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I used to use zola hosted on Github Pages, but I wanted to improve the publishing workflow, and WordPress was a good fit for that. (Notes on the migration here: https://blog.joewoods.dev/technology/technical-notes-on-migr...)

I run a few big sites on WordPress, and would totally recommend you use the simply static plugin, and configure nginx to serve those cached files directly so it never hits php. I also usually put cloudflare in front as well, but you can have a screaming fast wordpress site that scales really far by itself without it just with that trick.

If you need some dynamism, w3 total cache is also a great choice.

If you're not an nginx hacker, there are some great examples around the internet. This page is pretty helpful: https://wordpress.org/support/article/nginx/

Check out this thread for recommendations on static site generator plugins on top of Wordpress. Best of both worlds for folks who want high-level publishing.


you don't even need those

a cache with long-enough TTL will do the magic for you


A (local) cache is mostly useful for repeat visitors, not for thousands of unique visitors unless you use a CDN.

Putting the Cloudflare CDN free plan in front should solve the hug of death problem.


funny to hear that

i actually migrated from Wordpress to Zola

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