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> zero caching

<strike>When each request is from a different person, you get essentially zero cache.</strike> Nope, server-side caching reduces back-end processing.

There are multiple strategies for caching in the server, without them IIRC the php code will be interpreted on each request, files parsed, and obviously hit the database for each request.

There's fastcgi caching in nginx, php opcode in php-fpm, and WP specific cave plugins like Super Cache. At least this was the case ~10 years ago.

Also for $5/mo you can use Cloudflare APO to cache WordPress pages at the edge. Yes it will cache even the "dynamic" pages (unless you're logged in of course)

$5/mo is roughly my server electricity cost. The Cloudflare offer is not for me.

That's fine, I was just listing another option. It should be noted you should still do server side caching. This just lets you serve from Cloudflare's caching layers too

Also something like Varnish, which is what Wikipedia uses.

You are correct. I didn't think of the back-end delay because I have a static site (with a comments plugin loaded separately).

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