an American company or American-based company you're subject to illegal spying from the NSA or extra-judicial warrants from the CLOUD Act (which compels Americans to apply American law outside the US).

> or extra-judicial warrants from the CLOUD Act

What is an "extra-judicial warrant"?

> From what we know, so far, it was the EU countries which elected politicians that went after their own people. Not the US.

Please stick to Reddit with cheap rhetoric like that.

How is citing one of biggest human crisis of last century against the same country which did it against their own citizens a cheap shot. It's totally relevant.

"European countries doing poorly when it comes to modern tech" has never been an opinion.

You're confused, and your petty vindictiveness is unmotivated. The EU as a space of commerce is not yours to do with as you wish. You have to follow rules and regulations just like our own companies have to. And if your country had not been engaging in espionage and sabotage then there would never have been a need for these "unfair" and "underhanded tactics".

> You have to follow rules and regulations just like our own companies have to

Which companies? Seriously though. Is there a reason the biggest EU software companies are the likes of SAP and Capgemini, or niche players like Spotify?

I mean, I'm not talking about the USA or China, even Russia has a more impressive tech sector.

Could it have something to do with various regulations?


Please don't take HN threads further into flamewar. It's not what this site is for, and it destroys what it is for.


Edit: actually, I'm seeing so many abusive comments in your account history that I've banned the account.

See also https://news.ycombinator.com/item?id=32393867.

Where do we report a mod that is abusing his authority? Dang is banning people left and right without justification.

> You really think laws like this is going to stop US government/NSA from accessing data of whoever they are interested?

1) So if you're helpless you're supposed to not defend yourself at all?

2) Why did they pass the CLOUD Act if they already have access?

If the goal was to stop US companies, the EU parliament wouldn't've thought that the US lived up to the requirements of the GDPR. They assumed they did until courts struck it down

LOL, they never were. Germans are conservative. Try to pay by card in a shop/restaurant outside bigger German city. Either not possible, cash only, or you can use some local EC card, which only Germans are using. Rest of EU is using Visa / Master card.

The surveillance capitalism model is a non-starter in the EU.

But when is about TikTok I see most americans have completely different values, no sorry americans are consistent, only US citizens deserve rights, the rest can be spied on, tortured,killed etc. Give EU citizens same privacy rights and there so no need to start an economic war because some NSA fat and lazy agent does not want to prepare a file to request a warrant. If you are at it, maybe is tiem to let US citizens that killed people(like in car crashes abroad) to get their fair trial and punishment too.

We have rights too, you are not more special and deserve more basic human rights because citizenship.

Please don't take HN threads into flamewar, let alone nationalistic flamewar. It's exactly what we don't want here.


Edit: you've been breaking the site guidelines in other threads too. We ban accounts that do that, so please stop.

>Please don't take HN threads into flamewar, let alone nationalistic flamewar.

Sorry but how can I respond when all the dudes above are accusing Germany and EU that are doing this because protectionism?

Probably I should ignore them? Or submit a TicTok article immediately and watch the hypocrisy?

Believe me, I understand how strong the provocation can be, and how hard to resist, but yes, you should probably ignore them. Fighting just feeds it.

Personally I just try to keep reminding myself that humans en masse, and therefore the internet, are basically wrong about everything.

You do know that nobody in US is forcing you to use this site or any other US companies for that matter. You are doing it with your own free fill.

Also, remember the time when Germany decided to go after their own people? How does laws like this help when it comes to situations like that?

I'm not sure what you're saying. Do you mean that each individual is supposed to know where every site is based instead of having country-wide/EU-wide protections in place?

Yeah. Individuals are perfectly capable of making that decision. I don't want my government telling me where I should keep my data.

You are either ridiculous or malicious.

Individuals are not perfectly capable of this decision, especially since they are multiple steps removed from said decision (e.g. saas I use is using another service hosted on amazon); and in a lot of the cases (e.g. using a software for their job) not even in a place where they can make the decision.

Government does not tell you where you should keep your data. They tell, where you can't.

This is because it is not a compliant place to store data at. Same reason we don't want you to store data in china, for example.

So you say nobody should say visit US because human rights apply only for citizens? Do I also don't have the right to point that this is bad? When did non US people lost this right to complain?

Is there a reason why making it illegal for NSA and CIA to spy on EU citizens with warrants is affecting you personally? Do you work for CIA and you don't want to fill paperwork?

This is such an obvious solution, remove the stupid law and partner with EU in protecting privacy, then you can work together against China.


Please don't take HN threads further into flamewar, let alone nationalistic flamewar. It's exactly what we don't want here.


Edit: actually, given the pattern of this account not just in this thread but in other threads as well, we've banned it. Please see https://news.ycombinator.com/item?id=32393807.

All I am saying is Individuals are perfectly capable of making that decision. Whether they should store their data in Germany, California or some random Caribbean island.

And yet you claim Germany and Europe have "gone wrong" when they make exactly such a determination.

Seems like double standards. What's the difference?

And did the Germans put some buy in prison for his personal data, or was about companies sending to US other people private data?

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